General Discussion

General DiscussionAM pickers

AM pickers in General Discussion

    Just why... to collect reports? I mean 4 teammates strongly advice not to pick AM into a enemy-CK game and yet, he says: "i feel like going AM". Why desnt he just confess that he is a fuggot

    Giff me Wingman

      He never denied it now did he?


        because he wants to have fun
        and am is a fun hero


          just gimme your "k" and i go away! :D





                Pale Mannie

                  anime rots your mind and lets you fall for the AM meme


                    ck is a great hero, if you cant beat'em join them!


                      honestly with this 2 1 2 meta, we get 3 heavy farmers liek 50% of games. This is no fun for support, but rather a full time job to baby sit all this shits

                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                        honestly just let people play what they want IF THEY ARE GOOD WITH IT


                          ^do you know that Open AI wins games not by playing super good, but by outpicking the enemy in 99% of games?

                          brain damage

                            am pickers are guys who are bad at dota and are sick of their ranking and wanna improve


                              I actually crossed the 5k mark with an AM pick into a pudge and undying offlane.


                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                yeah so? we should be like lifeless robots too? even if its ranked, if you are not actually enjoying the game, there is no point


                                  Pick Earthshaker, have fun.

                                  Riguma Borusu

                                    let's report people for picking a 55.31% winrate carry in 5k+


                                      Open ai has a super tiny hero pool. What the fuck you talking about it out picking people? lol its almost always tide lich cm dp. lol


                                        Because they own cosmetics on him and think they're gods gift to pos 1, meanwhile tiny/riki have been farming his team for 20 minutes.


                                          because the ybought 200 dollar basher cosmetics and are super sad if they cant use it

                                          when in fact everytime i see these cosmetic i know the person behind the computer has to be utterly moronic


                                            let's report people for picking a 55.31% winrate carry in 5k+

                                            wait what

                                            Suck my tiny curry dick

                                              Play with 4 friends and this won’t happen to you


                                                expensive cosmetics, give him chance to play it.

                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                  wait what

                                                  Well, it's 55.19% now. But antimage has been at 55%+ for a while now.

                                                  Este comentario fue editado

                                                    Am is a good hero


                                                      Same as brood no counterpick=gg


                                                        AM is GOD hero for GOD players like myself,who win 1v9 and dont need useless teammates.Report all other am pickers who fail,only don't report the am picker when you win.Commend me ty

                                                        Riguma Borusu

                                                          Antimage is very tsuyoi and sugoi, I don't get why people think he's a bad pick.


                                                            he bald

                                                            Riguma Borusu

                                                              Well, I didn't say he's kawaii. Though he's kowai lategame.


                                                                but of course when AM is in enemy team, I lose badly :D
                                                                I blame it on Fenix though not picking AXE as i have told him and not doing shit in lane


                                                                  I got my bashers on am for like a dollar when they came out what happens when you sell an item in game do you have to use the money in game or can you cash out .


                                                                    hero no kawaii=bad


                                                                      "riki.. you noob"


                                                                        AM is good hero, solid carry, do not get me wrong, but going into Chaos Knight-game when our team has already greedy cores is irresponsible.


                                                                          no lol like i say not kawaii=bad

                                                                          Riguma Borusu

                                                                            AM is good hero, solid carry, do not get me wrong, but going into Chaos Knight-game when our team has already greedy cores is irresponsible.

                                                                            Oh right. Well, yeah, that's retarded.