General Discussion



    Do you guys have any tips on how to play Centaur properly to increase MMR? I used to be legend but recalibrated in the low archon bracket.


      You went down for a reason. Identify that reason, focus on that and improve. No one else can do that for you.
      For start : you can watch your own replays.


        Watch your own replays or go to youtube and search for 'dota 2 pro channel' and see how pro players play the hero


          Its okay to go down bro, Im from divine 2 4820 mmr. I calibrated go down to anc3 . But I was able to go up back in Divine 1 again.

          To play centaur play side lanes, usually offlane, get a lot of stats items and magic wand( in case) bracer, your job is to make sure you give space and live as long as you can to give space to your carry. If someone is dying use your ulti, it gives you a assist points, additional 60-120 gold. all you need to do is to own the lane, be tanky, and make sure dont die for no reason,

          Hatrið mun sigra

            Don't watch your own replays 'cause those are the same eyes that played the games and will most likely not recognize the mistakes, you need an external point of view.
            Watch guides on how to play in the offlane first of all and how to win a lane. It's really hard to play pos 3 from behind after a lost laning phase. You will miss blink timing, be underlevelled, basically won't be able to do what your role requires, that is creating space, punishing more greedy heroes and putting pressure.
            First of all make sure you exploit the strength advantage you have early game as an offlaner, regardless of the hero.
            For example I almost always rush ring of health if I'm playing Axe, BB or CW. It will be 100% used later on for tons of pos 3 items (pipe, vanguard, lotus) and most importantly allows me to dare more in lane, like walk into creeps as Axe to proc my 3rd while the carry is trying to cs, use my 2nd more often as CW to hit the lower hp carry, be more aggressive in general 'cause I know I can afford it since my hp will regen faster than theirs.
            Be bossy and aggressive, not just in terms of getting kills, deny as much as possible and punish the carry that tries to get close to creeps, zone them out. Make sure you carry auras and useful items too depending on the enemy lineup. Basically pos 3 often times is like a pos 4 on roids. Phase boots are also good for chasing and have that extra dmg, even tho I personally prefer to rush other items. Always max your 2nd unless you're forced to play ultra defensively, like you're solo or the matchup is terrible and you're the one being punished.

            PETROS [BNCE]

              Which skill build do you think is better? 1-4-4-1 or 4-4-1-1? i often see Zai using the 4-4-1-1 build but I'm more comfortable with the 1-4-4-1 build since I can cut creeps and farm efficiently with it.


                1 4 4 only good when you are trashed so hard in lane so you need to creep cut etc.
                4 4 1 good when you have good lane partner and the enemy carry doesnt have good escape


                  Don't watch your own replays 'cause those are the same eyes that played the games and will most likely not recognize the mistakes, you need an external point of view.

                  That's not true, if learning from your own mistake that limited by your own knowledge, human will never advance, but the reality is, we learn from our mistake with our own knowledge and we will getting better.

                  By watching your own replays, you will know the cause of "Why you die" or "Why you failed that gank" or "Why you farm so low". Like when you start learn to walk at age 1, "you" don't know how to walk at that moment with your knowledge but you still trying to repeat that process to the point you are fully mastered it right now, I assume at age 2 you still have to manually walk or something like that, but right now many years has passed and right now the process is automatic.

                  When you watch yourself fail to gank when using smoke, you probably appearing too fast to the enemy or you probably didn't wait for the intitiator to initiate first. Or let's talk more in depth about the situation, when in team fights you will start panic and sometimes you can make mistakes, but when you watch your own replay, you can spot your mistake (You as a support, instead of focusing stunning the enemy in team fights, you should save your core 1 from Bane's nightmare) This is really hard to spot, even for myself, but I've seen top 100 players occasionally do this like it's automatic, because they're learned it.

                  This is the same thing as watching your friend playing chess, you will most likely to spot your friends' mistake or planning the next move. I used to hate my friends when they did that to me, but when I watch them playing with other person, I couldn't help myself to not spoiling him about what he should do that lead him to win.

                  It's easier for us to spot our own mistake when we're not in real time pressure.

                  But my point is, watch BSJ.

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                    its a lot easier to watch ur own replays with someone better telling u what to improve in my experience

                    PETROS [BNCE]

                      Yah, I do watch channels like BananaSlamJamma, Gameleap and Gamerzclass. I guess I'll try the 4-4-1 build when I try to play aggressively.

                      PETROS [BNCE]

                        BTW, is Centaur good against Slark in lane? I tend to have a hard time in lane when I play Centaur against Slark. He steals my stats making me lose my HP regen and strength, making my abilities as Centaur weaker while also making me squishier.

                        Hatrið mun sigra

                          He does it with every hero as that's his strength and reason why he's annoying af to lane against. Don't try to constantly hit him because of this. It's kinda like with Ursa and MK, you'd lose the hitting contest and don't want to get dmg stacked on yourself. Creep aggro a lot, make him take dmg from creeps if he tries to attack you and try to deny as much as possible. Harass him when your 2nd is available, stun is also a bonus.


                            u just hit slark when he tried to lasthit stun/nuke/hit run before he can hit back rinse and repeat outsustain him carry players are greedy they won't buy much consumables so if u can outsustain with salves tangos mangos u will win ur lane and then can farm that gold back by dominating lane

                            slark is actually extremely weak in laning stage he starts to get better past lvl 6 but thats so far into that it heavily depends on ur support tho and how good he is

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