General Discussion

General DiscussionMonkey king wakan

Monkey king wakan in General Discussion

    What offlane heros can lane vs monkey king

    i had to play vs a trilane of void+venge+monkey

    when i went into the lane and used shukuchi i was juat dead because of timedilation.

    that lane is lost anyway but what offlaners are good against monkey core? dark seer?


      also what an earth is this matchmaking.
      5 ancient 1-2 players

      1 ancient 1
      1 legend 4
      3 legend 2


        Yeah voids the hardest counter to weaver, next to bloodseeker.
        Monkey however is pretty skunky at killing melee heros so you should probably avoid that.

        i like pugna/windrunner vs monkey, potm, ench and enigma are all very viable.

        Decrep counters everything the hero does, and his stun is 20 seconds cooldown, monkey also is a hero that cant stop a pugna seige.

        Windrunner because Windrun for 50mana is OP and your 150 damage(was 180) global range, vision granting treecutter at lvl 1 is pretty good.

        Enigma because he just eats creeps and can clear trees with his dank pulse.

        generally you have either two ways to shut a hero down,
        Option 1= stop them from doing what they do well
        Option 2 = Do something well that they can't stop.

        I prefer option 2, because that way i can dictate the pace of the game.. Like a monkey litterally has to stand and watch as a pugna hits his tower with blasts, If the monkey ever uses stun he gets decrep ulti'd and is a pretty dead hero.

        An example of an Option 1 hero would be enchantress, because well if monkey ever gets jingu up she can purge it with her enchant, and thats assuming the monkey can even hit the bambi and/or not die to the 300 pure damage toothpicks.

        An honourable mention is the good old forgotten batrider, He can delete a monkeyking.. However the hero is pretty much dead content at this point.


          I would say that solo against trilane you Are doomed. You can only sap XP And tie supps to your lane.

          2x2 can work with something with slows/nukes - bat/veno/wind +lion/jakiro/willow. Maybe razor with something to drain damage. From melee brew was option before Nerf to haze.


            i mean ench in that lane would win 3v1, as would a pheonix but yeah... Try and dual lane

            oh yeah brews a melee hero that could potentially deal with a monkey - i forgot about that
            Except midgame when the monkey has mkb and hits you, also silver edge and hits you, also he ultis ontop of your ulti and suddenly your brewlings are getting smacked by wukong's and cant run. Atleast you can cyclone him to make him invulnerable for 8 seconds during wukong's.

            I mean, it's definately not unplayable but you're not gonna have a great time. You need the initation.
            you're kinda leading into option 1, attempting to stop him from doing what he does well with a brew.

            Razor, i mean the hero's pretty good vs monkey, his Q can see the monkey in the trees and if you take him for a walk there is a good chance you're going to kill him.. Correct me if i'm wrong, but his unstable current removes jingu correct?
            However i'm not entirely sure how you're supposed to deal with a monkey who has already ultied and is hitting your tower?..

            If that razor was an ench however, you litterally poke him twice for 500 pure damage, a piece and say 'goodluck sieging even with your 500 armour' ..

            once again, Razor stops monkey from doing what he does well, Option 1.. he tries to shut him down..
            Viper does the same thing, his nethertoxin stops monkey from getting jingu stacks.

            Like, You could even stay Axe counters monkeyking.. because he cuts creep waves and never lanes against him and out farms him. Blademail also kills monkeys, however that's being incredibly optimistic.

            try and stick to heros that are Option 2.
            Heros that have thier own adgenda that monkey cant stop from doing it.

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              What offlane heros can lane vs monkey king

              long range heroes with good movement speeed like windranger,razor, enchantress


                Monkey king is such a dogshit hero tbh