General Discussion

General DiscussionI just got trade scammed out of £150 worth of dota items

I just got trade scammed out of £150 worth of dota items in General Discussion

    CmonBruh nyx


      GabeN thanks you for your contribution :smile:

      "芫X1hit_lanG sI crussh-

        the you been scam its just your friend too and know you haha

        papito bravo


          (Why do you children feel the need to pick some kinda fight as if there is an argument here? Go start a debate club at your middle school instead)

          {Why do you children feel the need to pick some kinda fight as if there is an argument here?}
          -You were the one who sound like picking a fight ,^.^, And no one except You yourself said there's an argument here.
          You're not one to argue, go pick fights with Pororo.

          {Go start a debate club at your middle school instead}
          -We already have one, and the team captain sounds just you.
          -I had primary and secondary schools, never heard of a middle one.

          Pandaface is hapi, Pandaface similes.
          Parmavolate' is sed, Parmavolate' criing.

          '96 Neve Campbell

            No. I wasnt picking an argument with anyone cause im not a confrontational person. Why dont you mind your own buisiness instead of trying to stir shit up


              parma don't talk with panda he is 15 years old with a ton of time on his hands and he will win every argument it's not worth it

              '96 Neve Campbell

                Well if writing down random immaturities counts as winning every argument then sure. Doesnt interest me anyway >.>

                papito bravo


                  (No. I wasnt picking an argument with anyone cause im not a confrontational person. Why dont you mind your own buisiness instead of trying to stir shit up)
                  -Then why am I picking an argument? ^.^
                  -You spelled business wrong.
                  -I'm typing, not stirring.

                  (Well if writing down random immaturities counts as winning every argument then sure. Doesnt interest me anyway >.>)
                  -Well you just did by writing down random immaturities, if you noticed.
                  -And you didn't win an argument. It isn't even one.
                  -It did bring up your interest when you replied on my comment.

                  @captain KEEL
                  (parma don't talk with panda he is 15 years old with a ton of time on his hands and he will win every argument it's not worth it)
                  -I'm a bit more than 15, so your point doesn't count.
                  -You also had a ton of time counting since the day you were born.
                  -This is not an argument, it's a debate contest that makes you feel good by all ways.
                  -Your profile doesn't worth a cent anyways, why bother setting it as your profile picture?
                  -I love panda,
                  -You love dogs.
                  -I'm having fun,
                  -I hope you're not.

                  Have a nice day.

                  Este comentario fue editado

                    Parma be my bitch pls

                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                      parma let me be your bitch pls

                      '96 Neve Campbell

                        parma let me be your bitch pls
                        And what would you do for me as my bitch

                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                          whatever you tell me to do, except for the things i don't want to do


                            alenari did u get my joke at least

                            one syllable anglo-saxon


                              '96 Neve Campbell

                                whatever you tell me to do, except for the things i don't want to do
                                Sounds good to me

                                chicken spook,,,,

                                  man sometimes i bother reading wall of text hoping it would be more than stating-the-obvious/generic smart wannabe bullshit and wonder why did I even expect anything worthwile


                                    U were the chosen one ;(


                                      Can I get SF arcana for free pls


                                        Your own mistake you baboon


                                          つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


                                            @OP : So what happened now?did you get your items back?
                                            What are you even doing about it ? Did you write to valve and did they respond?
                                            I sense a false attention seeking thread, but maybe I am wrong no offense though. ( The plot thickens, XD ;))


                                              Hey it’s me ur brother

                                              '96 Neve Campbell

                                                @OP : So what happened now?did you get your items back?
                                                What are you even doing about it ? Did you write to valve and did they respond?
                                                I sense a false attention seeking thread, but maybe I am wrong no offense though. ( The plot thickens, XD ;))

                                                Nope. I contacted steam and they havent even replied to me. Ive tried to open support tickets and I even tried to call them to no avail so I am just going to wait for them to maybe act on my reports on the player. And no this wasnt an attention seeking thread, it was a cautionary tale and I was kinda hoping someone might have experienced the same thing and could provide some advice.


                                                  She's pretty fucked up so it could be that there's truth behind your statement, Ashes.


                                                    nothing valve or steam can or will do
                                                    someone asked for items
                                                    she gave items
                                                    it's that simple
                                                    they didn't promise her anything in return
                                                    the only thing that could be done (but won't be done) is if they get like an id from parmas real friend and then contact the "scammer" and ask him for an id
                                                    which is just stupid since if the person who got the items felt any danger he or she can just sell the account and there's not much that could be done about it
                                                    i'm just saying it's over
                                                    no point in trying to get it back
                                                    just be careful in the future


                                                      the problem is your items werent stolen, you gave them items.
                                                      how do you give someone 150 dollar in items, and not backcheck whether the guy is who he/she/it says he is.
                                                      so ending not: youre not gonna get them back, because you gave them to the 'scammer' voluntarily.
                                                      thats the end of the ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ opezdal trial.
                                                      according to law you are send in the corner of cries.
                                                      the scammers get a real PogChamp for making a scam work on someone older than 12.
                                                      i really question whether this is real or not, seems to Obvious to me to fall into.
                                                      ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
                                                      Panda was right.
                                                      i dunno if they promised you something, but if they didnt they werent scamming.
                                                      maybe you should contact 'your friend' if you think they had insider knowledge.
                                                      now comes a line full of opezdals for dramatic effect:
                                                      ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
                                                      if you never met your friend, then congrats. you might be even dumber than you look.
                                                      i member your babyrage thread about being high on party mrr, but low on solo mmr.
                                                      opezdal remembers everything
                                                      ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
                                                      maybe you shouldve called him/her/it, before making such a desicion.
                                                      why do you give such expensive items away? Stalin does Approve, but i dont.
                                                      your iQ has dropped with about 20 points by that move.
                                                      and yes, im a troll.༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
                                                      hey im your friend! give me all your items! promise nothing ll happen to them :)

                                                      '96 Neve Campbell

                                                        She's pretty fucked up
                                                        Ah yes. I sure love being described as fucked up by a basement dwelling serb



                                                          I don't even live in a basement. And even if I did, who cares?

                                                          Me being a serb doesn't change anything. Why would someone be ashamed of that? American, Serbians, English or any other nation - it's the same shit.

                                                          Why would you think that being a Serbian and living in a basement is an insult? :D

                                                          Get over yourself you stupid c_unt.

                                                          Este comentario fue editado
                                                          '96 Neve Campbell

                                                            Whatever honestly, who are you to come into my threads and attack my character. You are truly pathetic, its a shame the mods dont take action against people like you.



                                                              Who are you to attack me for being Serbian, LOL. I might not my like my country and I don't hide that, but I have no issues with my nationality.

                                                              Also, here's a little tip for you:

                                                              If you have a hard time dealing with Internet, leave it. People will always poke you if there's a reason.

                                                              Este comentario fue editado
                                                              '96 Neve Campbell

                                                                I dont have a hard time with the internet. If I did I wouldnt post on these forums. I have a problem with people who are two faced assholes who pretend to be my friend and backstab me because of a video game before proceeding to spread lies about my character and attempt to harrass and put me down on a public forum.

                                                                Este comentario fue editado

                                                                  @parma, i dont know about others, but in my experience, everybody pretending, nobody gives a shit about others, every body is selfish, if they do a favor for u , they do that for sake of themselves, they do that to feel good about themselves, 100%!
                                                                  there is no real friend! 99.9% are fake! only family cares about u for real


                                                                    I have a problem with people who are two faced assholes who pretend to be my friend and backstab me because of a video game

                                                                    I also have a problem with people who are having mental breakdowns and have no respect for their friends. Kinda of makes you wonder if they have double standards aswell. Not to mention that you still put that "video game excuse" in the whole story, implying that getting emotionally upset or disapointed is a bad thing, just because the reason is Dota 2. Also makes you wonder about many things, but hey, it's easier to use 0 effort when actually try to argue with someone, rather than actually activly use brain to think about things you write or say.

                                                                    proceeding to spread lies about my character and attempt to harrass and put me down on a public forum.

                                                                    I'd like to know what lies? I never said a thing that's a lie about you, let alone actually spending time to do you any harm.


                                                                      u guys

                                                                      Yung Beethoven

                                                                        I once got scammed aswell. Was about 15€ at that time.

                                                                        feelsbadman, but you'll get over it. Just keep always attention when you trade items.

                                                                        Also the Steam Guard is imo a nice feature to safe your account from such frauds, cuz you cant "gift" items to over people without having them in your friendlist for (i think) at least 6 months.

                                                                        '96 Neve Campbell

                                                                          I also have a problem with people who are having mental breakdowns and have no respect for their friends.
                                                                          Mental breakdowns? No respect for my friends? What are you talking about?

                                                                          implying that getting emotionally upset or disapointed is a bad thing, just because the reason is Dota 2.
                                                                          Yes. thats exactly what im implying. Getting excessively emotional over a VIDEO GAME is a bad thing. At the end of the day Dota is a hobby. Some people may live their lives on it but no matter how much time you invest into it it is just a video game unless you are literally a high earning pro, which only about 100 people even have the innate skill to become.

                                                                          Its reasonable to get tilted on a game or frustrated but its not particularly reasonable to disregard someone and have a childish hatred for them over such things, especially if that person wasnt doing something against you personally.

                                                                          Este comentario fue editado
                                                                          '96 Neve Campbell

                                                                            I once got scammed aswell. Was about 15€ at that time.

                                                                            feelsbadman, but you'll get over it. Just keep always attention when you trade items.

                                                                            Also the Steam Guard is imo a nice feature to safe your account from such frauds, cuz you cant "gift" items to over people without having them in your friendlist for (i think) at least 6 months.

                                                                            Yah its shite, I am feeling better about it now though. Strangely I had the steam gaurd active on my account and it didnt prevent me from trading with this individual who I had only known for about 24 hours...


                                                                              I can't even argue anymore with you. You win, Parma. I'm out.

                                                                              '96 Neve Campbell

                                                                                Is it cause I said something logical? Sometimes it can be hard to troll someone who clearly outwits you sorry hun


                                                                                  Exactly. I agree.

                                                                                    Éste comentario fue eliminado por un moderador

                                                                                      This thread going to be 30+ page again!



                                                                                        valve needs make these people heralds and removae all of their mmr
                                                                                        honestly that would be a worst punushiment than banning them

                                                                                        papito bravo

                                                                                          Oh no looks like this thread need pandaface!

                                                                                          (She's pretty fucked up so it could be that there's truth behind your statement, Ashes.)
                                                                                          -You both are.


                                                                                          I don't even live in a basement. And even if I did, who cares?

                                                                                          Me being a serb doesn't change anything. Why would someone be ashamed of that? American, Serbians, English or any other nation - it's the same shit.

                                                                                          Why would you think that being a Serbian and living in a basement is an insult? :D

                                                                                          Get over yourself you stupid c_unt.)
                                                                                          -Are you so dumb you can't even notice that she cares?
                                                                                          -Parma may be racist, I have no idea about this shit so I'm posting no shit about this.
                                                                                          -Because she is living in a basement crying over dotabuff insults, especially mine.


                                                                                          Who are you to attack me for being Serbian, LOL. I might not my like my country and I don't hide that, but I have no issues with my nationality.

                                                                                          Also, here's a little tip for you:

                                                                                          If you have a hard time dealing with Internet, leave it. People will always poke you if there's a reason.)
                                                                                          -I always poke and insult people without a reason.
                                                                                          -Therefore, your reason is unreasonable.

                                                                                          (I also have a problem with people who are having mental breakdowns and have no respect for their friends. Kinda of makes you wonder if they have double standards aswell. Not to mention that you still put that "video game excuse" in the whole story, implying that getting emotionally upset or disapointed is a bad thing, just because the reason is Dota 2. Also makes you wonder about many things, but hey, it's easier to use 0 effort when actually try to argue with someone, rather than actually activly use brain to think about things you write or say.)
                                                                                          -You didn't spell actively right so I consider you a dumbass, who can't write or say.
                                                                                          -You cannot "say" in dotabuff, there's no audio recorder available.

                                                                                          (I'd like to know what lies? I never said a thing that's a lie about you, let alone actually spending time to do you any harm.)
                                                                                          -You are spending time on the pc which makes that a harm to your body
                                                                                          -Please don't use the quotation of mine on me as you will only insult yourself at last anyways.

                                                                                          (I can't even argue anymore with you. You win, Parma. I'm out.)
                                                                                          -Firstly, you're not out.
                                                                                          -Secondly, she didn't win. I did.

                                                                                          (Exactly. I agree.)
                                                                                          -You're not out
                                                                                          -I disagree, for no reason.

                                                                                          ----------------Okay now it's parma's turn------------------
                                                                                          (Ah yes. I sure love being described as fucked up by a basement dwelling serb)
                                                                                          -You must be looking so damn sad when you are described as $#@%!@ up by a basement dwelling serb. Yes indeed.

                                                                                          (I dont have a hard time with the internet. If I did I wouldnt post on these forums. I have a problem with people who are two faced assholes who pretend to be my friend and backstab me because of a video game before proceeding to spread lies about my character and attempt to harrass and put me down on a public forum.)
                                                                                          -Neither do I have a hard time with the internet. You're just having a hard time with me.
                                                                                          -Sorry, according so scientific logical algebraic calculation formula, every humanoid only had 1 face. 1 Freaking face.
                                                                                          -Panda is everyone's friend, and I will never backstab parma, I'll just hit you in the face, filled with insults.
                                                                                          -Who the hell is spreading lies, no one even knew about your character. You're just on ragebaby mode, turn it off and you'll be fine.
                                                                                          -No one can put you down on a public forum dummy.

                                                                                          (Mental breakdowns? No respect for my friends? What are you talking about?)
                                                                                          -I don't think you have any idea about what you are talking about as well.

                                                                                          (Yes. thats exactly what im implying. Getting excessively emotional over a VIDEO GAME is a bad thing. At the end of the day Dota is a hobby. Some people may live their lives on it but no matter how much time you invest into it it is just a video game unless you are literally a high earning pro, which only about 100 people even have the innate skill to become.
                                                                                          Its reasonable to get tilted on a game or frustrated but its not particularly reasonable to disregard someone and have a childish hatred for them over such things, especially if that person wasnt doing something against you personally.)
                                                                                          -You sound so damn frustrated.
                                                                                          -You sound like wanting to kill someone.
                                                                                          -Nah, no hates here, just insults.
                                                                                          -I am doing something against you, and that's insults, personally.

                                                                                          (Is it cause I said something logical? Sometimes it can be hard to troll someone who clearly outwits you sorry hun)
                                                                                          -You must be mad when I fire all insults possible at you, full of logic and science.
                                                                                          -Nope, easy to troll, easy to win.
                                                                                          -Sorry babe for throwing your fame into a trashcan, that was intentional.

                                                                                          And now pandaface saved the world again.
                                                                                          Dotabuff members now live happily ever after.

                                                                                          papito bravo

                                                                                            The post above is pure hard work and blood.
                                                                                            Need helpful tips for a better life?
                                                                                            Comment in this thread.


                                                                                              Holy fucking shit.


                                                                                                stop the hate okay,just stop having 7 generations of grudge or something
                                                                                                stop trying to berate someone geez

                                                                                                papito bravo

                                                                                                  Keep fighting and there will be another 500 words essay

                                                                                                  I prefer 8 generations of grudge.