LigaResultadoDuraciónPreliminarias de The AwfulCow Wedding ProcessionPreliminaria opuestaDerrota2023-03-27Series 2423116US West52:35 The AwfulCow Wedding Procession | Dire | 1er pick5 Elecc.8 Elecc.16 Elecc.17 Elecc.23 Elecc.1 Prohib.3 Prohib.9 Prohib.11 Prohib.13 Prohib.19 Prohib.21 Prohib. Robot 1/2: School of Anything Goes | Radiant | 6 Elecc.7 Elecc.15 Elecc.18 Elecc.24 Elecc.2 Prohib.4 Prohib.10 Prohib.12 Prohib.14 Prohib.20 Prohib.22 Prohib.Derrota2023-03-27Series 2423116US West24:59 The AwfulCow Wedding Procession | Radiant6 Elecc.7 Elecc.15 Elecc.18 Elecc.24 Elecc.2 Prohib.4 Prohib.10 Prohib.12 Prohib.14 Prohib.20 Prohib.22 Prohib. Robot 1/2: School of Anything Goes | Dire | 1er pick | 5 Elecc.8 Elecc.16 Elecc.17 Elecc.23 Elecc.1 Prohib.3 Prohib.9 Prohib.11 Prohib.13 Prohib.19 Prohib.21 Prohib.Victoria2023-03-13Series 2418459US West50:52 The AwfulCow Wedding Procession | Dire | 1er pick | 5 Elecc.8 Elecc.16 Elecc.17 Elecc.23 Elecc.1 Prohib.3 Prohib.9 Prohib.11 Prohib.13 Prohib.19 Prohib.21 Prohib. Sexpertease | Radiant6 Elecc.7 Elecc.15 Elecc.18 Elecc.24 Elecc.2 Prohib.4 Prohib.10 Prohib.12 Prohib.14 Prohib.20 Prohib.22 Prohib.Victoria2023-03-13Series 2418459US West32:20 The AwfulCow Wedding Procession | Radiant | 6 Elecc.7 Elecc.15 Elecc.18 Elecc.24 Elecc.2 Prohib.4 Prohib.10 Prohib.12 Prohib.14 Prohib.20 Prohib.22 Prohib. Sexpertease | Dire | 1er pick5 Elecc.8 Elecc.16 Elecc.17 Elecc.23 Elecc.1 Prohib.3 Prohib.9 Prohib.11 Prohib.13 Prohib.19 Prohib.21 Prohib.Victoria2023-03-13US West51:46 The AwfulCow Wedding Procession | Radiant | 2 Elecc.3 Elecc.5 Elecc.8 Elecc.10 Elecc. Sexpertease | Dire | 1er pick1 Elecc.4 Elecc.6 Elecc.7 Elecc.9 Elecc.Victoria2023-03-06Series 2416573US West1:04:15 The AwfulCow Wedding Procession | Dire | 1er pick | 5 Elecc.8 Elecc.16 Elecc.17 Elecc.23 Elecc.1 Prohib.3 Prohib.9 Prohib.11 Prohib.13 Prohib.19 Prohib.21 Prohib. Rulers of Omicron Persei 8 | Radiant6 Elecc.7 Elecc.15 Elecc.18 Elecc.24 Elecc.2 Prohib.4 Prohib.10 Prohib.12 Prohib.14 Prohib.20 Prohib.22 Prohib.Victoria2023-03-06Series 2416573US West49:36 The AwfulCow Wedding Procession | Radiant | 6 Elecc.7 Elecc.15 Elecc.18 Elecc.24 Elecc.2 Prohib.4 Prohib.10 Prohib.12 Prohib.14 Prohib.20 Prohib.22 Prohib. Rulers of Omicron Persei 8 | Dire | 1er pick5 Elecc.8 Elecc.16 Elecc.17 Elecc.23 Elecc.1 Prohib.3 Prohib.9 Prohib.11 Prohib.13 Prohib.19 Prohib.21 Prohib.Victoria2023-02-27Series 2414624US West39:05 The AwfulCow Wedding Procession | Radiant | 1er pick | 5 Elecc.8 Elecc.16 Elecc.17 Elecc.23 Elecc.1 Prohib.3 Prohib.9 Prohib.11 Prohib.13 Prohib.19 Prohib.21 Prohib. The Polloship of Grief | Dire6 Elecc.7 Elecc.15 Elecc.18 Elecc.24 Elecc.2 Prohib.4 Prohib.10 Prohib.12 Prohib.14 Prohib.20 Prohib.22 Prohib.Victoria2023-02-27Series 2414624US West1:04:11 The AwfulCow Wedding Procession | Dire | 6 Elecc.7 Elecc.15 Elecc.18 Elecc.24 Elecc.2 Prohib.4 Prohib.10 Prohib.12 Prohib.14 Prohib.20 Prohib.22 Prohib. The Polloship of Grief | Radiant | 1er pick5 Elecc.8 Elecc.16 Elecc.17 Elecc.23 Elecc.1 Prohib.3 Prohib.9 Prohib.11 Prohib.13 Prohib.19 Prohib.21 Prohib.Victoria2023-02-20Series 2412174US West1:04:34 The AwfulCow Wedding Procession | Dire | 6 Elecc.7 Elecc.15 Elecc.18 Elecc.24 Elecc.2 Prohib.4 Prohib.10 Prohib.12 Prohib.14 Prohib.20 Prohib.22 Prohib. DM 4 Belle Delphine Onlyfans | Radiant | 1er pick5 Elecc.8 Elecc.16 Elecc.17 Elecc.23 Elecc.1 Prohib.3 Prohib.9 Prohib.11 Prohib.13 Prohib.19 Prohib.21 Prohib.Derrota2023-02-20Series 2412174US West35:52 The AwfulCow Wedding Procession | Radiant6 Elecc.7 Elecc.15 Elecc.18 Elecc.24 Elecc.2 Prohib.4 Prohib.10 Prohib.12 Prohib.14 Prohib.20 Prohib.22 Prohib. DM 4 Belle Delphine Onlyfans | Dire | 1er pick | 5 Elecc.8 Elecc.16 Elecc.17 Elecc.23 Elecc.1 Prohib.3 Prohib.9 Prohib.11 Prohib.13 Prohib.19 Prohib.21 Prohib.Victoria2023-02-06Series 2407342US West32:33No hay datos disponibles. La partida no es Captain's Mode.No hay datos disponibles. La partida no es Captain's Mode.Derrota2023-02-06US West53:04 The AwfulCow Wedding Procession | Dire | 1er pick5 Elecc.8 Elecc.16 Elecc.17 Elecc.23 Elecc.1 Prohib.3 Prohib.9 Prohib.11 Prohib.13 Prohib.19 Prohib.21 Prohib. Reggie's Dota 2 League | Radiant | 6 Elecc.7 Elecc.15 Elecc.18 Elecc.24 Elecc.2 Prohib.4 Prohib.10 Prohib.12 Prohib.14 Prohib.20 Prohib.22 Prohib.Derrota2023-02-06Series 2407342US West1:24:07 The AwfulCow Wedding Procession | Radiant6 Elecc.7 Elecc.15 Elecc.18 Elecc.24 Elecc.2 Prohib.4 Prohib.10 Prohib.12 Prohib.14 Prohib.20 Prohib.22 Prohib. Reggie's Dota 2 League | Dire | 1er pick | 5 Elecc.8 Elecc.16 Elecc.17 Elecc.23 Elecc.1 Prohib.3 Prohib.9 Prohib.11 Prohib.13 Prohib.19 Prohib.21 Prohib.Victoria2023-01-30Series 2404859US West42:25 Quincy Crew | Radiant | 6 Elecc.7 Elecc.15 Elecc.18 Elecc.24 Elecc.2 Prohib.4 Prohib.10 Prohib.12 Prohib.14 Prohib.20 Prohib.22 Prohib. Free Gunnar | Dire | 1er pick5 Elecc.8 Elecc.16 Elecc.17 Elecc.23 Elecc.1 Prohib.3 Prohib.9 Prohib.11 Prohib.13 Prohib.19 Prohib.21 Prohib.Derrota2023-01-30Series 2404859US West34:39 Quincy Crew | Radiant6 Elecc.7 Elecc.15 Elecc.18 Elecc.24 Elecc.2 Prohib.4 Prohib.10 Prohib.12 Prohib.14 Prohib.20 Prohib.22 Prohib. Free Gunnar | Dire | 1er pick | 5 Elecc.8 Elecc.16 Elecc.17 Elecc.23 Elecc.1 Prohib.3 Prohib.9 Prohib.11 Prohib.13 Prohib.19 Prohib.21 Prohib.Victoria2023-01-23Series 2402568US West43:10 Quincy Crew | Dire | 1er pick | 5 Elecc.8 Elecc.16 Elecc.17 Elecc.23 Elecc.1 Prohib.3 Prohib.9 Prohib.11 Prohib.13 Prohib.19 Prohib.21 Prohib. Pottis Defense Force | Radiant6 Elecc.7 Elecc.15 Elecc.18 Elecc.24 Elecc.2 Prohib.4 Prohib.10 Prohib.12 Prohib.14 Prohib.20 Prohib.22 Prohib.Victoria2023-01-23Series 2402568US West1:10:44 Quincy Crew | Radiant | 6 Elecc.7 Elecc.15 Elecc.18 Elecc.24 Elecc.2 Prohib.4 Prohib.10 Prohib.12 Prohib.14 Prohib.20 Prohib.22 Prohib. Pottis Defense Force | Dire | 1er pick5 Elecc.8 Elecc.16 Elecc.17 Elecc.23 Elecc.1 Prohib.3 Prohib.9 Prohib.11 Prohib.13 Prohib.19 Prohib.21 Prohib.Derrota2023-01-16Series 2400350US West42:19 Quincy Crew | Radiant6 Elecc.7 Elecc.15 Elecc.18 Elecc.24 Elecc.2 Prohib.4 Prohib.10 Prohib.12 Prohib.14 Prohib.20 Prohib.22 Prohib. NekoNekoNeko | Dire | 1er pick | 5 Elecc.8 Elecc.16 Elecc.17 Elecc.23 Elecc.1 Prohib.3 Prohib.9 Prohib.11 Prohib.13 Prohib.19 Prohib.21 Prohib.Derrota2023-01-16Series 2400350US West52:22 Quincy Crew | Radiant6 Elecc.7 Elecc.15 Elecc.18 Elecc.24 Elecc.2 Prohib.4 Prohib.10 Prohib.12 Prohib.14 Prohib.20 Prohib.22 Prohib. NekoNekoNeko | Dire | 1er pick | 5 Elecc.8 Elecc.16 Elecc.17 Elecc.23 Elecc.1 Prohib.3 Prohib.9 Prohib.11 Prohib.13 Prohib.19 Prohib.21 Prohib.1 - 20 of 36 1 2 Next › Last »