General Discussion

General DiscussionLow ranks filled with smurfs

Low ranks filled with smurfs in General Discussion
Slim Shady

    Gaurdian rank at this point in time is just a smurf gathering place it seems, especially late at night if you queue classic ranked you lose

    Yesterday played 3 games in a row, all 3 games the enemy had a 0 deaths carry that got double rampages , i checked their steam profile and they had around 300 hours played of dota 2 and seemed to do every little thing on the map correctly including timings, seems a bit sus for 300 hours ??? They played heros like tinker and PL , the tinker was just redicilous, once he got lvl25 with the rocket stun he would just blink around, spam 20 rockets, kill entire team, we couldnt do anything about him because of his shield, re arming blink, and the 0.25 mini stun from the rockets IS WAY TO FUCKING OVERPOWERED, in general i think tinker is the most fucked hero to play against and honestly cant wait untill it gets nerfed finally. All i can imagine is tinker players being little incels with 15cm baby dicks that need to ensure themselves that yes they indeed are male somehow, i guess by playing this fucking nightmare hero , next time i meet a tinker like this i will not give him the satisfaction and afk in base


      Learn a tinker counter and problem solved.
      Happy New Year.



        I escape the trench by playing Underlord exclusively and it only took me a month to get out of Archon. People will walk right in your pit and your team will clean them up. Give it a try, I think you will be successful.

        Slim Shady

          ^ funny enough i was just checking the strongest winrate heroes in low mmr, underlord was at 55% so i told myself to try him out soon. I think i need to listen and pick a role and just spam it (I read a lot of people getting out this way) , i hate playing mid so i cant pick a snowball carry to get out. At this point i just pick heroes i am comfortable at playing, but i really suck at counter picking so i usually end up being countered or pick a hero with low impact and we lose the game. Also PA, she has a 49% winrate in every bracket but every game i am up against her she is beyond undefeatable , once she gets bkb she can just run over our entire team every team fight its hillarious, one of the 3 games last night had a rampaging PA , he was teaming with dazzle, idk if dazzles ulti works for other heroes but this PA unironically had his bkb up every 10 - 20 seconds, he had a fight at our bot t3, he popped bkb, he walked around our fountain, went into woods, came out, had bkb, i even checked if he had a refresher orb and double checked the cd of bkb it was 75 seconds (He was barely walking around our fountain for 30 seconds) , i felt like i was going crazy

          another day in paradise

            Higher ranks are also full of smurfs. Difference is, we also have account buyers, which are even worse :)

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              Low ranks so hard :(


                Techies = 1.5k to 3k ez life.

                '96 Neve Campbell

                  Every single tier in this game is filled with smurfs, account buyers and everything inbetween. Stop making excuses for your own mediocrity. Most ‘smurfs’ in guardians are just 3ks who avoid ranked games anyway, if you cant beat them you are where you belong.


                    ^ok mrs 1k is harder than 3k

                    '96 Neve Campbell

                      ^ok mrs 1k is harder than 3k

                      Yeah and now I dont believe that. In a normal 1k lobby you can literally draft any hero you would like and solo carry the game with it.



                        Once you admit to yourself you're the problem things will start to change. There's only one constant in a game of DOTA 2, just like in the empirical world.

                        One thing though, they could be less cryptic about the systems in place, but without them the game would probably be actually unplayable. Either way; anyone playing DOTA 2 is doing so voluntarily, so whatever your result might be is distinct from the people who manage the game's systems themselves.

                        This has been helping me lately, is reminding myself that it's the game that makes the experience shitty, not the people. It has the most unique and complex methods at work to arrange teams in a particular way that they have deemed/operationally defined as "fair." It's a nice example of how computer systems don't think or feel, they just execute, and execute efficiently they do.

                        It's almost as if once you start winning, the matchmaking system will assign the teams so that you're with weaker people, quantified already by previous math methods, against people who are probably on winning streaks with > 50% win rate etc etc.

                        When you think about it, if you assign a number to each variable, it's easy to fix the match in a particular way.

                        "Most ‘smurfs’ in guardians are just 3ks who avoid ranked games anyway, if you cant beat them you are where you belong. "

                        Sorry, this is just true from personal experience. 1 mmr to upwards of at least 6000 mmr or at least 5000s basically the same skill level based on my 40k hours played.

                        Like their detection systems are a lot more advanced and sophisticated now... either someone is manually observing these matches, or there's a system at play to detect things like breaking your items or going afk with an amulet. I just broke my items because, well, quite frankly, instead of staring at the walls and wasting my energy trying to win a nearly impossible match, I opted to clean my apartment instead, and now I'm waiting 30 minutes for a match instead of 3, which was what it took before this.

                        These things can't be coincidental... so again I say, at the very least, they can include this information somewhere in the behavior score/conduct summary box, instead of a one liner that doesn't elaborate on any of these things haha.

                        So yo, in conclusion, actually the matchmaking system in dota is extremely accurate. I has 420 mmr right now, no joke LOL. I really wanna smoke some weed badly, hoping my boy later splits one with me. But that's because I'm a 420 skilled player at the moment. For the first time since I was 17, I'm actually on the same page with dota 2

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                          ^^wtf over 10k games and still herald , this guy is a living legend

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                            I'm over 10K games and still guardian. I think there is something within Valve matchmaking algorithm that disincentivize climbing MMR on an old account with high volume games.
                            Look at this:

                            I am trying hard to carry games in my main account 0.8K MMR but my teammates compared to the opposite team are so 'noob' that games are not carryable.

                            Discouraged, I turned to my seldom used alt account which is around 1.7k and tried hard.

                            0.8K MMR is legit MORE difficult than 1.7K MMR from my experience.
                            Now fellow Dotabuffers, care to explain this phenomenon I am observing?
                            For the record I have not bought a new gaming chair recently.



                              you are just too good at dota bro thats it
                              if they give you zai acc you just win ti. what a pos 3 player!


                                ^missed the point but that's expected from an OTP chen player


                                  btw sub1k is way harder than 1/2k mmr
                                  that's why I'm training on that account before calibrating on main

                                  another day in paradise

                                    Its fun to watch 1k players cry about how hard their games are :)

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                                      didn't said it was hard, just "harder than"
                                      reading for example, for some people above me, is hard


                                        true, i still have nightmares about my sub 1k games. god bless gaben for forcing 50% on me when i got out of there
                                        true ti winners practice on sub 1k, the harder and hardest!

                                        we all understand what you say, we can read. but your knowledge is incomplete compare to us, sub 1k indeed harder than 2k but if you play on 6k you realize sub 1k is even harder than 6k
                                        sub 1k the hardest bracket to be in!


                                          i personally suggest you to practice against bots and after beating them you can climb to 5k smoothly.
                                          but remember, your starting point should be higher than 1k as the sub1k is the blackhole of dota

                                          Fear my presence

                                            i only play supp when i calibrated from archon 2 to guardian 4. because i know that bracket so much smurf as pos 1/2 (mostly midlaner). and now i almost legend (archon 5


                                              i cant believe that some of these guys really believe that 1k is hard..


                                                1k is harder than 3k (except if you pick a snowballing mid but even doing so your team won't do jack shit)


                                                  we should honor you for playing in 1k instead of 3k to deal with harder games. what a hero

                                                  my 1k team :joy:


                                                    So interesting you guys keep putting sub 1 k players down while not even trying to answer the question.
                                                    Perhaps you lack the cognition to even come out with a valid explanation.
                                                    Keep staying drunk with mental masteurbation in your high MMR heaven.


                                                    Este comentario fue editado

                                                      go ahead try to explain what it means to see and what colors look alike to blind person. i applause you bro

                                                      nobody puts you down, its all you. you just felt down about being 1k and now trying to convince yourself 1k games are harder than 3k to cope with it. whatever works for you, nobody cares but stop try to convince others. at least, not the ones with higher than 1k mmr :)


                                                        3k's are not even that bad players mechanically just bad understanding overall of their job in a game, 1k is literally bots, 3k is 10x harder then 1k.

                                                        Este comentario fue editado

                                                          btw I'll sell that account
                                                          can't play with m*slims anymore with 10 times my playtime
                                                          hope some 3/4k will have fun raping those pigs ^^


                                                            give it to me


                                                              10k behaviour score, 710 mmr now
                                                              but I need another account to play ranked then


                                                                ill give u some 3k acc

                                                                Este comentario fue editado

                                                                  u better not cheat on me zxc! this account has phone + goodboi score
                                                                  add me then: 57603099


                                                                    U add me I cant on this acc. 1271792749


                                                                      can't add smh
                                                                      wait i add you on discord




                                                                          ADD ME!


                                                                            i did )


                                                                              Post your results.

                                                                              I want to see 20 winstreaks. No less.






                                                                                  sub 1k games are harder than 3k.

                                                                                  Este comentario fue editado
                                                                                  '96 Neve Campbell

                                                                                    Guys for real, I have been playing a mix of lobbies lately, solo queue 3-4k average games, stacked 4-5k average games and stacked 1-2k average, and the difference in quality between the 1-2k average games and the 3-4k average games are remarkable. I am by no stretch a good dota player, some people in this forum maintain I am not even a legend and that I have been boosted, but after spending well over a couple years playing 3-4k average games as my regular solo experience, the games I get when I stack with my low mmr friends are just hilarious trivial shit where I frequently get like a 6+ k/d every game after farming completely unpressured and making countless mistakes. If you can not climb to even crusader after hundreds of matches I dont know what to say other than there is something fundamentally wrong with how you play, either mechanically speaking or through a lack of a physical ability.

                                                                                    Players at this level do not understand how to itemise, dont understand how space works, dont understand target priority and do not understand when and how to pressurise the enemy team. In my experience players at this level only understand absolute fundamentals, they may have a rough knowledge of how to draft, may be decent at last hitting and will know what the heros in the game do, beyond those basics they do not have the skills required to play dota at a higher level. The difference between even 1000 mmr between a crusader and a legend is very telling much of the time.

                                                                                    I made that famous ‘1k is harder than 3k’ thread back in the day, and since then I have come to realise how moronic it is to believe that. Other than the extremely rare 1 in 100 game where the other team will have a divine meepo/brood/visage smurf in their mid lane, there is literally no way difficulty obstacle at this level; and yes your teammates are subhuman apes because its 1k, but so are the other team. If you are truly a higher mmr then you would absolutely be the difference in these games and you would certainly see decent mmr gains, anyone stuck at the same rank for hundreds, thousands of games is exactly where they belong, that is the system working as intended.

                                                                                    Este comentario fue editado

                                                                                      Well composed response. However I play solo rank exclusively and don’t party. You are kinda comparing apples and oranges really.
                                                                                      Additionally my beef is actually with the matchmaking algorithm. There is sometime there happening and it is impacting on old high volume games account.
                                                                                      My main is now .8k MMR but I’m holding my own in 1.8k MMR on my alt. If MMR is due to skill only I should be dropping fast back to sub 1k but I’m not. There is something else at play over here this affecting my main and not the alt account.

                                                                                      My 2 cents

                                                                                      '96 Neve Campbell

                                                                                        It doesnt matter if you are in a party or if you are solo, there are sub 1k players in the party who dont follow instructions or understand the game the same was sub 1k players dont understand the game if you are solo. The outcome is broadly the same either way.


                                                                                          hi to the guy who start this thread, i was just browsing site and i read this post and i thought i can relate to this. i calibrated guardian 2 when i 1st started out in june 2019 and i was stuck there for a while and couldnt climb no matter what. what worked for me was to just play a lot of turbo and normal games (2k or so games) to get a better feel for the game, thats what worked for me.

                                                                                          feels like i got better overtime and i was able to get some mmr im just about 4k or ancient 2 atm. when i decided to start playing ranked again, i had like 60-70% winrate spamming the heroes i found worked best for me through playing normals, if u want i can elaborate more on that, but i rarely played mid and u dont need to play mid to climb mmr contrary to what most ppl will tell you. tinker was also nvr a problem for me, and as to carry who get rampage with 0 deaths, sometimes ppl just have good games u cant say theyre smurf coz of that lol

                                                                                          have u been turning off match data coz i see your last match was like 2months ago and tbh u dont have many games less than 500... i dont think uve played enough games to get a feel on know how to climb mmr... just try and spam normal games like me and see if it work for u.

                                                                                          another day in paradise

                                                                                            Imagine being 1-4k kekw

                                                                                            GOKU FINAL FORM

                                                                                              people actually play classic ranked without being immortal rank?

                                                                                              Este comentario fue editado

                                                                                                Smurfs ain't the problem. The cancer players that have no clue and chain feed or fight one vs 5 all the time. Recently had a game where we were in control and even secure our carry (luna) the aegis. Everybody is 50% HP at this point so we should go back, but this guy just rans into 5 and then complains that we didn't back him up. I even calles to back after rosh and heal + get mana... The ego players that have 0 clue are the biggest problem!

                                                                                                zoi | hoodi

                                                                                                  There is a pretty big disparity in quality of game from 0-4k mmr depending on region, time of day, luck of the draw, solo or party, etc., so massive generalizations like 'such and such is easy kekek' are a bit silly.

                                                                                                  I'd say a bigger issue than smurfing is how many people are grandfathered into their rank just because ten years ago they made it to Divine when the average player had lobster hands and played from a Dreamcast VMU. This causes problems across all ranks as you have somebody who is playing in 4-5k mmr games that should really be playing in 1k mmr games and you have people in 1k mmr games that should probably be in 3-4k mmr games. This is easiest to see in ranked win rates as the vast majority of people float around 50% no matter what their rank is.

                                                                                                  zoi | hoodi

                                                                                                    Also it has already been proven that the level of your 'unranked' games drastically influence placement, so simply by making a new account (dota is free) and calibrating after winning 70-80% of those games (especially if you play those games with people in 5k+ rank) you'll end up in a higher bracket.


                                                                                                      Well said Zoi. That’s my observation as well. The current system does not advocate sticking to legacy account if you truly care about MMR.
                                                                                                      It’s easier to just climb from a fresh one.
                                                                                                      FYI this 0.8k Gecko is still climbing in the1.8k bracket on the alt account. Why?


                                                                                                      Este comentario fue editado

                                                                                                        "as you have somebody who is playing in 4-5k mmr games that should really be playing in 1k mmr games and you have people in 1k mmr games that should probably be in 3-4k mmr games. This is easiest to see in ranked win rates as the vast majority of people float around 50% no matter what their rank is"

                                                                                                        Ur literally braindead and ofc ur a fuckin guardian, 3k-4 players go 30/0 in 1k mmr the smurfs u complain about are those players who u say ur the skill level of u fuckin donkey.

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