General Discussion

General DiscussionWhich boots are better now?

Which boots are better now? in General Discussion

    Phase or treads?

    Both of them seems very buffed.

    The “passive” from phase boots is really cool, having the buff pretty much all the time you are in the creepwave/close to enemy. As well, armor is great. But losing the damage is kind of weird.

    Specifically thinking about WR – she wants the early damage, but as well the movement speed to stay close to the enemy heroes or to move to advantageous positions for shackles. Probably going for treads – the damage and stats are too good to skip and can boost the damage by almost 50%. While AS is not that important on this hero.

    Especially PT feels a bit broken:
    Aquila gave 6 damage, 9 agi, 3 str, 3 agi + aura. For 1000 gold.
    Treads gives 12 stats (a bit lower than aquila) and 16 damage (10 higher than aquila). For 1380 gold.

    Cost efficiency seems very similar, could even imagine getting them on top of phase boots just for the raw damage/stats, as without aquila there is no comparable item for the cost.

    Este tema ha sido editado

      Phase is for tanks only, treads for damage


        The movement speed and phasing is generally really cool - either for chasing, harassing, as well if you have hero who can be kited (ursa, sven etc). I am thinking whether it would be even beneficial to even build both of them (PT for stats+damage, PB for phasing and armor).

        But this might be really overkill.

        Cheap Laugh Guy

          Why Tread when you can make 3 bracers/nulls/wraith bands

          Cheap Laugh Guy

            Tread feels underwhelming tbh
            We used to get it on cores because the atk spd scales well
            While the Armor on Phase is nothing for Agi cores

            I might as well keep the brown boots and make BoT later
            Since TP and BoT are separate now, you can TP to shove a wave, then TP back.


              The armor on phase is broken


                When it comes to cores,

                PA will benefit from treads change the most. It gives her everything.

                Phase boots probably on MK, Ursa etc. heros that rely on gap closing.

                Story Time

                  *Breaking news" sven buys phase now!

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