General Discussion

General Discussiontinker in 7.20

tinker in 7.20 in General Discussion
Certified Lover Boy

    I don't understand the camps. Earlier it used to be third skill and stacked camps , ez bot. I can't do the same in 7.20

    QTG 幸せ

      i think u r doing something wrong

      Little Crow

        Yes you can...

        Requires a bit more skill because depending on what campus you farm, you may have to manually aggro one of the campus into your march but the principle is the same.

        The spots to cast march when farming camps are different so is the technique and timing (in regards to manual aggro).

        My advice is to play around yourself and see what works or watch a competent tinker's replay where he maxes march in lane.

        Este comentario fue editado

          the camps were better last patch for tinker specifically because it was easier to farm 3 camps at once. however its nothing gamebreaking, the hero is still the same you just farm a tad slower. still spamming that hero and winning for the most part.

          Certified Lover Boy

            Can you just send me a match ID wherein I could see the farming of camps this patch