General Discussion

General DiscussionPos 5 Support Tips and Mentality

Pos 5 Support Tips and Mentality in General Discussion

    Hi all, I am a support main and have been recently trying hard in rank as mainly a pos 5 ward bitch.

    I made a post on reddit regarding Pos 5 mentality during the laning phase and being active but could those who play support at a higher rank give me some of the things that work for you as I continue my climb

    Yami Yugi

      I've been checking my winning games, and since our bracket actually knows how to support, but when we play we ended up doing brain dead under the enemy harassment either the core bitching about rotation but when I come to my senses and win the game, here's what I'm actually doing:

      1. buy obs ward using unreliable gold if possible (Keep the river rune spot warded)
      2. buy sentry ward using unreliable gold only (Since the purchase can be spam when deward or someone has SB)

      Disclaimer: I usually spam my unreliable gold with sentry/SoD/TPs before engaging since I most of the time will be a main target price, those will be useful or bought later anyway

      3. Pick disabler or escape tagged support.
      4. Stack Jungle Ancient (Offlane) start to walk to the camp at .45, preferably during 4.45 so you can also pick B Rune
      5. Check your enemies on the minimap (especially enemy's middle) during laning stage, hide or retreat when the count is 4 or less
      6. Check your core condition (TP if you find him/her getting dived) when he/she is near TP-able tower/structure
      7. Follow your core when he/she is jungle past laning stage, since he would be more into gold than XP atm, make sure he didn't get picked up by opponent team and losing tempo (Magnus actually is the best at this role since he can also give him/her BF)
      8. Build your items using reliable gold you save earlier, you can also aim for big item with this manner, although you will need to successfully gank a lot.
      9. Scan the fog if you don't have smoke to deepward, be wise though, both resources is on very limited usage.
      10. Maintain your positioning, you are your core's plan B when they jumped on, you don't have that luxury.


        what do you when 4 of your teams are all jungling in our own jungle and I am the only one trying to hit creeps to push lanes.

        How do you convince them to get out of the jungle and push waves. I constantly repeat over mic to take lane creeps over jungle and come to the lane where I am pushing because I warded around that lane but they keep jungling with like only one or two of them responding

        Cheap Laugh Guy

          I think in Legend, making calls isn't that effective. It might tilt them. Stick and push should just happen organically LUL
          Just focus on winning the lane
          That's the most part a support can contribute
          Important tip: dying in lane is better than doing nothing with low HP/mana

          Yami Yugi

            what do you when 4 of your teams are all jungling in our own jungle

            That's mostly during mid game yes? it is during these time I mention to follow them above, (only the pos 1 core worthy of backing), as pos 5, showing up in the lane (past laning stage) is like coming out of your house in a horror movie, but if you are really mentioning this part because it happen often, try phoenix, he can wave clear without showing himself (Fire Spirits).

            you should still be able to disengage your core when he picked up by simply Supernova ~700 range behind your core (Preferably dive the enemy first to apply slow ~28%)

            Yami Yugi

              How do you convince them to get out of the jungle and push waves

              I don't

              As the star guy @One True Merchant mentioned above, it happens naturally, which means, core need their items and when they are confident enough to do so, they will play their minigames with the enemy, eventually destroying the ancients.

              Comeback in my experience, mostly happen when a Core start being cocky after winning his lane and get into T2 early.
              This guy (usually shining mid game pos 3 or mid pos 2) will losing his edge once the enemy team leaving laning stage and start to stick to crush him.
              He then, being toxic by mentioning his other team farming their item, tilting the ever tempo requiring pos 1 to farm fat and in time, while in the same time, throwing again and again, worse part, he point that as the other mistakes.... oh God.
              Now dude, don't do this, really, being pushy by call others pus_sy will get you misery.

              Yami Yugi

                I constantly repeat over mic to

                Keep doing that, and you are as good as Tilt your team to lose


                  A few things worth mentioning:
                  Rotating as a support has multiple sides to it. If you're sacrificing your lane, eg your core will suffer from your absence, you should reconsider. It is not worth losing your lane, maybe a death on the core, to try to help a struggling lane with no guarantees of it working. Failed rotations are actually really bad.

                  You can dictate what your team does with your ward game. A highly underrated part of your role is to provide vision BEFORE your team go for objectives such as T2s, Roshan or bounties.

                  Also adapt your vision to what you think your opponent wants to do and which heroes they play. A Spiritbreaker requires different vision than a clinkz or a QoP. Blocking camps and harassing junglers are also a good way to disrupt the enemy. Forcing failed rotations is another good way to go.

                  Good luck!

                  burden of dreams

                    Play 5 that can push lane that is too dangerous for normal hero to be in and dont hit jungle creep except for stacks


                      lots of awesome input, thank you so much!

                      Ill try to coerce my team to make more objective plays via better wards and shot calling

                      low prio master

                        Im sad couse i can't give any advice since you mentioned you need advice from higher ranks.

                        Leafclubb🍃 ♫

                          Try picking DW support. At level 6 just casually roam and ward their jungle and kill if they are alone.

                          I can't really give any advice as a pos5 picker. I just play ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. @YamiYugi's advice is decent tho.


                            stay and cool at normal skill me dude


                              Try not to pos5 in rank below 4.5k otherwise you will get mental sickness

                              Yami Yugi

                                Try not to pos5 in rank below 4.5k otherwise you will get mental sickness

                                Lol this comment almost gave me cancer :axe_laugh:


                                  :) be patience bruhhh,


                                    Space making for carry as pos 5 is good for team.

                                    So if u are normal pos 5 who is 5 levels behind with zero gold to lose when u die luring enemy team (all 5) to kill u repeatedly make em waste TIME and ultimately your team benefits.