General Discussion

General DiscussionI encountered a weird teammate

I encountered a weird teammate in General Discussion
Ayaneru   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    He is playing as Oracle here. He is too noisy, and very upset on every error plays we made. In 5 mins, he snap and decided to be the carry and spam Purifying Flames on creeps.

    I was like, "what with this dude attitude? Why is he so upset." So I checked his account.

    And, here it is.

    -1 mmr and herald iv
    -but his winrate is insanely high. Normal match at 76%.
    -his top hero winrate is insane (sf and storm) but his winrate as ezalor and oracle is at 10% despite the near 200 games.

    If this is a boosted account I get it. But why play normal matches?

    P.S. Also guys, if you are getting mad playing dota, you need to switch to other games.


      indeed very weird, look like it have 2 player but my big question is "why smurfing in normal matchmaking?"


        he is on ancient tier VHS all bracket


          Caring about someone who is always in normal matches like caring about someone who is not in the battle field. :lick:


            He is a smurf (loser) that purposely make his account to 1 mmr and play normal match to get a win rate. Before calibration he intentionally feeding and have 0 kills, not only that, in his calibration he still intentionally feeding but this time without item at all to get as low as possible, but he realized this wasn't enough to get his mmr to 1, so he intentionally feed again for a few matches and finally got 1.

            I assume he's really bad at support but really good at core.

            Este comentario fue editado
            defense of the herald

              This is not a boosted account. Its a deboosted account. He wants a low mmr / bracket cause its "fun" for him and still complaining about bad plays. Omegalul.


                Yep he wants to stay low for fun. 1 mmr accounts are actually the same price as divine ones.