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    riki shit now


      I like new Riki. 3 mealstorms
      2.use ulti in team fight and eat popcorn

      Willy Wynn

        This update is really bad. People is crying about riki all the time and they nerf him in the last 2 major updates! Now riki became quiet useless. The only good thing about him now is the ulti is quiet good in teamfights. The same thing happen with ursa some updates before they nerf the hero and ursa became useless and next they buff ursa again. Now the same thing happen with riki. People are just dumb and cant counter the heroes... Every hero in the game can be counter with items. The most cry babys about riki ists because they never buy dusts, sentrys, force staffs, bkbs, ghost scepters and so on, and next they cry! Next they say things like riki is kill me over and over again, its op, its trash and bla bla. This update overall was really bad. The map change is welcome and also de new items, but the nerfs and buffs in certain hero's and items are really awful. Some hero's now are just situational and became quiet useless. Dota2buff prove it, win rate going down and also the pick rate as well.

        jerkmate 1v1

          @Tony Slark *cough* Winter Wyvern *cough*

          A Suh Dude

            New Riki ult is unbalanced as shit buy a basher and maelstrom ez team wipe you can "dive" fountain with it and get a damage that is stupid the gayest part is that it uses all unique attack modifiers like basher crits and maelstrom so stupid Riki did not need a buff it makes pub tryhard annoying


              Hate riki?play cpm,dont hate riki?pick him at all pick ranked,get all agi stuff that u can,eventually a divine,RIP everyone!