General Discussion

General DiscussionCarry's that can deal with spectre in the late game?

Carry's that can deal with spectre in the late game? in General Discussion

    scxvxvadcasczxzxczxcb f bdfbsfbfd

    Where is my Hu Tao

      We talking same networth or what? Cuz certain heroes have different timings. Or we talking infinite money who wins at 7 slotted?


        honestly i dont think spectres ultra late game is that strong, i think she has this midgame like 2-3 item timing thats super strong, like blademail radiance manta or drums diffu manta or whatever. like 3-4 items she is very strong, but i think a lot of carries who have consistent dps can beat her lategame. it still depends a lot on the whole team comp tho.


          I'm talking about like 50+ minute spect. I always lose when it goes that late.


            anti mage, some silver edge carriers (slark), and teams focused on split-pushing with good structural burst combined with fantastic escape (clinkz and weaver). spectre, despite her global ultimate is not so mobile in certain aspects, and these heroes can punish her for that. Anti mage in particular is great against her, if given space

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            Where is my Hu Tao

              i dont think the problem is that spectre is strong late game the problem is people do not adapt and itemize to deal with spectre late game.
              Supports do not buy glimmer force staffs etc. Carries underestimating the dispersion and not buying silver edge.



                I guess so cuz we always end up going 3v5 in teamfights cuz my supports cant save themselves lol


                  Clock rapes spectre!


                    Slark dude


                      be careful with slark, spectre is currently positive vs slark on dota2protracker.


                        Carrrys that build naturally into satanic are good lategame vs spec because then spec usually can’t man up on them and will need her team to help finish . Spec can only beat a troll late game if she kills trolls team fast enough to set up a good numbers advantage vs him . Pa is a mixed bag lategame . I’d go with pa having the edge . Tb pretty good vs spec lategame, also the other set of carries being good vs her being illusion carries . Pl good vs spec lategame as well, spec can kill pl team a lot faster then pl can kill specs but spec better hope her teammates can help her a lot to deal with the pl. I know ck is good vs spec but can’t remember how it plays out when 6 slotted I supposed he not as good because often spec and haunt abyssal blade manta ck dropping him pretty low before he can ult . Naga would have similar issue as ck but she can activate sleep to let her reset fight . There is a ton of hero’s that counter spec as well but they stop countering her lategame . Slark used to be considered a counter to spec but I don’t think so any more because specs just gonna slaughter slarks teammates so much faster then slark can hope then spec and the gang can slap down slark together . Am And alchemist Not so nice to play vs as spec but spec will beat both majority of the time when 6 slotted , alch especially will fall off . Anti mage still has decent chance to win due to put plays via his mobility but the spec has a easyier game to play when both 6 slotted .


                          Also a lot of people under estimates specs lategame potential because of people that go the bladmail heart run at people and hope they kill them selves on you build . A little piece of me dies inside when I see people suing that as their standard build .

                          Ayaneru   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                            Meepo hits spec like he owe him money all stages in the game.
                            Troll, PL, PA, Slark are also great vs her.


                              Lmao if u think PA can beat spectre late game you are officialy retarded. A good spectre will build so tanky that even your crits will do no damage to her. You will need like 5 crits in a row maybe to kill her KEKW

                              Slark, PL, Ursa, Troll, Anti Gay ( spectre can never kill you and if you cant kill her you can always reset the fight )

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                              Where is my Hu Tao

                                ? pa is mobile kill spectre team instantly. Spectre get kited and then stunned and pa finishes her off with satanic. Generally pa will have deso or battlefury plus ab and treads and bkb before a spectre can get the radiance treads manta and heart. The 2 heroes on completely different timings with pa on average farming a faster than spectre. So i dont see why pa cant beat spectre late game.

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                                    ^ u fucking ape the OP clearly says "heroes that can deal with spectre in the lategame" not how to shut down spectre by picking a mid game carry and end the game early jesus christ


                                      pa is just not good enough rn to deal with spectre regardless of how u would play it conceptually. spectre is broken but pa sucks rn. honestly i dont see how games are winnable against spectre if they get their item timings, like radiance manta skadi abyssal spectre at 40 min is unkillable unless u have silver edge.

                                      Where is my Hu Tao


                                        This month against enemy spectre. The hero literally never wins lol. I hate seeing it on my team love it when it is on the other team.


                                          Silver Edge to break passive and Pipe to negate Radiance damage on the team. MKB to overcome mischance on Radiance, as well.

                                          Just need items, any hero can beat her, in a pub.

                                          100% oran jus

                                            terrorblyat monka king

                                            unbreakable spirit

                                              Wraith king and naix?


                                                Thread name itself is kinda misleading. Because during the draft you pick simultaneously and you play whatever you have and your last pick is midlaner 99% of times so... in this situatioan you can pick many things depending on the draft. Probably something high tempo, even Ursa/Mk mid. The question itself is not very smart, thats why the answers are so diverse.

                                                In the past Alchemist had gr8 success vs Spectre in the late game due to natural slow pace of the game but you dont really want to play late game if you already see Spec pick.

                                                Instead the thread name should be "How to win vs Spec, whatever pick I have and I cant change that."

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                                                '96 Neve Campbell

                                                  In my opinion Spectre only works at high mmrs since teams in low skill pub matches do not understand how to play around a Spectre or secure space for her to farm, I would not dare pick Spectre in my solo ranked games despite having good stats on the hero simply because it puts you at the mercy of your team everytime you play it.

                                                  Anyway, as far as counters go;

                                                  Ursa, Juggernaut and Anti-Mage because they all scale well into the late game and have some form of damage evasion to cope with dispersion.
                                                  Wraith King is good since he scales well, has lifesteal to sustain himself against Dispersion and can obviously finish Spectre off after Reincarnation if required.
                                                  Viper, Alchemist and Huskar because they are high tempo carries which end the game before Spectre comes online and can out-tank Spectre's dispersion or disable it entirely in the case of Viper.

                                                  A lot of people here are recommending squishy agi carries like Slark and Phantom Assassin and also illusion based heros such as Terrorblade and Phantom Lancer when these are exactly the kind of heros that Spectre does reasonably well against. Dispersion wrecks illusion cores pretty hard and I have seen Slark fail against Spectre in a few of my games and the tracking stats seem to back this up. Phantom Assassin is just a terrible pick against Spectre since you will literally kys on blade mail/dispersion unless you itemise heavily.

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                                                  Omnislash по венам

                                                    Monkey King, Wraith King, Slark, Anti-Mage, maybe Troll, close thread

                                                    Free 2 Play Scootz

                                                      ^ Those + bs and tb. Am is kinda iffy cuz most of the time ur either gonna stomp the spec by 30 minutes or get stomped by 30

                                                      Trash team

                                                        Less than 10% of games go +50min and less than 50% of +50 min games have specter in them and even if there are you have at least 40% chance of winning so there is like 1 percent chance of losing to a +50 min specter do you really want to bother figuring out why you lose 1 game of every 100 games you play ? Just lose it aah aah aah aah aah Go crazy aah aah aah aah aah Oh baby aah aah, oh baby baby aah aah

                                                        I mean #DO_THE_MATH

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                                                          Pick Huskar and end the game before 20 min . Case closed bye


                                                            idk abt monkey king since u have a much harder time actually locking spectre down and i dont think ur damage scales well enough. although the deso bkb mid monkey build can play fast enough to compensate i think. frankly u should just pick ursa or spectre any game it isnt banned if ur carry, very broken heroes.