General Discussion

General DiscussionStuck in a rut

Stuck in a rut in General Discussion

    So ive spent over 1000 hours playing dota, and probably another 50 or more watching videos reading forums tips and guides. I win my lane 75% of the time and try to help everywhere i can. (place wards where they need to be if support is slacking, counter picking in the draft and buying tomes/helping other lanes when possible). But no matter what i do i cant seem to climb above 500 mmr. I win 8 games in a row and lose 10. The mmr system seems to be stacked against me. All i want is to play with people who understand the draft who rotate when i ask and who play effectively. Am i just unlucky? I try so hard and its so frustrating when my team isnt i feel like quiting.

    Player 123655765

      Just my 2k cents:
      •Make a small hero pool you want to master (at least 1 for every role)
      •Learn itemization (know what to build for any situation)
      •Map awareness
      •Last hitting
      •Don't play rank when tilted
      •Accept the fact that most game is 1v9 and you always have to look out for yourself.
      •Good luck and always have Fun

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      Riguma Borusu

        This is a joke, right?

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        supp0rt picker

          bro. u have good static on earth shaker. keep spam him to 5k i sugess.

          supp0rt picker

            es can support or core and fucking strong in ur brand

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              yeah im good with es. chowder i try to do all that stuff i practice on my own alot and try to learn as much as i can. (dotabuff and progames for items and plays) i do alot of research i just feel like im not being rewarded for my efforts.


                you can't control what others do , so what you are requesting/or hoping for is never going to happen no matter what bracket you play in and if you are losing more than you are winning it means that you are currently above the bracket you should be in

                the elo system is very accurate at putting you where you belong after a high number of games
                trying and putting in effort means nothing and doesn't make you entitled to winning more than others who may outplay you otherwise by being smarter/faster

                if you want to see where you truly stand play more games (1000 hours might not be enough)


                  so your saying if i go 20/0 every game and demolish my lane then lose 10 games in a row thats where i deserve to be because my teammates suck or the draft is bad? i feel like im expected to 1v5 invoker carry every game to get out of my bracket :/

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                    OH NO
                    NOT THIS AGAIN

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                      im not trying to be like "I DESERVE THIS" i just want to know why im in this place. i play with a freind hes at 1200 mmr but hes just as good as me in fact i teach him things about the game all the time our ranks are almost the same to but he has decent teammates and stuff becasue hes at 1000+ so why arent i

             <my friend

                      also note this is not my first accnt i have alot more games and stuff but i was trying to recalibrate. which im also confused on when i did it the first time i lost almost all the games and hit 800 did it again on a new accnt got 532 and won way more.

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                      Suck my tiny curry dick

                        Parmaviolet 2.0

                        This one will be even better!!!!!!!


                          Escaping the trench!!


                            Also can you give me one of your account in return i will coach you till you reach 1k xD (your account easier to try reach 1 mmr)


                              u dont need to do any of that shit in ur rank just go mid win lane and go around killing everybody

                              and just pick heroes that smash face like zues or mk

                              Este comentario fue editado
                              axa ++ versicherung rus

                                watch streamers who are high mmr and play roley you prefere

                                Story Time

                                  u dont need to do any of that shit in ur rank just go mid win lane and go around killing everybody

                                  so do you assume Op is better than his bracket?


                                    Just pick WK and wait until u have 8 skeletons (skeleton talents too ofc) click button to release skeletons they go and destroy enemy ancient while u can afk at your base :D


                                      Never blame ur team, ur bad face it.


                                      50 mins 140 lasthit as a carry? U think thats even archon level? Daedalus on ursa?????? U got 2 sups mind u. U got no basics on dota 1k matches useless (not saying im good btw)

                                      Thats me playing a similar game

                                      Suck my tiny curry dick

                                        Always get Dagon


                                          potong, i totally wrecked that game? I was killing not farming lol, why is daed bad? what would you have bought? Also im just trying to hit like 1k archon is like 2500 right?

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                                            I wrecked that game too, but i got more cs? "Why daed is bad", think why ursa hits hard? Is it cuz of his damage or is it because of a certain PASSIVE skill? I wouldve bought aghs probably, or deso

                                            Michael Mew

                                              Whoever build Daedalus on Ursa has no right to complain about his teammates :))))))))))))))))))))

                                              Michael Mew

                                                Finish your abyssal or some shit like that, don't get fucking Daedalus on ursa pls

                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                  let me rephrase

                                                  This is a joke, right?

                                                  unbreakable spirit

                                                    What Ursa needs is not more damage FYI 😂 what he needs is people not to run away from him aka lock down which directly translates into something like abyssal, Nullifier and diffusal when it was op etc... And for you not being able to climb, it's hard I know, I've been to 190 mmr, and I climbed till 900,believe me it was damn hard to get above that 1k mark I guess two years ago? Not sure, I recalibrated using the BP in 2017 and got as far as 2.7or something, so u better try to recalibrate in the next season. You are not better than your teammates, there's a certain reason why valve puts you with them, it's not random. If you are a toxic player you will be together with other toxic players, and don't worry, for every bad teammate there's an equally bad enemy, in the end they balance everything. Good days will come 😊

                                                    Este comentario fue editado

                                                      invicta means undefeated fyi

                                                      Saya Tidak Takut, Hadapi ...

                                                        recalibrate after all these experience, open a new life at archon


                                                          Obviously you are doing something wrong. Because if you would be doing things right, you wouldnt be stuck in 1k.

                                                          One thing I noticed - you dont have any farm on your carries - you have average 400GPM on TA, 377 on CK, 431 on PA. You might win laning stage on kills, but in the end you have net worth of a greedy support. What is really, really bad.

                                                          And regarding owning the games, but having bad luck - you have plenty of games where you have negative score and you still end up winning. Saw only 1 game you had 8:2:13 with storm where you lost.

                                                          I would suggest either learning farming patterns (or at least last hitting) if you want to play carry/mid or moving to the role where it is not that needed - Offlane/roamer/support.


                                                            this guy is trolling u dumbasses

                                                            one-man bukkake

                                                              From 500 mmr to 1.8k you just need to learn the basics. If you do fine in lh and dont die like a retard (all enemies missing in the map and ure farming near their t3-t2) that alone should bruteforce you out of 1k (maybe 2k, if you learn anything in the pricess).

                                                              I was spectating my guardian's friend game and he was mid against a no boots, euls rushing invoker. If you avoid that kind of dumb rushing shit I bet you will win more often. It may seen dumb to you but who knows.