General Discussion

General DiscussionRoad to Immortal!

Road to Immortal! in General Discussion
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    Any tips???

    flourishing new leaf

      Not really...

      61 y.o.

        befriend Miracle = izzzy mamortal


          ^be friend of this guy, stay 4k pleb for ur life.

          61 y.o.

            ^you think you are smart, but i have more intel stolen than you can even imagine!


              ^even with that all of stolen intelligence, your hits not even hurting my wolves.

              Украинское дроншоу в россии

                Best advice I can give you.

                Git gud


                  Watch professional players. Analyze their matches, think how you could apply it to your own games. Watch informational videos. Learn how to properly creep block, creep aggro, pull, stack, etc. You'd be surprised at the number of people who don't know how to properly maintain lane equilibrium or apply pressure on the map at >5k.

                  Este comentario fue editado

                    Pos 6 Kowareta & 61 fighting!

                    Whom will be new pos 7 =D


                      WIN!! JUST WIN MAN!!!


                        destroy enemy ancient by picking grimstroke, dark willow or pangolier.
                        6k in 6 months


                          Tae dito ka nanaman Abyss


                            Any tips on how to get out of ancient?

                            Is it better to play support role with higher ranked core players or spam core in solo ranked?

                            Problem is none of my good carries are good atm. I desperately want to play terrorblade again but he’s so easy to get shut down.


                              Any tips on how to get out of ancient?

                              Is it better to play support role with higher ranked core players or spam core in solo ranked?

                              Problem is none of my good carries are good atm. I desperately want to play terrorblade again but he’s so easy to get shut down.

                              My tips how to get out of Ancient noobs bracket:

                              1. Understand the Equilibrium Creep
                              What is Creep Equilibrium? It can be said as a meeting point between creeps from both camps. By knowing where the two creep waves meet you can determine the action you will have to take later.

                              Usually, you can determine when you can push or hit the tower with your own creep protection. The closer the Creep Equilibrium is to the opposing tower, the faster you can push.

                              So if you want to do push immediately try Creep Equilibrium in the enemy tower. You can manipulate this meeting point by doing creep blocking yourself with the hero or cutting the pace by calling the forest creep towards lane.

                              2. Follow the Meta Tournament

                              It's time for you to follow the meta in the tournament. In Ancient, you are considered to have a good understanding of the mechanism in Dota 2. For that, you can use the meta in the tournament to find out which hero is strong in this meta.

                              You can take one pro player who has the same playing style with you to be a role model and examine what heroes he uses as well as his team's strategy. For easy guidance, you can see the team that won the tournament as a reference.

                              But, that does not mean you do not have to pay attention to other players or teams in the tournament.

                              3. Knowing every hero's Power Spike
                              Power Spike is a leap in power possessed by a hero. Usually, a hero will have Power Spike timings when he gets the ultimate skill or gets his core items. However, this can change depending on the hero used.

                              For example: Earthshaker will get it when successfully buying Blink Dagger to issue the Echo Slam more accurately, Lion will get a Power Spike when getting his Ultimate.

                              However, you must pay attention that the impact of this Power Spike is temporary and can be countered by enemies with certain items or skills. It's important that you know when your Power Spike comes.

                              Este comentario fue editado

                                2 high skill player talking about getting out of anshit.
                                losing games and dropping to legend mmr is getting out of anshit too.


                                  emoji based personality

                                    You've just got to learn how to play the map more effectively to get better- join fights when it looks good and split the map if a fight looks bad. Overall not hard concepts, just takes time to understand it and put it into action.


                                      i appreciate the advice legendaryhd but I meant how to get out of ancient bracket into divine, not out of legend bracket into ancient.


                                        Tips for Ancient=> Divine (from a previous post)

                                        So I'm gonna detail 5 Ancient mistakes that you can deal with through a bit of support leadership:

                                        Biggest Ancient mistakes:
                                        1. Going up high ground before they're ready.
                                        2. Going for rosh when it's contestable.
                                        3. Taking too long to get ready for smokes and making it super obvious a smoke is happening.
                                        4. Forgetting to sentry a smoke spot before smoking, then warding during a smoke so they spot the ward being dropped down.
                                        5. Not backing off from obvious ganks (including smoke ganks).

                                        So let's talk about solutions:

                                        1. When you're ahead, the best thing you can do is go hg and get a rax, right? Wrong. If you lose that HG def, say they even have to use a buyback or two, if you're only 10k ahead, throwing up high ground loses you most of your advantage. Worse, it might even become enemy favoured, because maybe your strat was only ahead because you had better early game.

                                        If they have 2-3 dead, it's best to force bb then respect the BB and back off. Or it's just better to take all T2s and ward the map. Then once the map is warded, you can smoke gank anyone silly enough to leave their base. If you get a dieback, then that's a much easier hg, or an uncontested rosh.

                                        2. Going rosh when enemy team is all alive is super risky. Again, the best way to open up rosh is to do a successful smoke gank. Once you kill one or two important heroes (especially if it is their teamfight hero), then you can go rosh. If they bb, again it is probably correct to just back off and respect the buyback. Reset, then smoke gank and try to get a dieback. Then that opens up rosh and/or hg.

                                        3/4. Successful smoking is about the element of surprise. Make sure that they are efficient. Place sentries to make sure they don't have vision of it, then tell your team to meet somewhere you know they don't have vision in 20 seconds, allowing your team to finish whatever they're doing and head over. Make sure all the important waves are pushing so that they don't have the information of pushed waves. 2 man smokes in early, 3/4 man smokes in the midgame, 5 man smokes only really lategame or going for rosh.

                                        Do not place wards during a smoke because if they have an obs sentry pair, they will see the ward being dropped. Place any wards or summon vision the moment the smoke breaks.

                                        The worst smokes are when it takes a minute to set up because everyone is disorganised and then the enemy team notice that you are all missing off the map.

                                        5. Weaker players give up cheap deaths all the time. Sometimes core players are too focussed on farming, so your job as a support is to look at the map and minimap more than they do. Call out missing and predict enemy smoke ganks. Think about which enemy heroes are the dangerous gankers or rosh takers.

                                        Scan is your friend, learn to use it. If you think they are roshing, scan rosh pit. If you think they are smoke ganking, scan their point of entry. Then your core will probably listen to you and back off instead of ignoring you.


                                          biggest anshit mistake -> playing like a braindamaged person


                                            Tips for Immortal:

                                            When you are Divine and want to push for Immortal, you likely are very good at many skills, but still have a few key holes in your game.

                                            1. Identify your main roles and your strategy. I would say it's less problematic to spam support to immortal than core, but not because support is easier to do so, but because support tends to be less contested as a role. If you are core main, make sure you have at least two supports you are completely comfortable on. As a support main, you should also have some core roles that you can play when supp is taken. Or you can go for my route where WR can be played in any role, and I have a few backup cores to play.

                                            It is really important to have at around 10 heroes/roles you can be completely comfortable on. Multirole heroes can count as flex and count for 2 out of your 10.

                                            2. Focus on winrate. 11 wins out of 20 is the baseline I use for climbing. 10 out of 20 is stagnating, if I get sub 50% I generally take a break and watch some replays and figure out what I can do better.

                                            Tilt is the enemy of mmr. If I think I am tilted at all, or unhappy by an individual game, I will take a break. Go for a walk, drink a coffee, talk to a friend, or play a non-competitive story based game.

                                            If you have good winrate, it is only a matter of time until you hit immortal.

                                            3. Watch your replays. If you have time, watch them multiple times, but once is okay. Player perspective is your friend. I often watch my own perspective, as well as 1 of my enemy's, so I can see their vision and where they have it placed. Playing around enemy vision and being able to use your abilities from fog is a huge advantage in dota.

                                            This is important for all roles, but is infinitely more important for teamfighters and supports. As a support, ideally you can throw spells and dodge in and out of vision. As a teamfighter you only want to be seen after you have initiated.

                                            Watching your replays allows you to pinpoint mistakes. Watching enemy vision makes it easier to realise you made a mistake than normal directed camera. For example, smoking under a ward, or showing your position too early.

                                            4. Use the information from replays, and set yourself mini goals to work towards.

                                            I knew that I was not good at marking down rosh timer. So for a week, I told myself and my stack, remind me to mark rosh timer. And type Rosh: xxxx in teamchat.

                                            My stackmate said that I was leeching a bit too much from safelane as 5. So for that week, I told myself that I wanted to be at least 1 level behind my carry, unless we were getting lots of kills.

                                            Figure out what you can improve in your gameplay from teammates and replays, then work towards that one goal until you are familiar with it. This makes sense for very high skill players because you only a few things you need to keep improving, unlike if you are lower skilled.

                                            5. Get higher skilled teammates, play with them, and watch those replays. Talk to them about the games, and what they were thinking. Watch their perspectives.

                                            Just as I say to watch and talk dota with higher skilled friends, that doesn't stop being true just because you are divine or even immortal. I still watch pro games and high skilled pubs with my original stack, and we still discuss games and learn together. I also have higher ranked immortals on my friends list I play with and talk dota with.

                                            Whenever I want to learn a new hero, I watch a pro play it. I learned Oracle recently, just watched Kuroky play it and started playing it a lot more. Now it's one of my best heroes.

                                            Watch player perspectives, there's always more to learn. I watched zai play WR 3 and he went for a weird aether lens meteor hammer build. He lost, but the build worked. I rarely build that build, but sometimes I build aether lens, and sometimes I build meteor hammer on WR.

                                            Always be learning. Good luck climbing!


                                              I do like meteor hammer on WR and have built it a few times too. Very good tips. More useful than telling someone who has played dota for 10 years to understand creep equilibrium.

                                              61 y.o.

                                                ^even with that all of stolen intelligence, your hits not even hurting my wolves.

                                                I will never hurt your wolves and you know it!


                                                  telling someone who has played dota for 10 years to understand creep equilibrium.

                                                  bruh, reading math books over and over wont make u a genius in math.
                                                  this is what it is.


                                                    I will never hurt your wolves and you know it!

                                                    u will never dare to do it cause my bear will rape u apart.

                                                    fnh spiderguy

                                                      pango till 6k


                                                        Tbh the immortal tips are really just generic tips for getting good at any game (having a plan to get better) and climbing an mmr ladder (focussing on winrate).

                                                        They are a collation of the things I learned being a high level DOW2 and Gwent player. There are also transferable skills to teaching as well as life. The main thing is when people are weaker players, they want more specific advice, whereas stronger players will want general advice.

                                                        You know we're so lucky in this game, there are such amazing tools for learning this game, having pro perspective live, high level tournaments and a huge diverse community with so many guides online as well as analytics like net worth, gpm, win probability etc...

                                                        Back when I was learning DOW2 the way to learn from the pros was to trawl gamereplays and find new strats and go on forums to theorycraft shit and find friendly players to scrim and talk with. If you really are serious about improving at dota the tools are all there, you just need to practise.

                                                        Last tip to improve:

                                                        The skill which I think is hugely important is the ability to visualise what the game will look like in 5 seconds, 15 seconds, 30, 1 min, 5 mins, 20 mins...

                                                        When I watch games, I like to play a game with myself. I try to visualise what a game will look like and compare it to the real game. For example, if Radiant don't get ahead by 30 mins, then naga will take over the map. Or if Alch doesn't get shut down, they will have 20k nw in 5 mins. Stuff like that, because if your visualisation is really good, you will have a better picture of the state of the game than your opponents, and it will be easier to know what to do in order to win the game.

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                                                          I GOT BLUESTARS BABY !

                                                          Tenshi Yurippe

                                                            @Shimmering Sea
                                                            when you mean your stackmate said you were leeching exp, what did that mean? aren't you supposed to get levels too or is he expecting you to get yours from pulling?


                                                              A few things to note:

                                                              Your carry’s independence is directly related to his levels and farm. Therefore it’s generally better to do jobs for the lane that don’t leech rather than leeching.

                                                              This is a huge reason that playing out of vision is important for supports. If I stand in lane and hit and use spells, they will realise the moment i leave lane and 2v1 my carry. But if i am always in fog in treeline, i don’t show unless i’m hitting or using a spell.

                                                              Then if I walk through fog to pull there’s a higher chance they won’t realise and interrupt pull.

                                                              Examples of jobs that don’t leech are standing far in front of creeps zoning, pulling, walking away from lane to give him solo xp, spending hp and mana 1v1ing enemy 4, then walking home and tp back with carry’s items like extra regen.

                                                              You don’t need as much xp, you will catch up on xp at 10 min because you will have a tome and he won’t.

                                                              Ideally you should be lvl 6 carry and lvl 4 support, unless you are free killing them. Then you may be lvl 5.

                                                              Fundamentally, the ideal job as safelane supp is to get your carry 2 levels ahead of enemy offlane then leave him to 1v1 offlane. If they are 2 kill them with carry then leave and save tp to help.

                                                              The point is you don’t want to be tied down to protecting your carry, you want him to be strong and independent so you can go do stuff on the rest of the map.