General Discussion

General DiscussionWhen will you quit dota?

When will you quit dota? in General Discussion
boni top fan



      I literally quit every 3-4 months then come back again after month or 2.... :(

      Potato PC

        If IO nerfed again or my friends never invite me again.

        Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

          I think 50% of my dota 2 friends quit dota. I'll quit if that reaches 99%. Besides, 99% of my games are with my friends. I rarely play solo.


            why should I quit? Or anyone for that matter?


              when i get a life,but probably will still play

              Este comentario fue editado
              13 y.o (ghoul) (dead inside)

                One does not simply quit dota


                  The day I attend at TI)


                    I will quit if I stop enjoying it.



                      dont be thrilled by this ...

                        just remember, you cant quit dota, dota quits you.
                        so its up to dota to decide


                          If I play 50 games straight solo




                              in 4 days for sure.. This time for sure..


                                i quit playing when i stopped enjoying solo queue, my friends stopped playing and i realized putting 3500 hours into a game was not worth it for no one to care or really even know what the game is. ontop of all that have a full time job and friends on the outside that enjoy doing other things than dota makes a huge difference.


                                  I quit 1 week ago. Quitting dota is easy, I've done it several times in the past 4 years.


                                    i don't know


                                      When I stop coming up with excuses as to why I should still play it.


                                        i quit dota everyday by pressing quit button on that screen


                                          I like comment " when i get life" haha i will probably never leave im just not like others who grow up from gaming,potentially i can think about family as im 28yo but im not prepared for that,i like gaming,fishing,exploring too much and i wouldn't trade it now for family life,im also twice uncle and see kids often so also feel like my life is somehow balanced.
                                          Im happy,working 4days week rest i do my shit and loving that so much,why would i change that?Couse for most population is point of life own family and kids?I love dota so never leave,i might not playing often but not stop playing it.
                                          One day i might meet again some pretty girl who fucked me up for 2years or so,hard to be with someone these days and its hard to trust anymore after same story happened to you so many times.
                                          So single,freedom,giving love around and everywhere you can thats my point of life now.
                                          Wrote with love.

                                          Lruce Bee

                                            When I find something better to do w my life.


                                              @p9 i would literally kill for a girlfriend,im 18 now,and if im still single after 10 year,i end my life 100%.Get a gf and have kids ty,or you will be too old soon.


                                                Im stuck with dota for life.I isolated myself 1 FUCKING YEAR to play dota and deleted my insta,my soccer carrer ended,and i neglected myself for 1 year and lost all my friends helooooooooooooooooooooadasdasdas.Only thing i have left is dota,ffsss.R . I P .also 3.00 gpa in hs,and i joined hs as straight A student. E n d.Does anyone of you guys went to college and can tell me how does that stuff work,i dont wanna rot at home,will go to some shit major just so i can have excuses to play dota fuck my life idc anymore

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                                                Lruce Bee

                                                  ^damn Son. Sad life


                                                    yuh FeelsBadMan i wish i was some archon fucker but had my life going on


                                                      xD, i failed my p.e class last year just to get 5k. I literally cut class during p.e.


                                                        NEVER skipped school for dota


                                                          this is a great topic to discuss, i agree with some1 who said we dont quit dota, but dota quit us. cause i think dota give me a lot of probability which i still dont know.
                                                          I had my life going just fine, i have wife, i work 6 days week, but still can play almost everyday, 2-3 games a day is enough 4 me.

                                                          the trick is getting a wife/gf, at first and mostly they wont like u wasting so much time on dota, its fine because its normal thing, they want attention and they want u to grow up. Later just negotiate with them, maybe once a month or week. Sometimes ask them to watch u play, keep this in a long basis. if ur girl rly like u, i think the day will come when ur girl easily let u play, and still get ur fucking life going

                                                          BSJ. LGD

                                                            i gave up university and left my 3 girlfriends to play dota 2 you guys are casuals


                                                              just be single forever,wai you want a wife or kids

                                                              PRAISE THE SUN!

                                                                If I die.
                                                                If it goes p2w.
                                                                If it's sales promotions get intrusive.
                                                                If it gets invaded by casual gaming. (ie special hot key made by valve for 1 button all poofs.)
                                                                If Spectre ever reaches above 66% winrate.

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                                                                  i live my life normalin normalin i quite dota when i want i play it when i want litterly i dont care at all i can quite anything anytime and i can do whatever i want anytime; since i live in africa Freedom everywhere

                                                                  Este comentario fue editado

                                                                    I will quit once I have the family.. I just got married and bought a house so Im thinking time will be less and less... I will miss it thou


                                                                      Dota is Pretty much a side bitch at this point. Any other new game comes out and I will leave Dota till I am bored with the new game. Dota will be dead soon, once valve releases their card game Dota will no longer receive support.

                                                                      Este comentario fue editado
                                                                      зачем я начал поиск

                                                                        I don't treat Dota as serious shit anymore.

                                                                        I just casually play the heroes I like for the sake of enjoyment.

                                                                        I will keep playing Dota until I'll get bored of it or until it goes down to total unplayable dogshit.


                                                                          Stop watching anime and being a weeb maybe you'll find a girlfriend, @dude with the weeb girl pic crying about not having a gf


                                                                            Well this years spesial
                                                                            I quit dota for 6 month to study for college if i cant get my major or even worse didnt get college,
                                                                            I'm actually thinking to play dota until dota is shutdown or im dead.
                                                                            Wish i go to my dream uni so i can follow my dream


                                                                              Idk tried to quit but still