General Discussion

General DiscussionShit i can improve on

Shit i can improve on in General Discussion
Unfair bot enjoyer


    (Please be constructive)

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        you should ask questions or what do you want to improve,nobody is going to tell you stuff without a topic and they won't be bothered to check your profile for your improvement

        Suck my tiny curry dick

          Improve on everything


            speed and item builds

            your gameplay is super slow, additionally you aren't building the same as high rank players


              Basically the thing that stands out for me for legend 3s and tilts me is that they are slightly greedier (in an inefficient way) and less objective oriented. So they don't know which part of the map to play around and basically just results in games being too Long.

              Same can be said for any bracket really.. but legend bracket is where it starts to make a difference for your winrate.

              i have 5 reports to use

                Pick ember, dive enemy for 10 games and i guarantee you will become a better player mechanically. If you didn't you are just bad


                  Watch pro player games like this video.It really helps