General Discussion

General DiscussionNew acc

New acc in General Discussion

    Is there any trick or something in creating a new acc ? I always get banned after 9 games doesnt matter if i have 90% wr or 10% is there any way around it?


      no, smurfing is now a bannable offense, play on your main dumb virgin, youre losing in normal skill youre not good enough to just calibrate ancient which is most likely god tier to you, youre hardstuck 3k just accept it and try to improve instead. having a 55% win rate will result in increase in mmr over time, your team is not holding you back its you and your 47 chromosomes


        Shurrt3t up u damb who0r.3 this a trolling acc with 2k behaivour i r4ap3 ur mothe.r and flush her down the toilet dont talk if u have no knowledge u aut14t1c g4rbag3


          why are u so angry about it? he's right tho. u cant create new acc anymore once valve flagged u. u can only play on ur main or any other acc that is not banned

          Kabir Singh's Booster

            No u can format your PC and u won't get banned, some files need to be deleted Russians already figured it out, I just don't know which ones exactly.



              didnt u get banned from creating new acc as well.


                i tried deleteing everything reltated to steam and dota also registry but new acc still got banned ? do i need to format pc ? or is there any way ?
                my friend also tried creating new acc after 3 years and gets banned on new acc he forgot his old login , ???

                pinoy supp0rt

                  filthy disgusting smurf trash


                    dude ur born 2008 go play fartnite

                    LEON THOMAS PRIME

                      dude ur born 2008 go play fartnite



                        Delete all SSFN file in Steam folder and you're all good.


                          pc ? or is there any way ?

                          Yes, play on your main, 2k 4head, dog


                            Yes, PC. Turn on all hidden files and delete SSFN prefixes in your steam folder.


                              You all are dogs, im an archon player created new account and now getting matched with divine and Immos in unrank and I never get banned. I easily type something on console in which they wouldnt ban me rofl. eZpZ gaben


                                @100HoursIfRandom share your blessings :) add me up bro


                                  @Emelius damn bro

                                  ` A s t a

                                    delete system32


                                      The trick is to give it to a friend for a few games, make them "try out Dota", different IP + newbie gameplay = don't get flagged
                                      Then take the account back after


                                        You all just need to play like archon so u wont get banned

                                        (Bot) Beerus

                                          yes you buy a smurf and play on it for 6 months until it gets banned


                                            There is one. Dont use the same email address from your main acc . Use a different one




                                                Question: WhY cAnT i PlAy On LoTs Of AcCoUnTs AnD sToMp LoWeR rAnKeD nOoBs (Or ThRoW hIgHeR rAnKeD gAmEs...LoLoLoLoLoL)*

                                                Answer: It is a cancer to this game that has taken Valve too long to stamp out. Long may they ban all your accounts, IPs etc. and better yet find out your main and kick you out the game completely.

                                                *Apologies to non-new account creators for that stupid cretin sentence.. it pains me to even type it like that.


                                                  аre they conecting to IP address or just email?
                                                  like i it's IP what about gaming rooms there is like 10 different ppl at same PC on one day.
                                                  If it's email, than ye ez just make new email on different name. you can have 10 accounts by yourself, also use Microsoft gogle yahho. ez

                                                  Herald Enjoyer

                                                    @100Hoursofrandon do not answer stupid answer to other.I am guardian low rank player I play like guardian still vac ban in new account.