General Discussion

General DiscussionBoost 2

Boost 2 in General Discussion
Hatrið mun sigra

    Never experienced anything like that in 4 years of Dota. From 4350 to 3200. I can't even list the amount of absurd things that happened with game and teammates. Like last game was winning finally, video crashes 10 min and I get the abandon. Now if this isn't being cursed idk what is. I'm asking again, please someone boost this account back to 4k. I'm begging some good soul.

    Riguma Borusu

      git good


        YES im higher mmr than you....i did it
        when we playin party
        edit: you* did it

        Este comentario fue editado
        Hatrið mun sigra



            original post i told you if you drop low 3k i boost you party mmr "i was joking back then"
            i didn't think someone can drop 1k mmr in such a short duration..
            if you really think your account is marked or cursed or anything why dont you make a smurf

            Hatrið mun sigra

              Ah lol now I remember, but you had a different nickname when you wrote it.
              Btw it's 'cause I have all the sets, Dota plus, trophies and stuff here. It's not for these things in themselves but because they remember me of the time I invested on it. Or wasted should I say.
              But yeah, it's definitely "cursed". I've complained a lot in 4 years but never seen trash this disgusting.

              Riguma Borusu

                I've complained a lot in 4 years but never seen trash this disgusting.

                Remove all mirrors from your house, that should solve the issue.

                Hatrið mun sigra

                  ^add me on Facebook and let's see who's disgusting, sad piece of shit offending people randomly 'cuz he has to feel better about himself

                  Riguma Borusu

                    I am not even offending you randomly, I am offending you because you won't realize that:

                    1) You have no talent whatsoever for this game so you have to work hard and still accomplish nothing
                    2) You don't understand how to win this game despite playing 8000 matches
                    3) You don't realize you're part of the problem, and no, abandons don't count, you abandoned 144 games, not 1440 games
                    4) You need to find a healthier hobby for the sake of yourself and others
                    5) You're asking people to fucking boost you because you can't win the game yourself, somehow you feel you are entitled to higher MMR despite the fact you can't maintain it for whatever reason (emotional/psychological instability seems to be one of those)

                    Notice how every reason starts with "you" and not "other players"?

                    Let's go back to me, sure.

                    It's very likely I am valued way higher than you are as a mate. Balanced for the male/female discrepancy, of course, I am sure there'll be sad fucks who'd want a relationship with you despite your toxic personality, just so they can say they put their dick in something.

                    I actively avoid relationships with girls that make me feel like punching them rather than having an intimate relationship with them. Kind of learned the hard way, because several of my girlfriends were borderline sociopaths (which is my bad for not noticing a pattern).

                    If you were the hottest girl in the world, I'd still avoid you. And so would any sane person. And I can deduce you're an unbearable person with zero self-awareness and personal responsibility just from your comments so far. That's scary.

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                      *grab popcorn

                      Hatrið mun sigra

                        I'm not even gonna read that long ass nonsense, you threw free offenses and then wrote a poem on a random online stranger you don't like. I thought I had issues but you're even worse lmao. Thanks for reminding me it could be worse I guess.

                        Oh fuck, I read it. Was too curious to read the bullshit you wrote. What girlfriend lmao, first I prefer women and second I'd rather hang myself than being with someone like you. I said add me 'cause I wanted to see who the one who should hide the mirrors is.

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                          you better grab as much popcorn as you can mr gil...whenever these two start something it lasts waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too long and gets pretty aggressive
                          ^reading material

                          Riguma Borusu

                            Well, you know how they say, denial is a really good thing and self-reflection is for pu$$ies. I would actually like to write up on that, but I have to get back to work.

                            you better grab as much popcorn as you can mr gil...whenever these two start something it lasts waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too long and gets pretty aggressive

                            My favorite hobby, apparently.

                            Este comentario fue editado

                              yo op, i was 3k too back then, the only way you need is improve from your last game, find your own mistake not others mistake, don't be denial, also why you need a booster when u played that id again and u get dropped again?

                              Cancer Malaria

                                no hope [all muted]

                                Este comentario fue editado

                                  Hope is for weak minds..

                                  Welcome to 3k doto, the best doto!

                                  Este comentario fue editado
                                  Hatrið mun sigra

                                    ^But I'm not saying I'm a 7k player and I hope I'll join OG one day. I have a clear idea of what my flaws are. As a carry I'm a joke, can't farm, I tilt a lot, sometimes I overextend. And I've never denied it. But I don't play pos 1-2 in ranked otherwise Jesus christ if I deserved to go play with heralds. But as a pos 3-4-5 no, it's a different story. Problem is they don't win games alone, pos 3 sometimes. And the people I got matched with were beyond ridiculous. Like I said I complained a lot of times, but I've never had so many bad players in a row like this time. I'd understand if I climbed in one patch spamming meta heroes and then paying the price. But I climbed with a meh 53-54% winrate in 1000 games during 4 years.


                                      I think the competition is harder nowadays so 3k is same as 4k was. So u haven't lost anything u are still at same level as u were before

                                      Cheap Laugh Guy

                                        It's fine. I once dropped from 4k flat to 3300 too.
                                        But I managed to climb back to 4.2k.
                                        My playstyle was very inconsistent back then, I roamed too much.
                                        But thanks to this meta, I have to stay in lane for 15 minutes.


                                          camping. i need popcorn.


                                            *prepare some tea

                                            Hatrið mun sigra

                                              ^^You're not the first person that says 3k is the new 4k, but I don't see how that's possible. Plus during my games I felt the difference, I mean the level is lower than before so idk.

                                              Now back to the sad retard. Why the fuck did you add me on Dota lmao. You really have serious issues. Anyway, I'm bored so:
                                              1) you have no idea how I play.
                                              2) you write things that don't make any sense but keep having this intellectual superiority complex for some reason, totally delusional. You don't "win" the game of Dota, 'cause it's not a game that has an end. But still, I have more than 50% win rate despite all the shit I went through.
                                              3) you don't realize I realize I'm part of the problem. I don't know how many times I mentioned my flaws, but those don't justify a 1k+ drop, would just explain why I climbed pretty slowly.
                                              4) you need to mind your business.
                                              5) you call it entitled lol. I slowly but steadily climbed for 4 years, played with a lot of high 4k-low 5ks at my peak, saw I was worse than them but better than low 4ks, stayed there for months before dropping, never spammed meta heroes but actually focused on improving on heroes I liked to play. Of course I feel fucking entitled to be higher.

                                              NoTiCe HoW eVeRyThInG sTaRtS wItH "yOu"?

                                              Back to you, and who fucking cares or asked about you and your life but ok. Back to you, you seem like a lonely person that has no friends and needs to tell someone about their life, even if it's a Dota forum. But sorry, like I said, back to you.

                                              Valued way higher lmao. Who the fuck uses these terms, if not a lonely, sad retard that needs to feel good about himself. Like one of those poor MGTOWs or some shit lol. The only scary thing here is your laughable arrogance and delusion of grandeur. They say a lifetime isn't enough to get to know a person but you, the most amazing, smartest person in the universe, managed to dive deep in my mind and personality thanks to just a bunch of random comments on an online game forum. Omg you're so brilliant, not delusional at all!!1
                                              Now I guess I should reply with "I bet those 2-3 women that hit on you by mistake, did it only to use you as an ATM" but I'm gonna leave these ridiculous arguments to you, sad kiddo.

                                              Then what other bullshit did you write? Ah that random thing about avoiding annoying girls like me, but the question is: who the fuck would ever want to be with you? Not in this life, not in the next one, N È V E R.

                                              If I had to judge you from your comments I'd say you're an extremely lonely person, one of those kids that were always left alone in school, so they focused on their studies to avoid thinking about what kind of social failure they were. And now, as a "grown" man you're one of those retards that blame society/current trends/values if he the only one they have a chance with is their hand. it's ABSOLUTELY not the fact that you're arrogant, narrow-minded, neurotically precise, petulant. Also boring af and with no sense of humor. And I noticed from other replies that you don't even understand the jokes of others and reply in a serious way. You actually look like an asperger.
                                              Think twice before putting yourself on a pedestal and judging things you have no idea of, 'cause you're not "valued higher", you're a joke.
                                              And most importantly go see someone. If you need to write poems to random strangers online, offending them and going personal even if you actually don't know shit and making a fool of yourself, you got a lot of repressed anger and frustration. Did I remind you of some of those girls that were sane enough to leave you?


                                                these topics are the only reason we all stay on dotabuff forum right ?

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                                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                  took ur pills already honey bun? =)

                                                  Hatrið mun sigra

                                                    ^You must have mistaken me for your mother

                                                    ^^And don't forget how to reach VHS! Now I'll have to take note on how to do that lol


                                                      Grimm :
                                                      these topics are the only reason we all stay on dotabuff forum right ?


                                                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                        You must have mistaken me for your mother

                                                        no way, my mom ain't as sexy as you sweet cheecks

                                                        Hatrið mun sigra

                                                          Why am I not surprised of the fact that since we're not irl it doesn't make any sense?


                                                            because you started the nonsense thing when you made this topic

                                                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                              All I want to do is just assess the situation
                                                              Cultivate alliances, inspect the situation
                                                              In this life, it's for the strong
                                                              In this life you can't tell me I'm wrong
                                                              Thanks for the telephone, it keeps me in the know
                                                              Here's to the politics that make me want to go
                                                              In this life you can go insane
                                                              In this life you can stay the same

                                                              Don't be ashamed to paint a picture of yourself
                                                              You don't need to make it look like anybody else
                                                              In this life, well you might fall down
                                                              In this life you gotta get off the ground
                                                              And all you need to do is just assess the situation
                                                              Cultivate alliances, explain the situation
                                                              And this life was made you
                                                              You always seem to know exactly what to do


                                                                I offered you last time but you didn’t add me, I’ll add you later


                                                                  excel i look for you all time i even made a thread asking for your help but you always ignore
                                                                  why u no love me im quick learner pwease help me become the greatest pos 4 the world has ever seen

                                                                  Story Time

                                                                    guys, more importantly, is ze patch out yet???


                                                                      kotato at work
                                                                      20% work
                                                                      30% shitposting
                                                                      50% thinking about next patch


                                                                        excel i look for you all time i even made a thread asking for your help but you always ignore
                                                                        why u no love me im quick learner pwease help me become the greatest pos 4 the world has ever seen

                                                                        I’m sorry, will you forgive me?


                                                                          im always forgive sinners

                                                                          w - w -w

                                                                            Why so upset? Dafuq , once you close that game its over , losing streak probably doesnt mean you suddenly get bad teammates but it means youve had a tough week or month or whatever irl, remember that you are 4k at your best efficiency ,not always.dont make your (maybe)tough days harder by trying to grind in a game which is not gonna get you money or whatever, quit playing for a while or play 5 stack with friends or whatever and come back when everything is stable

                                                                            Riguma Borusu

                                                                              1) you have no idea how I play.

                                                                              Well, according to dota 2 matchmaking, you don't actually play well.

                                                                              2) you write things that don't make any sense but keep having this intellectual superiority complex for some reason, totally delusional.

                                                                              They do make sense, if you aren't delusional. I have a superiority complex? I am not the one claiming I am cursed and that's the reason I am losing MMR. You seem to be seriously projecting yourself onto me.

                                                                              You don't "win" the game of Dota, 'cause it's not a game that has an end.

                                                                              You win the match, and if you're steadily climbing you could consider that "winning" in the grand scheme of things. You will later say I don't get humor, but you don't understand what I meant by "winning at dota".

                                                                              But still, I have more than 50% win rate despite all the shit I went through.

                                                                              Cool, but why not 55%+? And if you have 50%+ winrate you basically have nothing to complain about.

                                                                              3) you don't realize I realize I'm part of the problem. I don't know how many times I mentioned my flaws, but those don't justify a 1k+ drop, would just explain why I climbed pretty slowly.

                                                                              So, kid comes back from school, gets an F, tells parents "guys I know I am stupid but I am not that stupid", despite, you know, everyone else getting at least Cs. It's not you who decides how bad you are, it's the system. If you could decide how good you are, Elo system would be purposeless.

                                                                              4) you need to mind your business.

                                                                              Eh, that's absolutely not how it works when you post things into public domain. I won't tell you to mind your own business when you attempt to attack me, either. We're all wide open in a public forum. Also because mods are dead, apparently.

                                                                              5) you call it entitled lol. I slowly but steadily climbed for 4 years, played with a lot of high 4k-low 5ks at my peak, saw I was worse than them but better than low 4ks, stayed there for months before dropping, never spammed meta heroes but actually focused on improving on heroes I liked to play. Of course I feel fucking entitled to be higher.

                                                                              You really aren't, the system decides where you should be, and over thousands of games, you reach those points for different reasons. How can you state someone has a superiority complex, then state you know you should be higher... because reasons? I could never reach this level of arrogance. If you are asking for boosting based on WHERE YOU BELIEVE YOU SHOULD BE, you've given up fighting and winning for yourself, you're asking others to do it for you. In a competitive environment, this is equivalent to giving up. Considering your name, it makes sense.

                                                                              And no, the reason I use the term "valued more highly" is
                                                                              1) Because you obviously loathe yourself and poison the environment to believe everyone else's poisonous
                                                                              2) Over the years I've changed the way I see people, since as a working adult I can't randomly date someone, since my involvements with women can actually lead to marriage, and considering I wasn't particularly careful enough in the past, I almost married a woman who would be making my life a living nightmare right now, and I can see traits of terrible, terrible people in other people because I have to be very critical (as does anyone with personal responsibility for their actions)

                                                                              You tell me I don't get jokes, meanwhile you seemed to imply that you looking into the mirror and seeing something disgusting had something to do with the looks. If that's your idea of a joke, then you don't have a sense of humor, which is understandable, since you seem to be hormonal because you can't win at a game, but I do think that your inability to understand an simple metaphor to self-reflect is actually scary.

                                                                              Did I remind you of some of those girls that were sane enough to leave you?

                                                                              You actually remind me of at least two of girls I HAD to break up with, whereas THEY didn't see a problem. A lol player girl who complained about teammates all the time and would neither finish studies nor work (I actually posted a thread about her a whiiiile ago asking whether I should get her into dota) and a sociopath pretending to need love and understanding while draining me of my life in the meantime.

                                                                              But you do remind me of another one, as well... There was also a girl that broke up with me when she realized I really do not approve of her crystals and chakras. But that one's absolutely on me because I was young and just wanted the pu$$y and I wasn't quite honest with my intolerance of astrology and 'alternative healing' mumbo jumbo and ended up admitting I just wanted to fuck her and not listen to her insane shit. But, again, I should've been honest from the start and just avoided her and not tried to get into her pants, since as insane as her ideas were, I still hurt her really badly and she wasn't really a bad person, just believed stupid shit. To this day I truly regret hurting her, but I don't regret causing the breaking up of my relationship with her with honesty.

                                                                              The reason I continue posting like this, though, is that this is good popcorn material. And also lets me vent a bit when I have breaks. I really do not expect anyone to take things I write seriously, since "we're strangers on the internet", but in case anyone bites, it's fun for everyone involved.

                                                                              Este comentario fue editado
                                                                              Hatrið mun sigra

                                                                                Poor kid getting hurt by these terrible, terrible people. But thank god mommy made you superior and special and a good boy. You write long ass, personal replies 'cause you're probably the loneliest person on the planet and nobody wants to listen to you irl. I mean I almost fall asleep every time I have to read your comments, imagine what it must be like in person. You started attacking on personal stuff and talking about personal things but the question we all have here is: who the fuck cares about you and your life? And those personal offenses and assumptions, on a dota forum, based on a bunch of bullshit and a couple replies on the internet... Look at yourself, who do you even think you are. You know nothing about life, about other people and their lives. Yet, for some reason, you're so delusional you think you hold the truths of the universe. That's actually hilarious. And arrogant. You need so many attentions that wrote a second comment 'cause the first one was ignored, so came back to leave an empty, inappropriate personal offense, hoping you'd get some reaction and for someone to finally pay attention to you. That's so sad. But other people are toxic, not you. You is a good boy. Speaking of projecting. I'm pretty lonely myself for other dynamics but you're something else. Like I said before, thanks for reminding me there's always worse. No irony, I'm serious. Also why the fuck did you try to add me lol, that screams desperate.

                                                                                Hatrið mun sigra

                                                                                  @.eXceL thank you sir


                                                                                    you've been in 3k before and you'll never climb out of a bracket until you learned how to outplay ANY player in that bracket
                                                                                    so.. you could outplay 3k's if your true skill is +4k and you'll approach the area where you've been

                                                                                    asking random people to do the dirty stuff for you isn't promising

                                                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                                                      I actually added you to take you up on your challenge. I will assume you chickened out and can't keep your word. And no, nobody has to read anything, especially on the internet, and you're very free to ignore me.

                                                                                      When I speak to people IRL I mostly talk about music, CS and anime. Or logistics if we're talking about parents, landlord, other employees, etc. I don't get to talk about your type of autism because I removed all people similar to you from my life. That includes my aunt, my sister, some of my ex girlfriends, some colleagues from high school and university, and so on.

                                                                                      And yeah I am very sure I know nothing about life, that's why I am being taught by a hormonal 18 year old girl who complains about a game she can't eXceL at and believes she's cursed and has yet to learn the concept of personal responsibility.


                                                                                        doto players much angry players, very grrr


                                                                                          op dealing with mental breakdown ayaya


                                                                                            not funny!!!


                                                                                              "you call it entitled lol. I slowly but steadily climbed for 4 years, played with a lot of high 4k-low 5ks at my peak, saw I was worse than them but better than low 4ks, stayed there for months before dropping, never spammed meta heroes but actually focused on improving on heroes I liked to play. Of course I feel fucking entitled to be higher"

                                                                                              you're not always going to be at your peak performance, just because you used to be 4k does not mean you "deserve" to always be at that rank. that's like saying a retired olympic athlete should always be able to compete at the olympics just because that's where they peaked. if you can't compete at your former level you don't belong there anymore. while these words might seem harsh at least you're only playing dota 2 for fun. there's plenty of former pro players that couldn't cut it anymore and had to accept they're past their prime.

                                                                                              you just got worse at the game. there's nothing wrong or abnormal with that. especially after taking such a long break. maybe your knowledge of game mechanics is still the same or better but that's not the only thing that affects your ability to win games. maybe you're getting slower at pressing buttons, i don't know your situation but it's definitely not a "curse" gaben put onto your account.

                                                                                              so even if you might know more about game mechanics than your teammates that doesn't automatically make you better than them if you can't translate that knowledge into wins.

                                                                                              Hatrið mun sigra

                                                                                                Sad boy, you added me cuz you're a desperate kid seeking someone to annoy since no one wants to deal with you irl. What challenge lmao, there was no challenge, never talked about anything similar. You're even a liar. And don't project your autism onto others. Again, who fucking cares about your personal life. You keep assuming I'm like your aunt and your sister but you don't know shit about me, mark those words kiddo. You know nothing. And you like so much to remove this kind of people that remind you of them that you go around annoying them and offending them even if they're online strangers talking about other things and ignoring your existence. You got serious issues. Fucking solve them and stop going online throwing personal offenses to strangers you don't know shit about. Fucking repressed dumbshit using strangers to workout his sadness for not being able to deal with his relatives lmao. And his university friends. And his ex girlfriends. And the entire world basically. But God forbid you ask yourself a few questions about your trash personality and behavior. The more you write the more you show what kind of a sad joke you are. I was so right, sad kiddo lol

                                                                                                No mental breakdown btw, you can now proceed to go spam "kys" on random people online


                                                                                                  Hatrið mun sigra

                                                                                                    @Androgynous that's true, I noticed I've been a bit slower lately. And I can accept the fact that I was 4.3k at my peak but not "generally", but a 1k drop... Now I just lost a game and dropped to 3160 where I had to mute 2 people, the same fucktards that went 11-19 and 6-12 and one stole farm as support. Despite this we got megas but the Tony threw the game. Every game is like this. And I'm beyond trash as a carry so I can't even win the games entirely myself and have to rely on these retards to win.


                                                                                                      Dude, the best thing you can get is play with people that play worse than you. Why do you care about some random mmr number that makes no difference for anyone anywhere besides a community of random folks you've never seen. Improve in places where it matters. You're obviously not 10k material, so why care? In fact, even if you're 10k, why should you care about loses? Do you really think Dendi is obsessed with it 20 loses in a row?

                                                                                                      Go and find a real job and you can make more money than dendi by just focusing on other things.

                                                                                                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                                        You keep assuming I'm like your aunt and your sister but you don't know shit about me

                                                                                                        Fucking repressed dumbshit using strangers to workout his sadness for not being able to deal with his relatives lmao. And his university friends. And his ex girlfriends. And the entire world basically

                                                                                                        stop going online throwing personal offenses to strangers you don't know shit about

                                                                                                        Fucking repressed dumbshit