General Discussion

General Discussion6k player offering help to un-stuck

6k player offering help to un-stuck in General Discussion



      can someone give me something like formulas on drafting when playing mmr games
      for example,

      if my team has certain heroes what safelane carry should i pick with considering enemy's heroes also
      and with the reason like : my team have enough nuke but lack disable, what hero shud i pick

      something like that if someone can, often i find even 6k cant win 4k games if they are completely outdrafted.

      thanks beffore guys


        i never think of picking stuns or whatever,i usually just see dotabuff hero page and counter their mid/carry(it has winrate thingy)


          I pick based on enemy hero more than my own. Unless we have an insanely greedy lineup I might hold off an AM or a spectre pick but generally I only consider what my safelane support is when picking pos 1.

          If no pl counter go pl always. Ursa is good if you need to win the lane. Luna is great for games where you can just farm freely for 25 minutes then run down lanes. AM is fine vs the right lineups. Jugg if I can't think of anything. Other shit is generally counterpick status for me right now.


            but cnp^ u gotta consider u spent a shit ton of time on the game and are actually good on different heroes. most people are bad at every hero or just good with a few. i feel like a normal player who still isnt 2k level above his own mmr with a bunch of heroes, shouldnt really "DRAFT" in pubs and rather stick to a super niched down hero pool. later on he can extend his pool.

            so my advice on drafting is dont draft. niche down on 1-2 heroes first then after u are just superior to ur bracket and are really good at that 1-2 heroes then add the next one(s)


              @rose i shall copy that

              зачем я начал поиск

                How to play Enchantress this meta? (I know she's not in meta atm, but idc, I just want to play the hero)

                I used to spam her solo offlane on my last acc and had around 60%+ wr.
                Now staying solo feels harsh, yet she kind of sucks w/o fast EXP especially w/that lvl 1 Untouchable nerf, 1 min creep spawns and long ass Enchant lvl 1 CD.

                What the fuck do I do then? Stay in a dual lane? But you get your levels too slow to snowball.
                Buy Midas? Buy stats?

                I've tried going Phase-Midas, PT-Drums, Phase-Aquila lately and I have trouble deciding the build.
                I used to go Phase-Midas-Pike-Aghs, but now I don't get nearly as much gold/EXP as I used to.
                I personally kind of like Phase-Aquila (disassemble later into Pike + Basilius), but still not sure.

                Broken ass burst damage meta heroes like Sky/Clinkz hurt badly.
                Thinking of buying Ghost Scepter every game vs Clinkz.

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                  As a main HC player, I am stuck at 3.5k mmr I would like to improve my skills.

                  Any hints for flash farm, positioning? Or how can I deal with hard pressure during the lane phase and still cause some impact in the game?

                  For example: I had played a match as Monkey King against undying and CM, with two bad supports mirana and pudge, I couldnt farm and I lost the game very fast, I don't know how I could play in that match that would give me more winning chances

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                    ^2 words: watch. replays.

                    like literally open up cut n paste's dotabuff :

                    watch every game he plays. have a question in mind (like how do i position in fights as clinkz or pl or smth) and then watch his replay. u just observe how he does it then u copy him. if u contemplate on the why, that'll be the deepest way u can learn. u'll realize the why so in each game u can position urself correctly cuz now ur brain thinks about this stuff unlike before


                      for enchant

                      go phaseboot(200 gold magic wand if vs spammers)-2 bracer-magic stick-hod-atos-bkb/hex/pike/ghost

                      if vs no magic just go ghost scepter but this is very very rare

                      go solo offlane,boots first item +tango pull creep at :47

                      31131 pick 2 if lane hard 4 when ulti ofc

                      buy clarities if run out of mana before 5/6

                      tell your friends to go roshan after you get untouchable lvl 4 and all lanes are winning (since you auto win offlane,after you get atos you should get like all towers)

                      Este comentario fue editado
                      Retnuh Flim

                        @Cookie :D oh man oh man thank you for the link. I'll go through them one by one especially the support section. You absolutely made my day bless you LOVE U MAN :*