General Discussion

General DiscussionDRASTIC changes in matchmaking

DRASTIC changes in matchmaking in General Discussion

    They either improved the skill cap for certain mmr lvls. The matches i used to get before were VHS only around 5-6k where now its mostly HS and surprisingly less ruiners for some reason and the skill improved. So its either now 4-5k is not VHS anymore its HS instead or im playing in 3k bracket smurf where people dont ruin anymore.


      Really how?


        In other words, I feel like they improved the matchmaking, haven't had a single game ruiner so far also it feels like HS bracket matches now were VHS back then. It probably has to do with the fact that they can spot better smurfs and bad behavior players nowadays. It detects all the accounts you've created and sums up the skill and behavior of all of them. So when u create a new account they already know your behavior and skill from game 1

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