General Discussion

General Discussionis that usually how long it takes or nobody plays it?

is that usually how long it takes or nobody plays it? in General Discussion


      dead ass game


        if you qeue for mid that shouldnt be unusual at that mmr

          I got a game in over 40 mins, I guess that's how it is, nobody plays it.

          Jugo Boss

            that's because you are queuing for carry, if you queue for support it should take much less. It's not your fault tho, it shows how even having this game mode won't change the fact that people don't give a damn about playing support even when there are really strong supports like Warlock that can impact the game heavily regardless of farm, most of it is just not even wanting to try learning the role.

            SASA POPOVIC

              ^thats rich comming from a 90% carry player, and people are reluctant to play support not because they dont want to learn the role but because they want to impact the game themselves, not give their victory condition in other people hands. You can ward your ass off in the enemy jungle risking to die or be discovered but its meaningless unleas your cores want to contest enemy cores and use your vision.

              Supporting is nice but theirs a reason carry role got its name from "Carrier" and as i said people dont want to share that with others.


                behaviour score ?


                  behaviour score ?


                    i queued once for 2 hours.

                    roles is pointless until they add it as the only option (with the ability to choose as many roles/fill as you want)

                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                      Saying it again role q = garbage


                        Cause all the people who want actual games are queueing regular ranked xd

                        BSJ. LGD

                          regular ranked has better players honestly just queue that instead


                            dided gem in 2018

                            Story Time

                              no one plays it, there are way to many game modes to be bothered about roles-rank


                                I am guessing that part of the problem is its availability to only dotaplus/battlepass subscribers. Are there any stats available as to how many % of players have access to ranked role playing matches?


                                  I have BP and still playing classic ranked.

                                  Not really interested in "hardcore" carries and mids who flame a lot.


                                    dead ass game


                                      The real problem is that they don't have more modes to choose from. I mean, where's the mode for the different types of strategies you want to play? Why isn't there a "split push" mode? A "3k mmr Invoker mid end fast pls" mode?

                                      Surely if they would just let us choose "4 carries 1 offlane" then queue times would drop dramatically and everyone would get the perfect game. No hassle. No cries. Just fun dotes for all!

                                      Este comentario fue editado

                                        I dont really get it why you would wait for 5+ minutes just to stay mid/safe/anything else. I always pick mid, and roll the dice if I have to. you just pick the position in the first 2 seconds, click the hero icon and adjust later if you don't think broodmother fits mid anymore. Its a really stupid add-on to dota+ where 90% pick 2 positions and wait for 30 minutes for sufficient number of supports to join games. Literally, what's the problem with the current system of marking a position? I have no issues playing any position if mine is picked by others. Its actually fun to support from time to time.