General Discussion

General DiscussionHelp me report this booster. For the sake of general public.!!!!!!!!!...

Help me report this booster. For the sake of general public.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! in General Discussion
wooden pc player

    I qued up like a normal person and I got this match
    As the game started first 2 mins were pretty even then It started, my ping starts getting higher for no reason, I am on a fiber-optic network so no issues on the connection, use it every day without a hassle. So I restart my router reconnect to the game and I see my od struggling badly. He then abandons lane telling us that puck is just too strong. We ignore him at first but then puck quickly ends the game. I try to creep skip, cut waves but It doesn't help at all.
    We lose the game but I sensed something fishy as my internet was perfectly fine it was just dota causing the problem so I go to this guy profile and voila.
    Now you might check his win rate and feel that its normal but check his last 15 games, and you will find that his k/d/a is 20/2 or something like this at divine 3 or 4 brackets so this means he is probably an immortal rank at least.
    So my question to the community is should such players/accounts be allowed to rape us lower rank players?. Or should they be reported like normal civilized people? Why cannot people just play in their own bracket? Just stay where you freaking belong.
    If you feel like me kindly help me report this account at least.
    Regards a 3k try-hard player.

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      he will get banned soon, but you actually make me sad.
      smurfs are not ruining this game, russians and braindead ppl with 10k hours and omegalul mmr are the one

      free mmr wen

        first of all this guy is not a smurf second of all u are a retard kowareta

        wooden pc player

          Thanks kowareta, I am sad myself so I don't mind making other people sad.
          And Mr. lost faith how on earth is this person not a booster this account has 3000 games and out of them 13 are on puck and you are telling me that magically someone is playing puck for 14time and going 20/1 xaxa. Sure lol.


            now you actually make me puke
            fucking mirana picker

            wooden pc player

              Don't stop vomiting I am counting on it

              Yami Yugi

                OP has a point, while all of those saying may not be entirely true, the account might be temporarily boosted. Although the last game seems already at the original owner's hand.


                  Op your account is a smurf lol.


                    Smurfing with almost sub 50% winrate and crying ahhh the tears 😂😂😂


                      my boy had just 1 good run he is not smurfing

                      wooden pc player

                        actually I am not smurfing lol I lost a lot of games while calibrating my core so it came to archon 1. While my support came to legend 1. Now I tried playing a core game after quite some time and won pretty hard with massive rng.

                        Mad Scientist

                          That account is boosted lmao


                            Smurfs are ruining this game because the game cant be balanced. Newcomers instead of playing against other noobs, usually play against 5k+ people on new accounts.

                            On higher brackets IDC. But mainly cos of smurfing, playerbase decrease. And crap patches.

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                              ^what? they simply ask if you are new player or not!! if you choose "im new" as smurf you will never get out of normal skill!


                                Kowareta that is exactly my point.

                                Smurfs make newcomers feel the game is too difficult and they give up. Add toxicity on top of that and new players get the whole view. Well maybe better for them.

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                                  but im telling you newcomers wont matched against smurfs in their unranked games buddy.


                                    they actually do


                                      so if the systems supposed to be working correctly, it means there are bunch of subhumans, smurfing with pressing "im new to dota" button just to stomp noobs and feel great about their trash life. who would ever expect that from a community full of russians.


                                        Ive tested the „Im new to dota” and it doesnt work that way Kowareta.

                                        Its not only „a bunch”. Those games were more difficult than my ranked ones lol. But it makes you learn how to carry noobs vs smurfs on the other side.

                                        There were ways to stop smurfs in the past, but Valve even helped the plague spread with little to no requirements to play ranked. There should be Dota 3 with new, better system imo. There is no way to solve this problem in this game.

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