Started 1.3k, reached max of 4.4k, stopped grinding and now settled at around 3k.
Games get harder, you can't fuck around. From 1.3k to 2.5k, I could easily win games with Ambulance spectre build, 6 bf bounty(old patch).
After 3k you have to itemize little better, else you'd probably lose the game. After 4k, i had to fix a lot of my my map movements, to win games, but then got a job and had to stop the grind. If you want to enjoy casual dota, 2k to 5k, is a good range. Below that you get braindead games(win/lose most games are plain boring), and above 5k, you will have to try hard every game.
I fucking wishhhh I was still 2k, having fun in dota seems impossible now
i started from guardian 16wins7loss, from 0 to 14%rank confidence the hidden mmr now is archon sometimes legend. i think i can climb to ancient after 30% rank confidence
sorry for bad english
Ive been everywhere from Archon to Divine 5 and the more you grind the more it becomes your part time job. Games become more and more exhausting.
When it comes to this patch I feel like its much easier to grind now.
You dont need to grind to get higher in rank once you master the art of picking the same hero every game while still having fun with it
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Did anybody from here star from low mmr and now is at respectable mmr ? Can you share your experience ? And what is significantally better/worse in your initial vs current dota days ?