General Discussion

General DiscussionBehaviour score

Behaviour score in General Discussion
AggreSive Clown

    So is it ever possible to climb out of "shadow pool"? WHat i mean? I have 2 accounts. My old one this used to play mostly with friends /unranked and staff.During early summer was in a quiting mood and abandoned some games giving priority to beaches etc. My BS from 6,7k down to 3,4. After holidays i returned into Dota with my alt acc. I have 8.9k BS since i am not the guy i ll flame or be toxic at all.
    The last 3 days i tried to revive me old acc but seems impossible to me.I am playing this game since Beta and honestly i never saw things like i saw these 3 days EVER. Quiting from draft phase. Massively own-courier killings. Even a guy buying sentries to camp our jungle the whole game. Most of them without a reason to do that.
    So i am asking. Is there possibility to massively improve BS no matter the medal or mmr just to team up with human beings again in games? or should i just leave it and play on my alt acc i mainly use for solo mmr climb?

    Johnny Silvercock

      10k behavior or dont queue ranked

      '96 Neve Campbell

        Wrong. 10k is full of horrible smurf accounts. 8-9k is the sweet spot for ranked queue.


          Wrong. 10k is full of horrible smurf accounts. 8-9k is the sweet spot for ranked queue.

          Smurf in my team? Sounds good to me.


            the people who need to climb out of the pool are the ones who cant because of themselves


              ^Pretty much.

              I highly suggest muting yourself/everyone in all of your games. If you can't gain score it's likely that you've been marinated in toxic MOBA culture for so long you think being an asshole online is normal behavior.

              i.e. met plenty of people who think flaming someone who is performing poorly is completely justified.

              Flaming someone is always a reportable and bannable offense.

              If you ever say dumb shit in all chat, blaming your team or "ez lane" or anything, that's a big red flag. In fact, if your BH score is bad, never ever use all chat. Ever.

              AggreSive Clown

                What if i start spamming turbo matches? are these games count in total BS?


                  ^ yes
                  u will get 300 behavior score after 11 intense, mind hurting games.
                  u can get ~700 if nobody reports u
                  but i got 300 cause i picked lycan in turbo and my beloved enemy reported me, 1 com abuse in 10 games
                  funny enough i didnt used chat at all in that game. hilarious :)
                  some ppl think valve give a shit about this game and they check keywords in chats :))
                  but they dont know if 2 enemy report u for any reason, meanwhile u didnt even used chat wheel or anything -> u will drop score

                  enemy have a right to report you for com abuse in a game OG wons TI with spamming chatwheels and tips.
                  this is valve logic


                    Yes it’s possible but time consuming and easy to screw up.

                    One single report in a set of 10 will essentially undo all previous games of no reports. I’m finally at 5800, no reports for almost 30 ranked games.

                    To get out of shadow pool you need to play about 50 games without getting reported a single time. That’s the only way or make a new account that starts with the max

                    Really, as long as you don’t antagonize anyone, enemy or ally, and don’t do anything obviously game ruining like courier feed breaking items walking down mid feeding etc your score will consistently go up to max.

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                      See my thread... its literally impossible to get out of this shithole, even as a mannered person. At low Behav score i even got reported by enemy for no reason while i muted every1 and having chat button unbound. So yeah, once you are in, it is impossible to get out of this shit... also playing since beta (actually since wc3 days), thanks valve, thank you so much.



                        Incorrect. It isn't "literally impossible," but it is very difficult because of how sensitive they made reports. I don't think it was like this a few years ago.

                        Like I said from the SkiMasters account...if you don't antagonize anyone, or do things that are blatantly obviously throwing like courier feed self feed etc, nobody is going to report you, even when you lose. A single word or behavior can instigate several reports, so if you really want to "get out of the shithole," then you need to fix your behavior/manner first, which is the whole point.

                        I've been in the shadow pool most likely since 2014, when it was implemented, which explains why for the last 2 years roughly, i've been playing with the same losers keeping me from gaining mmr. I accrued a lot of reports for having no clue about positions, roles, auto attacking creeps as support, etc, all the things I see people doing in the last two years.

                        Make no mistake, you can "get out of the shithole," but first you have to fix yourself first.

                        Also, nobody cares how long you've been playing, everyone's been playing dota forever.

                        And by the way, you can see me doing it live at my twitch stream. The link is in the SkiMaster profile above. Master of the slopes. I've been going back and forth from 3500 the lowest to 5800 the highest since January of this year. At the moment, I'm @ game number 1 / 10 starting @ 5800.

                        My goal is, not that anyone cares is, after I acquire the 10,000, if I don't shoot up to say 8 - 10k mmr, imma quit playin dota / streaming and go work at burger king to start lol.

                        Lastly, what "!" poster said about doing all the above, and still getting reports, there is literally absolutely nothing you can do about that, and is a prime example of a flaw in the system. It isn't perfect, but I think without it dota would be a lot more diarrhea like. I do remember in a recent summary, I did all the above, and I got reported in a match where, I broke my back trying to help and win, kept quiet when I wanted to smash the computer, and head filling with nasty thoughts. I forget the match id it's not important but basically my cores played as if they had no brain, and I bet you I got reported by the 1-19 weaver who i had to endure listening to dying in the most stupid ways over a dozen times in an hour long game. I told myself I would quit playing if my behavior score decreased DUE TO MY OWN bullshit; in that game I did all the above, still got reported, and it affected my score. I only went up a few hundred when I could've gone up 1000. These spots are unavoidable, and the fact is, they are outliers. If you stay consistent and committed, you'll always be above 8,000 score and playing with people who value their time.

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