General Discussion

General DiscussionDrow ranger state

Drow ranger state in General Discussion

    Why is drow ranger so op now? Top 10 winrate in all bracket really?

    Papa Toro

      Her attack sound with ult proc is just too good.


        >safelane as drow
        >go to triangle
        >farm for 5 minutes
        >be the same lvl as mid and eqaul or more farm
        >proceed to gank


          Broken hero- When a hero can hit lvl 6 farm ancients and give a hero like Medusa the only thing she is missing- Attack speed. Its fucking broken. They need to we-work this garbage. Make the hero itself a little better and nerf the Attack speed Aura. Wind + MEdusa + Drow is almost unbeatable.



              No other hero in the game has the capability of 1 shotting an ancient creep at level 6. I mean maybe lion or lina if they ult but still.

              My hypothesis for a nerf is slightly less agi gain and ult no longer procs on ancients.


                Because pa not so good anymore.

                '96 Neve Campbell

                  just pick pa lol


                    tony good against her
                    sniper / tinker kinda good too


                      Blade mail lol


                        Spec and pa do mean things to her.


                          spec lick drow ass like a papersand


                            Spec and pa don’t do shit unless they have a really good start.


                              Drow is sort of in the same place as Mars was when he first came out. He is good as hell, but there are ways to counter that thing hard... So it is just simply not OP... Drow is quite squishy for the first 20 minutes of a game when she isn't fed heroes. And heroes that can jump on top of her are leathal to her. Also all sorts of stuns & disarm etc. will make most of her damage disappear as well. But she does buff other strong ranged heroes a lot... And that is why she is so good. It is not that Drow herself is all OP, it is that she makes other heroes go over the top quite well. Drow farming speed is one of the highest in the game right now and that's why she needs to be countered. Spirit Breaker charging her with wards in the enemy jungle etc. And you need to disrupt her farming patterns or she will get those items too fast.

                              I play shit tier dota and now that Drow is this big thing, all sorts of less capable people play her as she is "free mmr" and just plain suck on the hero... When you have 130ish last hits in a 40 minute game as a drow, you haven't touched your mouse after 15 minutes into the match. But I guess that shadow blade and trying to kill 3 enemies solo is the way to go here... As I said above, she her self is not that OP... And is certainly not that solo ganking hero unless she has a solid stock of high value items... And that's why you need to farm farm farm to be able survive and kill with her.


                                don't think i'd ever pick bara as a counter to drow. gust is really really irritating.


                                  personally I think she needs a buff and her ult should proc on rosh.


                                    Just don't get proc'ed 4head. Its not like 120 pure is that much lul. RNG belongs in dota amirite?

                                    PRAISE THE SUN!

                                      she too weak right now she need an active for marksmanship maybe battletrance


                                        Her counters are not in meta. Thats why.


                                          requires too much coordination to deal with in pubs

                                          PRAISE THE SUN!

                                            If too many jumpers pick pa if too many long range pick sniper

                                            But the problem here is that both of those heros have a 48 percent winrate in all brackets


                                              skills that affect ancients are op (reminiscing about tinker and necrophos lvl1 ancients)


                                                Just change it where she can’t one shot creeps. Literally only change that has to be made and she’s fine.


                                                  Marksmanship procs should NOT have true strike. That is why PA cant do shit against a good Drow. Evasion was supposed to be a counterplay to her.


                                                    ^^I agree with Nemesis. They should have removed the instant kill creeps the minute they added the +120 damage proc. +120 damage procs still allow for fast farming, but not the lightning fast terror that Drow is currently.

                                                    < blank >

                                                      PLs dont nerf drow, i can only win with drow


                                                        just gank her at the laning phase, keep ancients warded, and group up early on to take objectives

                                                        DOTA 2 ARMORY

                                                          Just group up early VS a drow 4head.

                                                          smurfs = no balls

                                                            broken ass stupid hero, just like storm


                                                              OP hero
                                                              Suprised how i recovered so fast and reached 750 gpm


                                                                blood seeker lycan good vs her too
                                                                no idea why tho


                                                                  Rtz got ganked in laning phase. Still whooped ass after staying in triangle for the whole game.

                                                                  The one game I saw a team beat drow is they had heroes that could go into the triangle and kill drow without any repercussion. But that depends on the enemy teams ability to respond to the gank