I think they removed pudge suicide cause it was just way too easy to deny yourself, same with abaddon to an extent. Unstable concoction has a huge wind up time so you somehow have to anticipate having to suicide like 5 seconds in advance which I cant imagine is something that happens at all often.
Yea, they removed a whole lot of self deny mechanics from the game... It was too easy for some heroes to die without the enemy team getting any advantage from it. I think it is better this way. You can't just go yolo, deny yourself and repeat.
abaddon's was especially egregious because you could basically spam heal ur carry, deny urself, and just come back and do it again.
pudge's is also like too easy.
how tf u going to deny urself with concoction?
I can understand this logic. But no one answered Jakiro's Q being deniable? He is mostly DOT. I guess I can understand Venomancers because his Ultimate is a long duration and is non-dispellable. But I don't understand Qops.
And does anyone know why they removed Shadow Word from the deniable category a long time ago?>
The one thing I noticed is they left 1 hero from each attribute category with a deniable spell: Doom (str), Veno (agi) and QoP (int)
No idea if thats somehow related though or its purely random choice
That is an interesting observation. But another thing too. Since they reduced the damage of Qop's Q and gave it lifesteal, doesn't this mean that it should be undeniable now? It benefits her and the damage was reduced so I'm confused why its still there.
And wouldn't they bring back Warlocks shadow word deny? Because his shard allows an AOE shadow word. I feel that is more devastating and way harder to not get hit by because it doesn't have a projective like Qop's Q. I just wish more information was available for this stuff.
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So Alch and Pugna can deny themselves with their own ultimate. Pugna I can understand since its an Ultimate. But why unstable concoction?
And what was the purpose for removing abaddons and pudges? Purely because playing it as offlane/support makes for such an easy reset in lane?
And also why Gale/Shadow strike? The only similarities I can see between them is high DOT. But what about Jakiro's Dual Breathe? He puts out a lot of slow and DOT. Shouldn't this be deniable too?