General Discussion

General DiscussionCheap/Free Coaching for POS 5

Cheap/Free Coaching for POS 5 in General Discussion

    I started almost a year ago and used to just mindlessly play; however, recently I've been wanting to seriously improve. I was wondering if there are people that could help me improve, etc.

    I play mostly POS 5 Lich (I picked lich so I can focus mostly on "big picture" stuff like rotations, etc, instead of taking a long time to learn the mechanics of the hero, since lich is pretty simple).


    PS: What are your thoughts of how I play at? (Basically, predict what my mmr could/should/might be?).

    '96 Neve Campbell

      Uh a very low estimate of you mmr would be around 1000, very high would be around 2500. I would imagine you would slot in nicely in high crusader/low archon (1800-2200) games but it can be slightly difficult to tell.

      As for coaching, I dont personally coach anyone over 1k cause I have no right too since I am not excellent at the game but there are people on this forum who coach and have a job and a gf.

      Este comentario fue editado

        read this post from @feachairu, i read the creep aggro part and i went from 2k to 3k after that
        very good basic stuff

        also i ever made this copypaste,didn't remember if i ever give to one of your threads tho

        how to GITGUD? how to watch replays?

        here's some basic guide

        wat are you struggling at?

        do you know how to use creep aggro? (section 4)


        farming?(do 1vs0 hit creeps lobby)

        doing smokeganks?
        push lane,put a smoke on your inventory always,after your core gets a strong item smoke together aftre you saw someone,put ward while you do smoke at enemy jungle and let the one who has a stun goes 1st

        watch high people replays,youtube,see wat they do
        at early fights,hitting people with rightclick after your stun spell is really good

        at lanes,play with the jungle and try to hit people from trees if you support range. if melee try to learn to lasthit by not standing close to a creep,but far away and then move and then hit and go away again(so not get harrased)
        at fights,if you support just cast a spell and run away( go back) immediately
        if you stuff that has dagger like enigma/axe you wait enemy for clump up,stay very very far away from the fight(dont get hit)
        if you initiating a gank,and enemy is gonna die anyway after you blink+stun get away from that place immediately
        if you carry/mid,wait enemy casts their stuns on your friends unless you have bkb and you can rambo
        after bkb duration almost out,go run away and wait your friends get stunned then u go
        if you pushing,if carry hit tower
        support no need hit tower,you can either be in front of the tower and try zone enemy or usually the better one,be in really behind of your carry and cover with stuns
        if you offlane like tide u go front of barracks or at barracks,no need hit tower so your carry is safe

        itembuilds? hero mastery? specific role/laning skill?
        watch replays (example link if you want to learn wk)
        (or, watch replay of high mmr player playing the hero you want to learn,play the hero alot)
        don't get hit by a creep,buy alot of consumables like salve/clarity/mango

        raising mmr?
        check the meta,learn op heroes,watch the replays of those op heroes,spam a hero
        check behavior score,if not normal raise it to normal
        developer 1
        dota_game_account_cilent debug
        type that on console dota2


          pick heroes with semi-carry and push potential and play the right parts of the map at the right time


            This excel meme has got to be one of the funnier ones the community has kept going.


              How did you reach that conclusion?


                im doing some coaching if u are interested


                  Stop spamming Lich. Spamming might be good to climb MMR, but not to improve and learn the game. Yes, you can "focus" more on the big picture, but will you be unable to do this with other heroes? Learning the mechanics, itemizations and timings is just as important as the big picture, and some heroes are better at rotations than Lich.
                  Also play some games as core, so you can feel what they need from supports.


                    Yes I am actually, how should I contact you?

                    '96 Neve Campbell

                      How did you reach that conclusion?

                      Just judging by the skill level of your games, the medals of your opponents, and your stats and willingness to spam the same heros for many games in a row. These are traits of someone who is upper 1k.

                      Este comentario fue editado

                        ah, the classic chaq guiderino to miderino


                          looking at ur recent match i think u should just jump in ranked and then play lich then see what medal u got.