General Discussion

General DiscussionMarci Sidekick has a major bug?

Marci Sidekick has a major bug? in General Discussion

    So I was reading about lifesteal and how it stacks, and got this exempt from an article:

    The amount of health a unit gains from lifesteal is calculated by a percentage of the total attack damage done to the attacked unit, and it heals for overkill damage. Therefore, lifesteal heals more on attack that crit, and if an attack's damage exceeded the target's current health and killed it, the heal is based on damage it would have taken if it would not have died.

    Yet, Marci's Sidekick never does that. If you played her, you might have noticed how when lasthitting low hp creeps during Sidekick heals you really bad. Wonder if this is intentional or a bug?