General Discussion

General DiscussionURSA BF

URSA BF in General Discussion
RIGGED games


    La Joya

      Its good

      '96 Neve Campbell

        Situational. Get it in the same games you would get it on heros like jugg and mk i.e if you have good early farm. Etc. Imo Ursa is good at ending games in the 25-40m range so delaying the time you come online by buying battle fury isnt always the best idea

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        Pale Mannie

          killing creeps faster instead of heroes as ursa

          i seriously hope you dont do this dotards

          Hatrið mun sigra

            Can't be a serious question, especially since you're an immortal

            Marko Bulat

              Shit, go midas instead, Ursa is not a BF carrier, his BAT sucks dicks!

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              La Joya

                ^ Speaking of BAT why does heroes with low BAT are the ones who dominating this patch (Ursa, Wifestealer, Circle K)? Is it because the movement speed buff so those low BATs didn't really affect their game?

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                Marko Bulat

                  Ursa Naix and CK had 2 problems last patch, they farm super slow compared to natural BF carriers and they are easily kitable, now BF is nerfed and primary atribute bonus is nerfed so agi heroes are no longer super OP and their MS is increased, these changes made them from terrible to playable.

                  Ritsu x boni = 0 IQ

                    Really good imo, fast farm, faster than am


                      unless you’re up versus Mirana qop nature prophet puck and literally can’t kill anyone and need to farm hex bkb or some shit i would say maybe to that.

                      OR IF U KILL SOOO Well u don’t need items battlefury is great for that regen. U are very smart actually this is an epic build that lets ursa scale super hard. Ursa bf is like the new pa bf wow u are a genius actually u have inspired me.

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                      Marko Bulat

                        New guide soon Pog

                        RIGGED games

                          7 overpower with bf is gg

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                            Op, everything is possible in your trash bracket! Just look at Topson

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                              Lul Koros unsure as it’s not Outworld Devourer

                              Gard Pedersen

                                KOROS I WILL FUCKIONG KIL YOIU MOTHERFriCKER CUMT AHAHAHQAH (also fck u dotabuff guy for never joining our party)

                                big joe

                                  gaming style

                                  Cheesy Wenis

                                    Ursa is a tender BF, he always remembers my birthday and says the right things when I'm sad.

                                    Ursa BF is A++

                                    Gabba Gabba Games TTV

                                      Guys i dont wanna brag but my , ursa radiance aghs satanic build is pretty dope... i even think i won once with it.


                                        Ursa midas is the future


                                          yes make midas ursa very good

                                          Hatrið mun sigra

                                            Had to go for BF Ursa in my last game and then I remembered about this post.
                                            Honestly I was expecting it to be much worse lol
                                            It actually worked and I ended up outfarming/outcarrying a CK in a 55 min game. 0/10 wouldn't go for it unless strictly necessary tho.
                                            But you're hopefully trolling so


                                              Mjonnir is just better if you want area clear


                                                Probably awful as fuck but hey -- suit yourself - it's like BF on MK (right MK?)

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                                                  Hatrið mun sigra

                                                    ^^How is an item that has a CHANCE to proc better at area clear than an item that provides cleave dmg at every hit? Genuine ignorance


                                                      mjol + bf dude.
                                                      technically mjol is better cuz of the dmg and attack spd bonus which is nice for ursa


                                                        Radiance ftw

                                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                          its not good. you are not supposed to be farming with ursa. you can get a midas or radiance instead though, situationally


                                                            it's pretty shit i guess, get magnus in your team instead and you save 4k gold and a possibility to win the game!!

                                                            (seriously don't buy bf on ursa)

                                                            The Future Looked Bright

                                                              I suppose it depends a lot on the pace of the game and who your other cores are. Typically Ursa wants blink and basher quickly to have proper impact in fights, and then I always feel a BKB helps him remain relevant to the mid stages of the game. Pushing all of those items back for a BF seems counter intuitive. He's a decently quick farmer, especially when adding pick offs into the equation, and benefits from additional gold through Rosh / early ancient farming.

                                                              I think where BF best shines is when fighting into grouped enemies. If you're playing with someone like Enigma, then perhaps BF has a place just due to the raw damage output you can offer coupled with overpower and enrage.