General Discussion

General DiscussionAnyone else demotivated to play ranked?

Anyone else demotivated to play ranked? in General Discussion

    I’ve only played one calibration game but am completely unpsyched after the (re)calibration debacle.

    Think valve really screwed up both with the initial variance and the bollocks way they ‘fixed’ the problem.

    Summarily adjusting people’s mmr (or rather their place on the ladder) just makes me feel completely unappreciated by valve...

    I bet I’m not alone in feeling like this and we see a significant drop in player base in June/July.


      I just stop playing dota since recalibration out.

      I wont touch my ranked games till I feel motivated enough to do calibration


        Why are you demotivated? Because there is no more free MMR? Recalibration is just +25 up to 50 for win or -25 up to 50 for loss depending on your uncertainty level and differences between MMR disparity in matchmaking. So it just slightly different from your "normal" ranked games?

        If they kept the crazy MMR jump and you had a losing streak i beat you would be more motivated? You all people complaining are just hypocrites that want free MMR...


          Why are u demotivated?
          cause ure scared

          Pale Mannie

            wait two weeks and calibrate then where all retards are done calibrating

            SASA POPOVIC

              MMR is kinda inflated, medals require about 300 more MMR than last season, so you might wait even a month until bad players sink and good players rise to avoid any missmatching and obvious skill disparity.

              Potato PC

                Why demotivated? I got 400 MMR increase even though i spam IO on 10 games with 9-1.

                Lruce Bee

                  look they just changed how much you were supposed to get with each win/loss. thats all.

                  you didnt deserve more or less anyway.

                  dont be thrilled by this ...

                    man forget about calibration and re-calibration terms, it was all scam :D just consider it as a bigger mmr games, i went 6-4 and gained 150-200 mmr as it usually would be 50 mmr. so its good as long as you dont screw those 10 games! but doesnt change your bracket much, i guess now its +-500mmr

                    mew everyday

                      Neeb scared


                        I think the high mmr change should have stayed. My solo and party disparity is so large I wanted to rank up to 4k without having to grind. I don't believe im any better than 4k but 3k games just feel easy. The original recalibration I think was correct, but people whined too much. Currently 5-0.

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                          It’s not about worrying about the number. It’s about how valve inflating/deflating mmr by numbers that are larger than you can easily win/lose by +/-25.

                          Like spend the next six months grinding 500mmr and valve then choose some random calibration method that loses you more.

                          I know it’s just a number but I don’t see how ranked is legit better than unranked any more.


                            yes dead game

                            SASA POPOVIC

                              I know it’s just a number but I don’t see how ranked is legit better than unranked any more.

                              Well for starters quality of the games is better in general, people take ranked more seriously and tend to leave/grief less than in unranked. Its just a game anyway do whatever you wanna do its ment to be fun for common people that wont reach pro scene a make vocation of it.

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                                That’s it really - I’m not going to be pro but it’s nice to have a sense of progress and you get that from your mmr number really. If that number just jumps around how can you get satisfaction from knowing your improving?

                                Oh great, I’ve mastered creep equilibrium/pulling through or whatever but, if there’s no fixed number/rank then where are the targets?

                                The continual opaque rescaling of mmr is confusing.

                                If you recalibrate at you pre-calibration mmr have you moved up the leaderboard or down for example?

                                How much cleaner/nicer would it be if you just had a percentile ranking?

                                SASA POPOVIC

                                  Mate people are increasing 1k MMR per month some can lose 1k in the same period, get gud and MMR will rise.


                                    Honestly the previous jump in MMR was quite ridiculous if you take my opinion coz it only takes ur wins into account not ur impact primarily.


                                      Like spend the next six months grinding 500mmr and valve then choose some random calibration method that loses you more.
                                      If ur good u don't lose MMR actually in last calibration as well as this 1 I didn't lose that much mmr and besides they decrease MMR of every player coz they have capped the max MMR at something so obviously they decrease MMR of every player 2 compensate


                                        still, put these in order

                                        4K pre-seasonal mmr
                                        4K last season
                                        4K this season

                                        You can’t really.

                                        I’m actually all for recalibration but it seems stupid that you can’t tell from your pre and post calibration mmr whether you climbed the ladder during calibration or not.

                                        It’d be great if valve came out and said divine/ancient/legend/archon etc represent the top 5/10/20/50% of players for example.

                                        It works for immortals so no reason to not add it for other ranks.


                                          Recalibration is broken. Six month ago i always play dota everyday and got normal skill. Take a break 6 month and valve give me highskill wtf. Despite my lack of mechanical skill and combo




                                              more motivated than before

                                              SASA POPOVIC

                                                @Rocket, well there are stats for that.



                                                  thank Harold however, they think 1% of players are immortal...does that sound likely?


                                                    Fuck rank for now:)) a bunch of titled humans there:))


                                                      right now 1% of calibrated people are immortal
                                                      it's because these are top players and they spend a lot more time playing dota and most of them played all their calibration matches on first day
                                                      over time more casual people calibrate and those statistics become more correct/accurate

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                                                      Lruce Bee

                                                        Immortals are probably like top 0.1% amirite.