General Discussion

General Discussionis it possible to get to higher brackets without stacking with good p...

is it possible to get to higher brackets without stacking with good players? in General Discussion

    I just cant take it anymore every game is ruined by 4 idiots in my team.
    hell even people i stack with are idiots and i cant find ANY good player at all. everytime i win it is because of me myself.
    its just impossible to advance in brackets when you get idiots in your team.

    Vanity  ツ

      Play selfish


        yeah, i got into vh without stacking.


          You have to pick heroes that impact the game in a huge way.

          Heroes like PL, Gyro, Magnus(as a carry/intiatior). You have to be a super carry. It won't be as much fun as playing a nuker/ganker. But you can win.


            question is, how can some people not be in very high bracket wtf

            ╰_╯ GeneraL ♕★♥

              ^Haha, gd question though..

              PS, I belong to V.High bracket, but not on this account


                Yes, if you truly belong in a higher bracket then you should eventually get there. If you are having trouble with that then you probably are right where you belong.

                ╰_╯ GeneraL ♕★♥

                  Just take a look at my recent games, 20 games, 1 lose?
                  But I am not climbing up because I play with my low skilled friends


                    Yep, that is true. And im normal "trash" bracket, so i know what im talking about.

                    Gelatinous Blob

                      Its possible...but its honestly not possible for most people. Most people can't be the best players...that is just reality.

                      The reason some people can easily solo que in Very High is more than just knowledge of how to play. It's more that such people have faster reflexes, more precise mouse control, and a better kinesthetic sense of the map and the fights. That's just talent and most people honestly don't have it.

                      But that while talent is rare...most serious players can get into High Bracket if they learn how to play coordinated dota and build up their friends list. Teamwork is much more important in dota than talent. If you want to play at a higher level and are not talented enough to just carry nubs and win games no matter what...then what you need to do is work on finding people you can play with regularly, who you get along with...and work out some strategies you enjoy playing. Practice all using the same set of heroes together so you will get to know who needs to do what in each situation in each part of the game. Figure out who is best at mid, support, carry, and offlane and stick to those roles. Then your group will excel. You will be able to beat far more talented players and get into High and Very High once you have really learned to work together.

                      But first, you must find the people.

                      Este comentario fue editado

                        ^He did say he wanted to do it without stacking.

                        But relentless you do have a very good point. Not everyone is of very high skill level and thus it is not meant for everyone.

                        ╰_╯ GeneraL ♕★♥

                          Most ppl should be able to improve if they have the right mentality.
                          If not, they can't and should be called a Dota retard :D


                            I always do my best at anyhero i pick and whenever i lose i usually have the best stats in team(or in-game)



                            i picked prophet cause we had 2 mid heroes so we sent sf on safelane solo.
                            game was going well for us until kunkka started feeding PA.
                            and i tried to save ourteam but rubik didnt disable PA at all so we lost.
                            i didnt play selfish prophet and started ganking after i got boots ( min 10 )


                            first 2 picks were shaman and timber then i said i probably go safelane with shaman so i picked pl. after that we have a riki that wanted mid and an sniper lastpick and a russian timber who wanted safelane. timber and shaman fed solo mirana sniper got most of farm bot cause distruptor harassed me hard. hell i even told in all chat that im jungling so i can get my cs up to get out of shit bracket and the other team didnt even bother me.

                            there is NOTHING one can do when he is stuck with these kind of idiots.

                            another match that we didnt have more than 1 idiot (axe) in-game
                            i managed to totaly destroy pudge in mid (he had chen backing him up btw) and snowball without any carry but jugg getting fed.

                            maybe i should try enabling the solo option when i play solo?

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                              Most players can be in very high mm.Try to be on the first page in live games.More challenging ;)


                                If you go under the matchmaking settings where the language preference is, you can mandate solo queue for when you're queuing alone; this at least gets rid of parties of people speaking other languages and stuff.


                                  It also sometimes results in poorer matchmaking

                                  Sōu ka

                                    yeah it doesn't really serve its purpose
                                    eliminating parties is supposed to make the overall skill gap smaller but due to most people not selecting solo queue it's doing the exact opposite
                                    both solo queue and team matchmaking could actually be really fun things if valve gave incentives to play them


                                      If you have basic knowledge, it is no problem. Very High Bracket seems like Heaven for those who never played there, but it is still full with retards.

                                      Btw. Dota is a Teamgame, so why get solo somewhere? This sir, indicates, that you did not get the major point in dota.

                                      If you want to get very high by soloqueing just pick heros with huge gameimpact and play them over and over again.

                                      Unlike sayray I do not recommend heros like gyro or lancer. Those are hardcarries that rely on farm. You need at least 1 item to kick in. You are in normal bracket, so don't expect support. That one item will be hard to get sometimes.

                                      A lancer/void lane won't get you far.

                                      Secure a sololane for yourself or the jungle, so you do not have to deal with your bobmates. In normalbracket are mostly ppl with strong learning disablities and low talent at all.

                                      Pick snowballheros. What is a snowballer?

                                      1. A hero that does not need much farm.

                                      2. A hero that can solo other heros.

                                      3. A hero that does way better with farm and scales lategame (semicarry).

                                      4. A hero that has laning presence or durability on the lane.


                                      Most effective in my eyes:

                                      Bara/ Ursa/ Bounty/ Riki/ Weaver /Naix/ Zeus/ Bloodseeker/ Clinkz/ Weaver/ Nyx/ Jugger/ Huskar / Viper / Jugger /Drow / Balanar / Tinker

                                      Can work, but needs higher Skill

                                      Qop/ Invoker/ SF/ Pudge/ Mirana / Slardar / Treant / Kunkka / TA

                                      This applies for normal bracket. In high bracket things change a little if you get closer to very high. At some point the 9v1 attitude won't get you farer. You will need more game sense and be more versatile with the roles you can play. More mapawerness etc.

                                      If you want to get better, stop soloing. Get a team with better guys than you. Listen to their advices. Dota is a teamgame. The best team wins, not the team with the better players. Executing a trilane proper is nothing you can really learn by soloque.

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                                        just take mid or feed every game. if u are a deserving very high skilled player then should be easy win

                                        to be clear, it is impossible to make it to very high without stacking if u only play supports

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                                          @9v1 - He specified the "without stacking" part, which is why I brought it up. I personally love the team aspect and play with friends who communicate whenever I can! But I've noticed that when I am queuing alone, I have better chances of encountering english-speaking peeps when I do solo queue. Could be just coincidental tho. But regardless, that's not the main cause of his concerns, by the sound of things. So I'm not being very helpful anyway. :)


                                            @9v1, snowballing semi carries dont work if the other team is fed off your teammates. You need end game potential with mid game presence.

                                            I missed a hero that could be just who you are looking for, Luna.

                                            Luna is an amazing hero all day every day. Low cd nuke with mini stun, nice base dmg with dmg aura, great move speed, ranged (albeit low), and late game killer. She comes to life with only dominator and manta, and can destroy teams with only glaive bounces.

                                            ╰_╯ GeneraL ♕★♥

                                              I was once on second page of live games, and enemy team looked like a stack (all chinese nicknames)
                                              Thank god someone of them failed, after that I never got into page number less than 10 :(


                                                yes but it isnt worth the effort and damage your body has 2take from all the stress

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                                                King of Low Prio

                                                  you can get into VH as a support if you play it correctly for a pub game. Too many people try and mimic tournament players doing support the exact same way. The biggest offender is the support player who thinks he can get away with being a low lv support in a pub. I will give you a example, in a pub game I will NEVER play nyx as a support role because I need more game influence to tilt wins in my favor.


                                                    a pub game is not a cm game
                                                    supporting in a pub game playing with cm mentality will get you nowhere, same with the opposite

                                                    from what i can see you rly suck and don't deserve to be in very high bracket
                                                    the fact you are roaming and ganking with krobelus instead of taking towers and changing with tp whenever u can get killed says enough to me!


                                                      Shots fired!

                                                      Pandamonium(You Died)

                                                        I got to 53.5% wr playing support in pubs, organizing trilanes.
                                                        come at me bro
                                                        also, being underleveled 60-70% of the games. If you are accomplishing stuff, and know how to play character, its ok for support to be 3-5 levels lower than his teammates.
                                                        Usually good fight/enough time passed will lead to supports catching up most of the levels of the enemy supports.

                                                        Este comentario fue editado
                                                        King of Low Prio

                                                          I doubt you do correct tri lanes in the normal bracket.....


                                                            sure there's going to be trolls every now and then, but surely your luck can't be that bad that every game you end up with 4 idiots and "everytime you win is because of yourself"? I don't know if you're putting too much credit on yourself or just exaggerating the people you're meeting in matchmaking, coz it's impossible you never meet players who're far better than yourself unless you're a professional player.

                                                            anyway most of my games are in high tier (few normal, even fewer higher) and I'm just an average player that solo queues half the time or more and feeds a lot doing stupid things like obviously knowing I need a bkb but dont care and refuse to buy it just coz I feel like playing a glass cannon build hero for fun. I random probably 60-70% of the time although there is a certain group of heroes I would always repick if I get them because I'm really horrible at them. Anyway this means I do not counterpick and I don't really pick heroes that're OP that much. thus if someone like me is in hard tier all the time that means it's very easy for you to get into hard tier games (because apparently hard is not really hard).

                                                            however for you to be very high tier constantly you probably need to be firstly good, and have to often pick (or counterpick with) maybe not OP heroes all the time but at least high game impact heroes instead of random-ing or just playing just any heroes/builds you want so that you can increase your win rate.
                                                            either take mid heroes, or side lane heroes that can take harassment and farm reasonably well w/o having to depend too much on your laning partner (that means you will have to be able to deal with screwed up things like sb charge into a secondary stun, sd disruption into stun/dazzle healing wave etc alone so a ranged carry/semi carry with either high base dmg or skills that can be used to farm is preferred - my personal favourites are luna and bone. please dont pick am if you're not going to depend on your laning partner.)

                                                            but to be frank dont stress yourself too much, the fun gets taken away when everyone are tryhards. just play as you like I'm sure you'll eventually get there when your skills are good enough (coz you would be winning games w/o having to be a tryhard like everybody else, I'm not saying all the games but you will be winning games)


                                                              Your best bet would be to play semi-carry with huge game impact from 5min-30min. Slark, Qop, TA comes to mind.


                                                                Go Warlock!

                                                                A lot of normal pubs lack:
                                                                -A support
                                                                -Hero who can sustain himself and a partner in lane.
                                                                -Teamfight cc

                                                                It's even more horrible when your team lacks more than one of the above. But Warlock is simply amazing in that he can do all of the above. In fact, I think he's the only pubstomp hero that pubstomps by supporting.

                                                                I realize that this is a weird piece of advice. But if you weren't fast enough to pick Viper/Drow/Balanar or other pubstomping hero and your retarded teammates already picked 3 carries, don't make matters worse by picking another one.

                                                                If everything else fails, just pick Huskar.

                                                                tough coockie

                                                                  its possible, i play solo queue most of the time. :D


                                                                    I did it without stacking. And playing carries such as PL and Gyro like someone mentioned isn't the best choice, at all.
                                                                    The best way to win games playing solo (if you're a good player obviously) is playing high impact mid heroes such as QoP, SS, Tinker, SF, Invoker

                                                                    Este comentario fue editado

                                                                      I can do good in mid snowballers but the problem is whenever i want to snowball someone in our team has 13 deaths in 5 minutes

                                                                      waku waku

                                                                        yes you could stack with bad players like me, i already got a game where i got into high bracket with my friend when it used to be normal before


                                                                          I just kept playing until I progressed to very high status, I have always pretty much solo Q'd. I used to be the same way but I had a phase with od and luna a month or so ago where I got massive kdr's and ever since then I have been in very high so idk.



                                                                            won mid against pudge with bristle. ganked hard alch 40 min free farm with midas

                                                                            HOW CAN I WIN WITH THIS KIND OF IDIOT

                                                                            Este comentario fue editado
                                                                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                              It's not even hard to get to Very High bracket tbh. You just need to play better.

                                                                              Sōu ka

                                                                                you complain about teammates while you really don't actually need anyone on your team to do anything to win the majority of those games
                                                                                and your itemization with bristle is fucking awful, that's not how you snowball and keep being relevant


                                                                                  ^^I ALREADY PLAY BETTER THAN MY WHOLE TEAM AND THE ENEMYTEAM EVERYGAME
                                                                                  When you always lose you cant advance in brackets
                                                                                  its 1v5 everygame i play EVERY win i get is because of me myself. My team is always retarded hell even when i play kotl i get the best KDA ratio ingame

                                                                                  ^sorry i got a rampage with 2 rax down
                                                                                  alch had 40 min FREEFARM and look at him!

                                                                                  Este comentario fue editado
                                                                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                    I would like to help you get higher because you seem to be quite mad about it. But you play on US.

                                                                                    waku waku

                                                                                      wanna help me instead? ;-;

                                                                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                        Nah that only happens once.

                                                                                        paid actors enjoyer

                                                                                          easiest task of my life

                                                                                          I WANNA BE THE VERY BEST

                                                                                            That feeling when you are in top games,playing with/against pros. I love it!


                                                                                              You are a normal brackt player and are not as good as you think you are. You are not better than your team. You are not better than your enemies. You are a normal player, that belongs in the normal bracket. If you start to face the truth, you can improve. If you allready think you are good, there is mentally no room for improvement.


                                                                                              I watched this game of you as an example. You went afk, missed the first creepwave completly. You often miss lasthits cause your timing is bad. Lasthitting under tower on early lvls is something you should practice more. You chose denies several times over lasthits. Its not only your timing, it is your movement. You just run sometimes arround, and can't get in touch with a creep for lasthit cause your movement was so random. Even tiny has no mana, you still play too passive in early game. You can also harrass tiny with some easy hits to drain his mana, since you skilled manadrain. Skilling manadrain wasnt recommended in your situation btw, since you face heavy nukes. Min 5:16 you start standing arround for like 20 sek without doing anything, while you have low hp.

                                                                                              Min 9 you have 16 lasthits! I watched only 10 min of this game and saw like 30 decision you could have done better.

                                                                                              This game:


                                                                                              You start with Dragonblood, even without knowing who you will lane against. Always skill dragon tail first, for escape or firstblood. You should have claimed the mid as dk, but thats not your fault. Still:

                                                                                              You miss out many lasthits again. Your movement seems pretty random. Sure ogre contests your farm, but he has 15 lasthitdam less than you, since you got QB. Esp under the tower there is alot of improvment for you.

                                                                                              Min 2:40 on you could make a move on aa. He is squshy and has low movementspeed. You have dual stun lane. And ogre could reach him. 3:15 ogre makes the move, but you react too slow. You have your soulring for like 2 min ready, but not getting it. Min 5 you have 10 lasthits again, even you have a nuke to farm. 2 Creeps per minute is not any way accetable for a carry hero.

                                                                                              I watched games for you for 10 min and there is a ton of mistakes in the Laningphase you make. You are in normal bracket cause you belong there. Even the lane in the antimage game would have allowed you easy 3-4 creeps per minute. The other game MUST be a 5 Cs/min game. You autoattack very often on creeps!!!

                                                                                              You are only ablte to perform farm on a decent level if you are alone with the creeps. Even in this case you are sometimes just lazy and autoattack. An enemy that denies or harrasses, a tower, too many range creeps, a catapult or a retarded ally that contests farm completly takes away your ability to farm. Min 9 you both react to slow on baras charge and he can kill ogre, while you both have a single target stun. The moment the aa utli hit you both you should be alerted.


                                                                                              This game. You can't farm. Miss out most lasthits. You do not claim the lane SOLO. Bounty can easy offlane solo. You do not buy wards for the pullcamp. That is not a huge mistake since your enemy was too low to pull. You feed, cause you are going retarded in, with clearly no chance of getting a kill or doing someting usefull. Just stuipid ramboactions.


                                                                                              This game. You could feel proud, cause you did so cool "well" on kills. In fact, again you miss out nearly every creep of the first waves, cause your inability to lasthit. You start with bottle first. Common noob mistake. A bottle provides you some regen, without providing stats. If you want a fast bottle go at least 3-4 branches and 1 pair tangos. The early stats are crucial.

                                                                                              2-3 lasthits per minute is the "max" you reach. Against a pudge on the midlane that is simply not acceptable. That pudge is cleary a noob. You could harrass and nuke him out of the lane or even kill him. Before the 5 min mark.

                                                                                              You check runes late, and play passive. Against a good player you would have simply fed. if you want to harrass dont simply click on the enemy hero. You will draw creep aggro for a uneeded long time. First click so you get in range and afterwards click on the hero.

                                                                                              I did not even watch teamfights or more complex ganks. You just miss out some really really important basics on dota. Improve your movement, and your lasthitting abilities. Your decisionmaking is bad. A deni is never worth trading against a lasthit.

                                                                                              The laning phase is the easiest to improve. With your skilllvl you won't be able to execute more complex ganks or actions that are expect by a very high player or even a high player.


                                                                                              You are playing on every server that is possible. Lock your region, so you get a better ping. That might explain your poor lasthitting skills.

                                                                                              Este comentario fue editado

                                                                                                ^ +1

                                                                                                Airi ♥

                                                                                                  wow, that's one heck of a case study heh

                                                                                                  are you guys sure carries gets easier path to high bracket? it's kind of annoying sometimes, all these creep pulls and wards go to waste when played mostly on a low-skilled game, i'm sure i couldve done better but having decent teammates wont hurt either. i might play carry again if thats the case (as with most dota 1 games)


                                                                                                    To high bracket get heros that are able to perform 9v1. A carry is clearly not a hero that can do so. A lancer needs at least a diffu to be effective. Even if you are really fast, you will be only able to get it in 12 min. If your team completly fails the first 10 min, you are out.

                                                                                                    So get semicarries. A balanar needs only the night to get kills. Tiny only a haste or invi rune. Zeus needs manaboots and a bottle. Bloodseeker and Bara need nothing. If you are able to outplay ppl in normal bracket pick your hero and go mid. You will mostly stomp mid, since you can outperform a normal bracket player. If you are not able to outperform a normal bracket player, you belong in normal bracket.

                                                                                                    Its not only the picks. But those picks leads you the easy way out of normal bracket. Escaping high is a bit more difficult, since individual skill in high bracket can be very decent. Lack of teamplay is the major factor that seperates high/very high. But not on a binary scale. You can still have dumb morons in very high.

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                                                                                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                                      ARE YOU RELENTLESS????

                                                                                                      tough coockie

                                                                                                        nice speech man :D