General Discussion

General DiscussionK/D is all what it matters?

K/D is all what it matters? in General Discussion
Abo Omar

    I was playing a support like i usually do 2 days back (am 3 month old player) and a what so called smurf was playing faceless void in my lane.. i noticed that he never engage during laning stage (As i understand its not good to do early engagement with a hero like FV - he was literally running away from each engagement even it was a 2 vs 1) .. he ended up with 12-2 K/D ration and was saying he was a smurf and can;t believe how bad we were.. and that kind of normal dota dogshit..
    but is that how high MMR players deal with each other.. no matter even if u loose ur lane towers, u will be called a good player as long as ur K/D is good enough?!

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    👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

      4 games ago played rubick and got 2/11

      and honestly I played really bad. I went into mines and tried to scout without visiin way yoo much. theres a good reason I got that K/D, it wasn't my best game no doubt

      well... somehow I got 4 commemds, and my team really complimented me on some clutch moves I made.
      they all respected me much more than I deserved. and they all were really nice to one another

      and I'm far from beug high skill player

      Abo Omar

        thats maybe bcz ur team won the game, can u imagine their feedback if your team lost with same K/D


          I dont understand your question. If he was farming freely and you were keeping offlaner occupied and maybe out of exp, there is no need to force ganks on him and destroy creep equilibrium in the process. Dota is not a deathmatch game. If your carry is keeping the lane stady he is doing his job as he is supposed to. KDA has nothing to with it. Of course as a carry you cant die more than you have to.

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            K/D is not everything , tho , average KDA can show that u are either superior or belong to the bracket , the so-called smurf would have that kda in every match in ur bracket . And thats why smurfs tend to go better KDA than actually winning the game , but no matter how bad they try they end up winning .

            Abo Omar

              the thing is that he lost the first tower because of avoiding fights and running away so that he keeps his k/D ratio clean.. as his feedback post game.. he said that this is how pro players do it.. avoiding death is more important as it seems from saving ur lane towers


                Well this is basic dota and he is right.

                Story Time

                  every player who says "dogshit" about other players is a "dogshit" 12 y.o. child


                    typical support to-ing into 5-man push at safelane tier 1 alone


                    "noob team why not defend"

                    instead of going top taking enemy tower when he has a TP and allies might have it on cd


                      I played a trash bag game as Shadow Shaman yesterday, where I fed a ridiculously large amount (game ended 2-18), but at about the 50% mark of the game I stopped leaving the base and just concentrated on constantly keeping vision up on our part of the map. Due to me no longer going out to feed easy deaths as Shadow Shamans usually do, my lack of presence of the feed but also keeping up the vision lead to my team respecting the plays made, and we came back to win despite being down a rax at the 50% game time mark.

                      KDA is not all that matters, but obviously becoming aware of why you fed a lot will help you more next time and to become a better player.


                        Honestly K/D ratio is kind of heinous but this kid is probably a limited skilled player who wants to stroke his own ego by playing against worse players.

                        It’s categorically incorrect to say you should always avoid fights as with so much dota related it’s all situational. Sure, if you know you win the late game then you can play for it, but if your opponents are making mistakes the single best way to win the laning phase is to zone the enemies out which you can only do with aggression.

                        Watching what the pros do will prove this - go watch a single sumail game in mid and you’ll see how well he zones out others with aggression - and rarely avoids death in the landing phase.

                        I also hate smurfs who trashtalk; like seriously what’s the point in playing against new players such as yourself just to get a good score and then flame them for being bad too? Most likely I could tear him a new one with one hand only, as pros could do to me.

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