General Discussion

General Discussionis it possible to get to higher brackets without stacking with good p...

is it possible to get to higher brackets without stacking with good players? in General Discussion

    Impressive honest review that you spent your own time doing. You should provide a service. Everyone can watch pro games and get tips...but its tough finding people to watch your own replays to critique you in full honesty.

    I've only been playing data for under two years and just starting to really get a lot better a few months ago and now im into high/very high. Biggest thing I've learned is to not play tired and I only que solo CM mode in normal que....I live the rough life facing stacks and such. But since I starting doing that is when I started to improve.

    Also, for new players....I played every hero 5 times exactly in AP mode before I moved on to the above. My first 500 games had no heroes played more then 5 times. Thus forced me to learn all. Was boring at times and frustrating as its tough to be play well with all especially as a newbie.

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      Play heroes you are good at, the guy who said you need to stack to get into High bracket is not correct, I have been in High for some time, I have never played with anyone I know, I was in normal when I randomed every game, now its easy most of the time, really.
      To be fair, you have to lane with someone who isnt terrible, and your mid, if feeds, will loose you a game.


        yes, it's possible
        I would have went in Very High bracket after the first game but I'm playing only All Random so it took a while but not that much
        it's very easy if you know how to play but you clearly don't so you belong where you are now

        It's alright

          dude 9V1, can you watch my game and point out my mistake too? xD i would be apreciate


            I don't want to be the 2. relentless here :). I was just curious cause the guy bragged about his team and how much better he is. He is clearly not. Im mostly toô lazy to watch my own replays. Watch your own replays after every game and you will see in comparison to pro replays (that you should watch), where your flaws are. Im currently trying to learn furion offlane. Hard stuff to do it like bulldog but I improve by time. In 1-2 weeks he is at 50% winratio and I take the next hero.

            if you want to make less mistakes simple trick: Everytime you die: Write it down why you died. So you stop some mistakes. I started yesterday with this one.

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            It's alright

              just 1 more pls :">, greeting from asia xD


                wow that's seriously a +1 for 9v1, amazing work.

                won mid against pudge with bristle. ganked hard alch 40 min free farm with midas?

                yes the alch is really bad, countless self-stuns and even dying once to neutrals while farming them.
                I also don't know why there aren't much rubick lifts into alchem stun at top.

                but the alchem had a bad start and his midas came very late. getting harassed in a lane with tauren astral spirit and a spirit bear with orb of venom is certainly not freefarm. he's lousy at farming and he had a BAD farm lane not freefarm. (although the lane could still have worked out if they knew what they were doing)

                you like to exaggerate a lot, don't mislead people saying he freefarmed 40 mins with a midas (one that also came really late).
                He was ganked and also hunted while he was doing his "freefarming" in nc mid game. He had bad map awareness, and no wards at scout out ganks at top and thus died a few times.

                I think you're one of those people that if you play support, you'll throw your safe lane carry to solo against 2 strong harassers that can zone him out and go pull creeps. Then after that blame the carry for not being able to farm in safe lane.


                  I guess he won't post here again. He won't face the truth. A quick look at his replays, would show him why he is normal.

                  Generally I recommend playing a hero as often as possible in a row. So you get more routine in playing heros and get more space for planing advanced actions, since you can control your hero well.

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                    Nice work 9v1! Some people need to face the harsh reality of what is really going on.


                      If you want a carry that can win the game by himself, play Ursa jungle. If you're not playing in very high pools the enemy team won't counter you and if you play well you will snowball really hard.

                      In this game I was playing with a High pool friend and two Normal pool friends, I basicaly won the game all alone. It's pretty easy if you're a decent player in a lower bracket than you should be.


                        you clearly did some good job analysing those games But you cant tell me that no one in high bracket misses 1 LH while in contested farm and being harassed.

                        watch this match i did pretty well early game. got shit load of kills in a trilane and didnt let PA farm a lot.
                        on the other side mirana and pudge couldnt land their skillshots at all.
                        i did some mistakes including playing too aggressive sometimes but clearly i could not carry the game with axe.

                        i never deny that i have some flaws but getting all LHs and doing everything correctly is for pros i've seen enough high bracket games that i know not getting every lasthit is done there.
                        BTW the Moz guy you see in my game is retard too and just doesnt listen to me at all and always says that he is better than me cause he made me start playing dota. i told him to buy wards when he was ogre and also i told him to buy courier and not get his 3rd skill to screw up the lanebalance.

                        when i have communication with a teammate i can do pretty well as you said DOTA is a team game for example the jugg in the qop match understood english (i dont face alot of people that do) and shaman was on TS with him so we could easily get kills and i ASSUME there are more english players on high bracket (Idgf about very high Tbh),

                        about the many region thingy im a mid eastern guy so we have no servers.i just check all servers cause i get 150Ms (fuck me right?) in all of them. i'll be moving to US in 2 weeks so i will only play on US servers when i get there.

                        and as for CS problem i'll try to do some free farm training and/or find some guides to get better at doing so.
                        or maybe its my mouse cause its a bit clunky(and is not made for gaming) and i will get a razer ouroboros when i get to US and a deathstalker keyboard for micro usages.

                        thanks for your reply and time.

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                        Vanity  ツ

                          wtf is that sand king skill build? ^

                          Pandamonium(You Died)

                            ^Playing same hero in a row often results in you picking up a hero when your team doesn't need it/its a bad counter-pick agaisnt enemy. I am a good clock player, but because I picked him in that logic, I lost bunch of games, where picking another hero would have easially won them.
                            Best advice is to look at friendly/enemy heroes, and pick up a lacking/countering hero.
                            I got to 53-54% by mostly picking supports, and playing them somewhat well, since a lot of people either wont pick supports or will support very badly.
                            Also learn common useful items, its retarded how often people forget ghost/halberd agaisnt naix/ursa and then will feed/ not be able to do anything against those heroes.


                              Focus on half denying creeps. As soon as it hits half, start to deny. Once you deny, you gotta make sure you balance it out by killing one of their creeps as well.


                                i got to very high by playing mainly dazzle

                                ╰_╯ GeneraL ♕★♥

                                  I totally advice anyone to not get into High bracket
                                  I noticed that in High bracket, players start to afk farm with ANY FUCKING HERO, who goes Magnus carry nowadays?
                                  I can't even control my own friend, because he belongs to High bracket, he won't obey anything u say, even if he might feel it some wut true.

                                  Mag afk farming
                                  Axe afk farming
                                  Tide afk farming
                                  NP afk farming
                                  BH afk farming
                                  LS afk farming

                                  Some guys would say, LS why not afk farm?
                                  Not afk farm, farm, but not all day woods and auto attack at lanes and miss 3 creeps out of 6..

                                  In normal bracket, they can't even farm, they would keep on auto attacking until u lead them, and u can still manage to last hit even if they are auto attacking, still can get killed due to pushed lane, in High bracket, he would be auto attacking, but still, try to take the last hit, and ofc, keeps on missing because he uses "Spam Stop button" to farm, "Spam Stop button" isn't bad, but they start spamming S at the end of the creeps hp, and manage to miss a lot.....................

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                                    lol, welcome to high bracket, where everyone thinks they know more about the game than everyone else and everyone tryhards (unsuccessfully), I notice more easygoing, joke playing in very high where you somehow still win (than again I queue all random cause yolo)

                                    ╰_╯ GeneraL ♕★♥

                                      Like my last 2 games with Invoker were in Normal bracket (why am I back into Normal bracket? At least I am happy owning mid), I had a retarded Alchemist who farms all game, but, when I asked him to come and try finishing the game, he came and dived into tier 3 tower, tanked them, caused them to gather and they all got butt raped for gathering around him with an Invoker near to disrupt them.

                                      And when he saw the 8k gold in my stash, he got shocked and appreciated it, and thought about my orders.

                                      But if it was in High bracket, he would think, "Oh yeah, I am in High bracket, u r in no position to order me !!"

                                      Still wondering why am I back into Normal bracket, I didn't even lose :/

                                      It's alright

                                        you guys make me feel bad...... really bad

                                        I WANNA BE THE VERY BEST

                                          Hey darkness,do you mind a 1v1 with me so that i can guide u . Wont mind playing on your server, i will have 300 ping. PS i wana rape you


                                            i got put in high when i started...
                                            i was like :@ but was ok since i didnt recognize any heroes... once i learned the dota 2 map and how the heroes moved, looked like, the animation, etc it was very easy to reach very high by purely going drow... then i stopped playing that shitty hero (play her like 1/150 now) since she's a very bad carry...

                                            pls rly dude watch your replays --> for a decent player u should at least get 4 creeps per minute AT LEAST, while being the farmer in your lane and even with some contest. Gold -> Items -> ez life; TP -> saving a teammate -> GOLD -> ez life
                                            And just so you know if u rly are very high then you should outplay any player in normal games

                                            ╰_╯ GeneraL ♕★♥

                                              I always own the guy at my lane, except for that game with WR, I went solo offlane, our mid (weaver, who shouldn't have gone mid) wanted to throw a sly joke which was "We need a carry", the joke was thrown after Gyro was alrdy picked, and some dumbass decided to rly pick a carry (morph in this case).
                                              Now, where should morph go?
                                              He should go top, and ruin my solo lane, auto attacking, always creeps under their tower range, they denied 50% of the creeps, we were still at the beginning of lvl 2, while they have lvled up to 3 since a minute ago.
                                              Lich started giving rubick his own ulti like 2 or 3 times which leaded to a team wipe (our team).


                                                Lately I've stacked allot with my low/mid/high skilled friends. In our team it's easy to split roles (best player takes highest impact hero), but in the opposite team I see allot of clueless people trying to carry the game by taking the mid or carry role.

                                       - look at storm. On the other hand, if you look at windrunner, he is really good!
                                       - a kind of nyx stomp... Wiped the floor with batrider.

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                                                  @I WANNA BE THE VERY BEST

                                                  lol pokefag

                                                  go play Cod 1v1 isn't dota. i just pick huskar,lina or viper and autowin 1v1

                                                  thats my problem most of the time. even when i stack we have a 5 carry team

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                                                  paid actors enjoyer

                                                    u play 1v1 same hero usually...


                                                      You get a 5 carry team, cause your pool is too low. And you cannot overcome your pool, cause your own carry/semicarry play is too low to stomp your way through. Ofc pros miss some creeps. Otherwise every pro would have 82 CS after 10 min. That is not realistic in a "real" game, where you get harrassed etc.

                                                      But for a carryplayer you need at least 4 CS/Min. Better 5. Just do a farming drill in a sologame, to see how far it gets you. You will be suprised. Even in Farming Drills I never got 82 CS. The most i could achieve was 71 CS with SF. With Antimage the most I could squeeze out was 63 LH to 43 Denies.

                                                      Farming is difficult. And by juding your Farmingskills you will face a hard time in a sologame to achieve 60-70 Lasthits. So you could never reach in a realtime game 50 CS in 10 Min. By the 20 Min Mark you should have like 120 CS, better more if you can flashfarm. The only reason why you could missout CS is alot of kills.

                                                      The first 2 mistakes that you can esily avoid are:

                                                      1. Feeding

                                                      2. Farming bad

                                                      This will get you out of normal bracket in no time.

                                                      1) Feeding is often caused by greed. If I chase a hero, I made myself a simple rule: Do not chase longer then 10 sek, if you have no vision of the area. 10 sek is enough for tp reactions or a reaction from nearby allies. Chasing often ends in a death. Even you get that CM you wanted to kill with Bloodseeker, you are often overwhelmed afterwards. So you traded a Position 2 Hero for a Position 5. Bad bad trade.

                                                      2) Farming: Do some lasthitting drills solo to get comfortable with the timing. Set yourself benchmarks and keep an eye on your creepscore.

                                                      For an example:


                                                      Note, I am not the top of the playerbase worldwide. In the very high bracket I am an "average" player, maybe slight below average with alot of heros. And I do not want to say: "Look how great I am." But I love getting better in dota on heros I am bad at. So I always pick heros that I am bad with, and practice them as long as it takes to get them on 50% winratio.

                                                      My game is full of mistakes. Really. If I watch my own replays I can nearly see every 2 Min decisions that could have been executed waaay better.

                                                      I got 9 Kills, and 138 CS in a game that lasted 28 Min. That is how carry "pick" should perform in a game.


                                                      In this game you reached good score, but Luna has a natural ability that lets you flashfarm. You get no where close to this with heros that can't flashfarm.


                                                      I have the same problem with some other heros.

                                                      With weaver I often end up with poor farmstats. Mostly I farm poor early game, because I play offlane weaver. But I miss alot of creeps with her. I am uncomfortable with her animation and should practice more.


                                                      For example this. Even though I did well by Kills, I farmed poorly.

                                                      Same for my Antimage:


                                                      83 Lasthits in 32 Minutes.

                                                      Here another fail of me:


                                                      I went furion offlane. I failed to block the creepstack, and I got out of position and gave the first kill of the game away (it was not fb, cause creeps killed me). My micro with the treants is just horrible and I will need like 20-30 Games more on Furion, till I manage to perform an average Offlane Furion.

                                                      Still dota is full of morons. Matchmaking sometimes does his part on losing games. Sometimes you are the part. I flame alot and rage arround ingame. But watching my own fails in replays remind me, that I am often the moron, too.

                                                      I am still learning this game. And I often make the mistakes I can point out on me and others, cause ingame I make bad decisions under pressure.

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                                                        I posted this in another thread but it can still go here:

                                                        There is nearly no difference, since the label "high", "normal" or "very high" is not really accurate. In very high mode there are still a lot of morons making simple mistakes. The number decreases a little but not alot.

                                                        I do not solo. It is just too frustrating. Just find a decent stack. How?:

                                                        I. You see someone performing well in a sologame you play

                                                        II. He has decent stats (that 47% guy had maybe just a drunken opponent)

                                                        III. You speak the same language (can be english)

                                                        IV. Add him.

                                                        V. Start over again with I.

                                                        Most of the guys i am playing with are nearly 10 years younger and i will never meet them in RL. We play every day and communicate on teamspeak (there are public servers).

                                                        1. Picking

                                                        Picking bad heros will mostly lead to a loss. If you go Broodmother against Sandking, no matter how much better you think you are, you will lose your lane. Picking more than 1 Hardcarry will be rough against a team, that picks only 1 or no hardcarry. You can easily win without a hardcarry, replacing him with a semicarry (bara/bloodseeker). Suddenly there is a metagame. The carries to play are Lancer/Naix/Alche not Morphling/Troll/Lycan. This must not be 100% true for you. Maybe you are better with a Morph than with a Lancer. But on equal skill the lancer beats the morph, if both have a decent team. Same goes for support. Veno is out of the current meta, treant is a high win hero. So pick wise, if you want to win. The easiest mistakes to avoid are the picking msitakes.

                                                        Sometimes your team just needs that supporthero, so don t be selfish and go for it. Otherwise you might end up sitting 35 min in buttrape game, cause you picked the 2. hardcarry you wanted to play.

                                                        Accept the fact, that you are not good with certain heros. Some heros just need a little practice with bots. Invoker for example. It would never cross my mind to start learning invoker in a real time game. I cannot play him and will 100% fail and ruin the game for 4 innocent other players. If you have 25% winratio on invoker in 30 games, you should analyse your mistakes and maybe train invoking with bots. Dota is a teamgame and there is no I in team.

                                                        The next thing is:

                                                        DO NOT RANDOM. Random is good for new players to see alot of different heros. But random for more advanced players leads often into crappy teams. If you are one of the first 2 guys to select a hero, you may random. But after 2 heros picked on your team (most certain the carry and the midllaner/offlaner), do not random. The 175 Gold does not outweigh a Void/Mortred lane. Randoming won't lead you to learn more heros fast.

                                                        Learning works by time. To learn a hero, you need to play him often. At least over 3-5 days 5-10 times. Your brain has two ways to think: Thinking fast and slow. Lasthitting for example is for most advanced players easy with most heros. They do not have to think about the timing etc. Their brain has learned the timing and they can do it without overthinking it. They have space for more other stuff, like plaing an attack.

                                                        Learning invoker wont work this way. Grimorum can play invoker without thinking too much. If he needs cold snap he can invoke it in 0.5 sekl without thinking about the combination. So if you want to get better, stick to your heros for several games in a row.

                                                        I for example do my own "challanges". I take the hero in my toplist that i am below 50% winratio with. And then i start playing him as long as i need to get 50% winratio. For Cm i took me 62 games. For Tiny 130. But now i am pretty safe with tiny.

                                                        For this point: Lets face it: You will mostly play support, since every one hates it. For normal bracket i do not recommend support too intensive. Buying wards is pointless if nobody checks the minimap. To skip the normal bracket fast just go bloodseeker, take mid, stomp 3 games, and there you go.

                                                        2. Laning

                                                        The next horrible mistake is wrong laning. It just goes by with picking. One of my last game i wanted to play Jugger/CM with a mate on the safelane. We communicated this at the start. Anyways we had a russian fag on team who wrote 1 min after that: "SPECTRA FARMLANE". We told him: "Forget it." Safelane is taken. Do not go spectre. Specte offlane is a big time fail. He went spectre offlane, and died 1 min later. What is the point on behaving like this? The only chance you can win a game like this, is a bigger failbob on the enemy team.

                                                        So lane proper and adapt your picks to laning. If your team needs an offlaner, go offlane. If your team needs support, go support. That does not mean, that you can't play a hero often in row. This hero maybe will not be sniper or pudge. Cause those heros are considerd "useless". They are maybe fun to play, but they offer not enough in the current meta. You can pick 20 times in a row furion. He can go offlane or jungle. If you pick him first you ofc force your team to adapt. If you stack they will. If you don't good luck bro.

                                                        Same goes for Lion. You can pick 20 times in a row Lion/Visage/Venge and support your time. You cannot pick 20 times in a row Invoker, cause the midlane is often claimed and invoker is situational.

                                                        4. Know your role

                                                        If you pick a certain hero, ppl will expect you to play him like he is supposed to. You can go CM, but if you start competing with your carry for lasthits, he will get mad. You are not supposed to lasthit, so don't do it. Buy wards, dust, smoke sentries. You can play a perfect CM with a 0-7-15 score, boots and some bracers at the end. KDA is not what matters. Playing support is like the number 6 on the footballfield. You do not score the goals, but if there is no number 6 the team will lose.

                                                        Every hero has strong game phases. A CM is strong the first 10 min of the game. She has a slow and a stun. So use her strength! Go roam! Same for venge/es/rubick. Too often you see a batrider or venge hugging their lane. Use your early game advantage. Same goes for carries, that try to gank with 0 items on them. Antimage with ring of health is still a creep with more armor. So farm your battlefury and mantastyle, before you try soloing full mana and hp heros.



                                                        5. Itemchoices

                                                        This is the next big root of fails.

                                                        Take this axe for example (very high)

                                                        He goes into his jungle, farms a midas, does waste his early game potential completly by beeing absent, goes into shadow blade and heart (wich is supreme retarded against naix, since feast is percentage based).

                                                        He just completly wasted his hero, by playing him wrong. Wasting early and making bad item choices.

                                                        If you go ahead 4-0 with Bountyhunter a dagon can be fun. But the dagon won t help you killing the enemy void, that you never got your hands on. In the lategamefights you will regret your dagon. It won't help you killing too much, if the enemy has a pipe. Sure a CM with Mom is fun. But a meka/pipe will help you more. Built what your team needs.

                                                        6. Decisionmaking

                                                        Your team wins a big fight, the enemy carry survives and everyone goes farming? You do it wrong. Take a tower or rosh. A teamfight will only buy you time, but if the enemy lancer still lives and gets his farm, he will overwhelm you. DO not overextend. Sure your bara might be a big fish min 15-25. But beyond this point the hard guys start kicking in and will propably wipe the floor with you. Mistakes here will always happen. But there are some BIG ONES THAT YOU CAN EASILY AVOID:

                                                        a) Winning fight and doing nothing with that advantage (rosh/tower)

                                                        b) Not deffing towers

                                                        c) Chasing too long

                                                        d) Not finishing while ahead

                                                        e) Not noting roshtimer

                                                        f) Stealing kills from heros that are higher priorised for gold/xp

                                                        g) Not buying a gem/sentries early against invifags

                                                        h) Not adapting to reality

                                                        Sure, you can start a teamfight, if your puck goes in with blink, silence, ultimate. But if your puck is a failbob and showed off a poor performance the entire game, DO NOT RELY ON HIM. Take your allies as they are, not as you want them to be. If you have a slowpoke fag ally, that will not dive to get the kill, do not dive solo. You will just die and the enemy will get a kill. Sure you can blame your faggot ally for this. But it won't change the facts.


                                                        I love flaming but i know, that it costs me some games.

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                                                        let's feed

                                                          yes all my accounts are solo and in High (few matches in V.high also <5 )

                                                          ╰_╯ GeneraL ♕★♥

                                                            Just open a smurf, and if u r rly gd, u would get into V.High bracket within a couple of games.
                                                            While on accounts with high number of games but still low MMR, or lower bracket, u would need much more wins to actually climb to V.High bracket.


                                                              I got into VH predominately solo Q, Just need to play selfish and get big kdr's.



                                                                raped Wind in mid. got megakill streak BUT medusa died in 02:00 to Pl and bara was getting harassed by solo riki offlane (how the fuck?)
                                                                prophet and pl secured some kills off bara,naga and medusa then it was just gg

                                                                all 4 teammates were spanish hardly understood any english in US server

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                                                                  how the fuck did you raped her when you have such low farm and only 22 creeps in 23 minutes?


                                                                    (regarding solo queing)

                                                                    getting v.high makes any sense if u belong there. but if u dont u can play a game or two there if u are lucky->

                                                                    1]create a new account
                                                                    2]finish tutorials
                                                                    3]go an -ap pub game (normal)
                                                                    4]pick a pubstomb carry hero (mid if possible)
                                                                    5]farm and gank and rape
                                                                    6]win with a score like 30-9 (even if u lose it will make no diffrence)
                                                                    7]go play next game (high bracket)
                                                                    8]pick pubstomb carry - win 20-6
                                                                    9]next game will be in (v.high bracket)
                                                                    10] win as many games to maintain v.high bracket
                                                                    gl hf

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                                                                      ^^ i stayed in lane until min 2. about 20 LHs and 19 denies is good for 2 minutes
                                                                      then i was ganking


                                                                        You may have raped her. But the lancer got 104 LH. Kotl Lancer can easy kill unexpierenced players. They will win every lane by farming. Exp players will just abandon the lane or call for frequent ganks.

                                                                        You as a midlaner should have pressured him. Esp a Sky can easy kill lancer with haste or invi rune, since you can silence and he is squshi early on. Stop asking what your mates did wrong. What could you have done better? Nobody cares about your mega kill streak. You killed a bigger noob mid. And not by beeing better, simply because your hero is stronger on midlane.

                                                                        The lancer died 1 time. They had furi, lancer and Kotl. You have no antipush. None of your heros has a spell to wipe out big creepwaves.

                                                                        Try what vis told you. If you are good enough you will go high/very high after a few games. If you are so good, you will stay in VH/H Bracket. Let me give you another hint:

                                                                        You simply will fall/fail to normal bracket after 10-15 games. And you will ruin some very high players games, if you manage to get there by winning 2 games 20-1. I guess you won't be able to. Thx for that btw.

                                                                        You are not nearly as good as you think you are.


                                                                        98% Normal. You are fully where you belong to.

                                                                        Your lasthits are only at 65 average AND you do not play support.

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                                                                          safe vs hard solo doesn't give you any advantage when there are no ganks


                                                                            "The lancer died 1 time. They had furi, lancer and Kotl. You have no antipush. None of your heros has a spell to wipe out big creepwaves."

                                                                            did i choose my team picks. i picked sky cause its a support mid and naga was playing carry so i was the only support.


                                                                            i was in low p for half of my matches because of the low p bug so it didnt count my games in summer at all

                                                                            "Your lasthits are only at 65 average AND you do not play support."

                                                                            take a look at my top picks then talk


                                                                              Its easy as shit. The issue you might be facing is because your account has a number of matches, and anyone who has played another game knows what moving up after a while is difficult, and the number of wins required over losses is really high, and its pretty stupid. Make a new account and see where you are at after 50 matches or so.

                                                                              High/Very High are overrated as fuck, some matches are decent but you still get the complete mongoloid dumbshit allies every couple matches.


                                                                                Dude 98% normal. I watched 4 games and pointed out some huge mistakes you make aka feeding and not beeing able to farm.
                                                                                Take the critics, improve. Or blame your team and stay in normal bracket. Maybe its just a lack of talent in your case. After 1000 games a talented player should be better.


                                                                                That are your lina games, and you do not support. You simply play pubstyle on a very low level. Demon Edge lina is not supportive. Picking a hero with nukes and buying a chick at start is not playing support.

                                                                                You clearly lack some basic knowledge, as you proved with your last post. There is nothing like a "mid support."

                                                                                You put heros mid, that need early lvl/farm, to gank the sidelanes. Ever seen Dendi or Ferrari buying wards mid? No, because mid does not support.

                                                                                You could have gone earthshaker for counterpush. If you had to go midlane, go get SF/Qop/Lina, cause they can counter pushes. But sky was a bad pick. And you played bad.

                                                                                What you want to hear?

                                                                                You are good at dota, god hates you and because of that your teams suck, so you stay at normal bracket.

                                                                                Welcome to dota, you suck.

                                                                                Face it, get over it, improve.


                                                                                If i watch this, i realise how hard I suck at playing furion. And so I just play him as often as it needs to get an acceptable offlane furion performance. Watch some pro games and you will realise how bad you are.

                                                                                Again for you:

                                                                                You are bad at dota. If I gave you my account, you will manage to get it on normal lvl in 30-40 games.

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                                                                                  Slark farms
                                                                                  Wind farms
                                                                                  DR, luna, qop all farm rly well
                                                                                  Lina can farm
                                                                                  CM can nooooot farm
                                                                                  At least, above 65, maybe 100 or around

                                                                                  Btw, I represent to u, my smurf, got into High bracket within a game.

                                                                                  I noticed that smurfs or newly formed accounts gets a huge buff if u win a game, unlike regular accounts with 500+games(?).


                                                                                    Smurfaccounts can go in 2-5 games very high. But Darkness won't be able to do that.

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                                                                                      From wut I noticed, he loves buying a HoT


                                                                                        i play alone a lot, and im in very high while i had almost 100wins, met a lot of 1k win/ 500win dude since then, they scared me at first. and my kda always sucked compared to others
                                                                                        back to topic, the problem with normal player is that they don't listen, 9v1 said so much to you, you just defend yourself, try to acknowledge why he is giving you those advices.
                                                                                        i don't stack with friends that much, and when i stack i often go down to high bracket, and lose games few times. It doesn't matter that much to me though. Just for god sake, dota player needs to listen to others more, instead of focusing on other's mistakes, improve your own self. Then you will reach h. or v.h. bracket
                                                                                        if it were me, i would love 9v1 and thank him like crazy, anyone more experienced analysing my games and telling me what can i improve is what i've been hoping for.


                                                                                          I met some players ingame, who were clearly better than me. Both were Top 2% players on the dotabuffranking, while I was only Top 10% player. I highly recommend playing with better players and listen to them. If they tell me ingame to not dive etc. I mostly stop and change my plans. I got way better by playing with them. They face guys like dendi/fata etc. ingame, when they soloque. So it would be stuipid to not listen.

                                                                                          Learn by playing with better players, watching replays (your own and better players') or simply listen to what the other and me wrote here.

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                                                                                            i have no ways to check who was better than me, and judging based on one games may be too inaccurate, some feeding teammates may just had a bad day. ends up i still playing alone a lot :P i stay in SEA a lot, and definitely sure im far from top 10% player still. :(
                                                                                            'ps : and im too lazy to watch my own replay XD

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                                                                                              as i said around my 400 recent games were in LPQ so it didnt count them at all.

                                                                                              about my lina when you get 10 kills in 5 minutes what you do? lina is a viable semi carry and most of those games im playing with friends that do choose another support because they know how i play with lina.

                                                                                              and i never denied that i do lack some CS skills in one of my previous posts. i am trying the free farm training and got to 60/10minute with PA (as she is my favorite carry).

                                                                                              in the skygame we had 4 picks when i picked and we needed a hero that can be played as a support and can mid at the same time. you cant blame me on that.

                                                                                              "You could have gone earthshaker for counterpush" and go ES mid. basic knowlage at its finest.


                                                                                                You can go Es, and Dusa takes mid. Think out of the box. So you could play the support how he is supposed to. On the sidelane, protecting a farmer, without taking needles xp and gold.

                                                                                                I dunno what lp has to do with it. I was low prio my last 5 games, all very high tier.

                                                                                                You said, that you play alot of support, but you clearly do not. I can take the time, and analyse a CM game for you and point out even more mistakes. It won't change your mind. You think you allready are a good player. So you stopped becoming a good player.

                                                                                                Sry, you are normal bracket, because you deserve it.

                                                                                                If someone took my gameplay and analysed it here, I would be thankfull. You behave, like you are allready a good player. You are not. Deal with it. You are on the bottom of the skilltier. 60% of the playerbase is better than you.

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                                                                                                  lp games dont count in

                                                                                                  Im not saying im THE VERY BEST i do not want Veryhigh bracket. you are saying that no one in HIGH bracket makes any mistakes.
                                                                                                  All i want is 4 or 2 decent teammates every once in a while. you are clearly ignoring the fact that im saying in every reply that i know im not the best and you are just ignoring itt everytime.

                                                                                                  this is what happens when i stack with 4 people (3 of them are idiots) Pl had 84 Cs in 50 minutes

                                                                                                  I always try my hardest in my games but it doesnt matter at all. my ping is 200-150 that is considered high in dota so i do miss CS because of that.

                                                                                                  I DO MAKE SOME MISTAKES I DONT DENY THAT. im only playing this game for 4-5 months and i can say i improved alot from when i built linkens on drow and didnt deny at all. I DIDNT start denying until i had 600 matches and after that i was in LPQ bug of volvo that as i said doesnt count in pubstats.

                                                                                                  btw dusa called safelane in the skymatch. i had no choice.


                                                                                                    So tell dusa to go mid. 200 Ping is unplayable. Your problem is, that you think there is a significant difference between you and your mates. It is not. You are not a decent teammate, your mates are not. You are not better than them.

                                                                                                    If a very high player comes here and complains about some dude with 47% winratio, that he played on team with, cause he stacked with 3 very high players, he has a point. That 47% dude has nothing to do in a very high game.

                                                                                                    You can't complain about lowbobs, cause you are at the bottomline of the skillbracket.

                                                                                                    You do not have that point. You are as bad as your teammates. Maybe its your ping, but stop blaming the other normal bobs, cause they are your skilllvl. For 5 Month it is ok how you play. I did worse, since i started on dota 1 and there was simply a less competitive lvl. Replays were harder to get etc.

                                                                                                    And I cleary did not say, that very high or high players make no mistakes. They make less mistakes. Read my last posts. I even said that I suck at playin offlane Furion.

                                                                                                    The game you point out you made 114 lasthits in 49 min.

                                                                                                    What pubstat says is irrelvant. All your games are in normal bracket. No need to make excuses. I checked the last 20. No high game, esp no very high. You never played 1 very high game.

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                                                                                                      "You are not a decent teammate, your mates are not. You are not better than them.", damn that one is mean