General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do you even get a low behaviour score?

How do you even get a low behaviour score? in General Discussion

    I have over The years constsntly been 9.7-10k. And I have had some Dire losingstreaks, mainly due to beeing away for very long periods, like 2 years one time, and such. But i keept my BH score ip just by not beeing toxic.

    Really, all The shit i read about here is stuff i am not familar with.

    Its so uncommon with harsh toxicness or griefing that I really now understand The real issue -

    Its all of you crying about The game beeing unplayable that are the issue.

    Man The fk up, behave, do your best and you Will be good.


      But i keept my BH score ip just by not beeing toxic.

      Okay, so if you know how you kept your behavior... surely you understand doing the opposite is how you lose it right! :)


        I can't imagine myself being under 9.5k BS either


          Being toxic towards my team mates gameplay if something can be done as a team and it's not i get mad. Dying a lot or destroying items in losing games. Now I'm around 7.8k beh score and a couple of times I was 10k and playing between 7-9k beh score is way better than 10k to me.

          For example if my mates are whining from 5 - 20min and I play normal at the time I whine from late game

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            I started playing ranked (on this account actually) as soon as it was released end of 2012 when I graduated from college. Didn't know anything about the game other than the heroes. In hindsight, that account probably started with a normal behavior score, 10000. But from 2012-2018/9? the number was hidden, and you had to enter commands in console and look it up on the internet to get an idea. It was definitely hidden, and not explicitly available to players. So I had no idea about it.

            Initially, I'd been playing unranked before ranked was available, with some people I met in the lobbies. We played together as 5, probably 3k level. After a year or so, we stopped playing together, and I played alone up until now. From 2013-2018, since I didn't know anything other than the heroes, I messed up the early game a lot like my teammates in herald 0 do. That is, avoidable things based on the fundamentals like, if you're support, to zone the offlaners and make space for your carry lane partner to get farm. Anyway, don't wanna get into it, just told Steam to delete that cursed account anyway. 2018 I got help from a 6k European player who taught me about lanes, farm, all the stuff in purges videos basically, and most importantly behavior score and its impact on matchmaking. It explained why for months and years I'd see the same players over and over again who didn't play and threw.

            But yeah, to answer your question, that was one thing, messing up early game by not knowing fundamentals. Other times, I'd make stupid picks, another thing they've been doing to me for the last 3 years, since 2018. So:

            -Taking farm from the carry as support.
            -Throw picks like sniper support or chen hard carry.
            -Buying an amulet and going afk because the conditions make you have a fever or want to hit yourself with a fist, since anything else will result in reports that perpetuate the diarrhea.
            -Feeding a lane intentionally to try and leave earlier, which never works.

            In my particular case it seems, I started with normal behavior score, but didn't know about the fundamentals, which cost my teammates time and energy most likely. So they reported me and over time, because that behavior was consistent, dropped down to probably 3-5k range. Then, after I sought help, and understood the problems I had, I was already pooled with other people who behaved in the same way. And out of frustration, ended up doing abandons, breaking items, feeding, and going afk, thus exacerbating the whole process.

            A system needs to be in place to look out for bad players, but this one is definitely no good.

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              Bro you are winning 46% of your games you clearly dont care about winning so you have no need to be toxic, you are getting reports for being trash thats all.


                Yeah. I dont vare when playing solo and its been my achillies heel ever and ever.

                you're so cute what the hell

                  what are you talking about i have 5.3k behavior score right now.


                    I have 276 wassup bros?