General Discussion

General DiscussionCreating new Account

Creating new Account in General Discussion

    Hi guys!

    Just wanna how to create new account without getting banned..


      How u get banned. You have 49% winrate in normal skill


        no bro im just getting bad games so i want to create new account but valve keep banning them

        6 divine buyer enjoyer


          ЭЩ ЭЩ ЭЩ

            i dont know how u got such problem. I created new acc one month ago. It is still normal...

            Jose RIZZal

              im a multi accer myself, not sure why u are getting banned tho


                Just delete information about old accounts from Steam (clean registry and reinstall steam, delete other steam folders in AppData and other system directories). Or u can reinstall operation system.


                  But in any case I suggest to improve yourself, you can’t achieve much higher mmr playing as 2k player. Also remember that after creating new account you will play with smurfs (or accbuyers) for 700-800 games :) good luck

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