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General DiscussionSay something insightful about the previous comment's owner's perform...

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    Riguma Borusu


      I like support wraith king, it's kinda funny to play it. You had some fitting items for the role, though you have weirdly low GPM for such a lead, probably could've snatched some jungle creeps when nobody's looking, but then again, you were stomping pretty hard with your team, so you did not seem to need much of anything besides minimal items. Also, I probably would've had soul ring, but I don't know if that'd allow you to carry all the items you needed more as a support.


      You seem to have created some space for luna to farm, also got some pretty decent items to throw on her when she charges into high ground with her ult. Overall, it seems you did well despite you guys losing most of that game, comeback is obviously due to Luna outcarrying BS pretty hard with almost 700 GPM, having a team push waves out and create space and free jungle for her to farm in.

      Also, wish Tusks at my skill would buy blinks instead of shadowblade.

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      Dr. Gilderoy

        @Mid AND Feed

        Nice 322 from the Dire, who seem to have been stomping all game, and I do appreciate seeing a nicely farmed LC, but hardly any big items on her? First time I see a Mask of Madness, as well... Still, a good comeback is always quite pleasing in Dota.

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          Riguma Borusu

            @Dr. Gilderoy: Usually I get at least heart/ac and bkb on her, sometimes silver edge for sneakiness and break, but this game was really chaotic and I died a lot since they had tons of damage, and teamfights were really long with their escapey heroes + mirana so my bkb didn't do much aside from helping me not get interrupted during the duel. There was not really any time for big items as we've had to just simply push when they'd be off, and tbh, during the lategame I could fare pretty well with just what I had - I stacked cheap and effective items to increase my dps/survivability instead on hoping I'd get an early heart or something bizzare as that in a game they're stomping us and we can't really farm without getting killed. Also, I did not build MoM prior to one guy with huge winrate and many games of legion showing me it's viable. He also usually stacks cheap and effective items, farms damage, so he can win even if his team is losing, just like in this game. With a BKB and your huge lifesteal, you really don't need much, maybe HH or solar crest if you're up against a farmed carry who can bash you, but that'd be it. Also, I've used three buybacks this game, because gold is more worth to me if it can grant me more damage and turn a fight, so that's where the huge chunk of "unused" gold went, too, I also had one more buyback ready, but we simply killed all of them, I blink-duelled invoker, and then finished. Their whole team didn't come even close to lc's physical DPS, so they lost in the end, I had around 300 bonus damage from duels alone which was essentially a rapier.

            @Your game: Mostly onesided luna stomp. You got the right items, right timing and died only once, gj finishing early as well, because that ember probably wouldn't mind game extending past an hour. Really nice stats, especially GPM and tower damage. Why did you get aghs though, who did you put your ult on? BS chasing people to fountain?

            @Mekarazium: Already commented on that match. I was typing this essay so I didn't see your comment, sorry.

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              Break out of your shell, play some meta heroes.


                lesh doing what lesh does.

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                  Dr. Gilderoy

                    @Mid AND Feed

                    MoM is viable on LC? I'll surely that out tomorrow, always loved playing as LC but didn't always had the best results...

                    Funny thing about that one death, I expected Invoker to Sun Strike me after I killed Silencer at top lane, but I didn't expect he'd do that at the Fountain, I'm pretty sure they couldn't see me TP'ing... So I was impressed, I guess. As for Aghs, it's usually my item of choice instead of BKB when the game goes really good like this and they have no chance of winning, gotta love the Lucent Beam spam.


                    Anyone could win as Leshrac, why don't you try something else?


                      very nice luna game, doing most of the damage and things, but you maybe should work on farm, stacking camps with dominator or smth, but very nice job dude

                      Riguma Borusu

                        @Dr. Gilderoy

                        There are six reasons to pick MoM

                        1) PTA has terrible animation, and screams "LET ME DUEL YOU"
                        2) 20% lifesteal actually scales VERY WELL with your huge damage later on
                        3) 100 Attack speed is huge, if you manage to combo it with PTA, that's 220 bonus attack speed, essentially you're hitting much harder than someone like huskar would, while not being as vulnerable as huskar
                        4) 30% damage taken is pretty big - but as the game goes on you'll start dishing more damage than you take, especially with a BKB or/and blademail, so if they attack you or/and cast spells on you, they can be screwed, so they let you win the duel, and this means more damage for you
                        5) If you're going the ganker/roamer build with shadowblade, not having PTA's terrible animation screwing your duels out of invisibility is HUGE. Like, if your opponents are not morons, they will react when you PTA out of invisibility and attack them, instead, you can just pop MoM/Armlet/Blademail and get an assured duel win out of shadowblade/silver edge
                        6) You'll often see Heart+Blademail combo on Legion, and once she starts hitting really hard, she'll be able to withstand ridiculous amount of damage if uninterrupted in a fight, so basically, you amplify damage taken by 30% but still leech it all up from the enemy you're dueling, and dish it all back through blademail, but since you have heart you can actually take that damage, so going tank build is uper viable at all levels, I think surprising and dueling BKB carries is much better (so they can't pop BKB) and letting them kill themselves on you blademail, than tanking them out with AC like for example sven would. So MoM + Blademail + Heart = win. If you're against PA, never buy MKB, that item is a waste on lc, instead get armlet/heart + blademail, and duel her when you sneak up on her, let her kill herself. Also, you can argue that there are BKB piercing disables which make this technique obsolete in a teamfight, but well, if that's the case in your game, just duel the person that has a bkb piercing disable and you should do fine. You should be able to PTA-blink-mom-armlet-bkb-duel anyway.

                        @boon: Stomped with storm, nice and good item choice. I do find it weird though that you've gone with MKB but maybe that's just what you needed for that ever elusive Antimage.

                        @4 Drunkens: Holy shit, you have Ember AND Spectre on your team. Well, that's kind of a stomp lategame despite the other team having advantage during the early/midgame. You somehow farmed up very well it seems, lost only one rax and came back. You have huge GPM for your team being so behind majority of that game, so great job.

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                          @4 Drunkens

                          great gpm that game. of course the 19 kills probably had something to do with that.

                          Could've had Bfury at 13:15 instead of 15:20 if you went brown boots instead of treads. That's a personal choice though i guess. But overall you took advantage of the lack of pressure on you and your team's success around the map.

                          Nice tread switching.

                          I think it might have been best to get a basher prior to bfly since your team only had one stun, but you got some good kills out of the early bfly. Again i think that's more a personal preference.

                          Overall good job taking advantage of the space your team gave you to farm, and good choice as to when to really start fighting. You took advantage of your superior farm and Dazzle helped keep you alive through alot of those blademails.

                          Riguma Borusu

                            You had the early momentum, but for some reason, bristleback farmed up and you couldn't do much to stop him spraying all over your team and you lost. You seem to have done rather well and racked up a nice KDA early game, but later you just died even with omni on your team. I guess you could not efficiently push against KOTL, so that bought bristle time to farm up and get back into the game, outfarming you. Your item and skill builds were good, though money for BKB could've probably gone for something more useful since you had omni, but then again, if you had to buy bkb I guess he wasn't as cooperative or useful as he should've been (or you just got it so he can fokus on giving repel to another member of your team).


                              Good win. I'm guessing you made some clutch plays and jumped their storm+QoP?? Your cs is pretty low for a 57 minute game tho.. No one in that game really farmed well. Finding the extra farm could have made this win a lot easier.

                              Riguma Borusu

                                ^it was pretty much all hero killing and constant teamfights and five manning since like minute 15, so I tried farming damage instead, and I'd die way too often, but for all that, I got around 300 bonus damage which actually allowed me to kill people very easily later, especially QoP and Storm who'd otherwise flee. I also took a few minutes to farm up that BKB so I don't get blown up in fights instantly (look at their spell damage, it's ridiculous), but since they were constantly five manning, I couldn't initiate without getting the bkb off, which meant a fast 5 sec bkb, which meant outside of duel I would not have it, which meant I probably still die (as I could not really hope my team will drastically help without dying themselves). So it was actually a pretty weird game generally, and in the end their five manning did not work out because every time they'd kill me after the duel, I'd also gain damage, which added up to more than they (and their rax/ancient) could handle. Look at my KDA, it's actually garbage, and that's why.

                                I also find it ridiculous that not one other person on my team thought it'd be a good idea to get a BKB against those heroes. I mean, fml. Also, that undying building crimson guard instead of pipe against an no-right-click team is also ridiculous.

                                If you want to comment on a game, comment on JIRAYI-SAMA's game, not mine

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                                  <<----- :D

                                  KGBlue Lives Matter

                                    Holy lesh stomp and that manner rapier lol. That spectre though gives me aids with taht sb lolol. WP dude even if it was a lesh game.


                                      Yeah that Spectre was terribad haha! Nightstalker was a pain in the tit though.. LeshReKt anyway gg.

                                      COMMENT ON STALINATORS GAME GUISE


                                        @Stalinator - I feel like you would greatly benefit from learning more about lane positioning and understanding early lane aggression. Did you guys win that game yes, but as Viper in mid 1v1 with a Lina that was wasting most of her spells on last hits you could have done so much extra damage to her. Also, you should maybe learn a little more about last hitting under the tower?

                                        Overall you did play decent, and your passive positioning probably helped you in this game as the rest of your team was dying like crazy early game, but there were several opportunities for you to dish out more damage at little to no cost to you. In the end though your team came back, and you were the sole reason for it. GJ


                                          @ LaughingStock - did you watch the replay of his game? lol.. can you watch mine too? I wan't a cool analysis like that from a VHS perspective.

                                          GJ raping with PA.. looks like you had a whole lot a juicy free-farm. Most HD, most TD, highest GPM.. can't complain.

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                                          Riguma Borusu

                                            Holy shit, that's a PA stomp 26 minutes into the game. But well, the other team seems to have fed like crazy too. Were you going for a divine? Because even if you (somehow) lost it you had such farm advantage that it would not matter that much. So basically, you've got tons of exp and gold from kills, snowballed from there on, got safe farm with almost 200 cs in a 26 game (with an early bfury I presume) so there was nothing the other team could do. You also had the greatest tower damage, so I assume you weren't just ricing like a maniac, but also took objectives when you saw fit.

                                            Also, is there an easy and handy way to instantly find and watch replays? I'd like to do it but the ways I know are rather painful.

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                                              ^Wow you did a ton of work as LC, I don't understand how Slark has both less creep stats as well as way less hero fighting than you. Good job!

                                              As critique I must say everybody in that game has a pitifully low CS which is very common for low skill matches, Timbersaw being the only one over 200cs at 57 minutes? That's not right. Try to put more focus on farming!

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                                                @jiraya-sama I did watch the gameplay, I felt like if we're giving insight I needed to watch the game a bit more. I can't really tell if you're joking or not about wanting "analysis" but i'll go ahead and look at your last game too. And ya, that PA game was complete free farm, I had bfury i think at 11.5 min.

                                                @Mid AND Feed I was actually going for an Abyssal blade, but I had so much gold after one push that netted around 5 or 6 kills and two sets of rax that i just got the Sacred Relic first. As far as finding replays best thing to do is to grab the match number from dotabuff, open the game, select the WATCH tab, then RECENT GAMES, open the FILTER, and there will be an option for inputting the match ID. I'll be honest I haven't been in Reborn that much, but I'd assume it's the same in that one.


                                                  @LaughingStock - Yeah man I was serious, it may look like a stomp, but I felt really powerless at one point.. like I was almost gonna fall off. Next thing I know some noob feeds me Rapira and gg boys.. Anyway, I want to know what I should have done to better secure the win.

                                                  It's good that you're watching replays, it helps you give better feedback. TBH I would do the same but 90% of the time I use Dotabuff from work, where I don't have access to the actual game.

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                                                    @jiraiya ; Stomping. Picking fucking fotm heroes, rapier on lesh lol



                                                      Again what I notice is awful CS on everybody (common in low skill), Sniper topping the boards with 147cs at 40min with most people having under 100. Maybe you could have been a bit greedier and gone to farm jungle and side lanes with your anchor smash. The finished refresher would have probably helped quite a bit when their two right clickers don't have BKB.

                                                      Morphling's farm was hopelessly bad.

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                                                        ^ it's my stack lol no wonder lol.

                                                        above comment at my top.

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                                                          Bruce Almighty (smurf)

                                                            ^that gem tho still WP


                                                              ^go home morphling you're drunk


                                                                First of all, going 21-4-31 is always a good thing, so good job. You did not die needlessly, and you had a pretty good eye for taking objectives after team fights. Good overall item build (although i had one question) and I liked your skill build. Now... here's where i saw chances for improvement (i'm not being an ass, just this is what i saw):

                                                                Early game cs/spell usage -- You used spells a lot early, which is good, but make sure they count. Either harass the enemy, or secure cs. Also, practice cs'ing under the tower.

                                                                Hero Positioning In Battle -- Overall I felt your positioning out of battle was decent, but in the fight you need to learn to attack-walk, which is as soon as your attack flies out IMMEDIATELY move your hero in the direction the enemy is going, then attack again. You'll get more damage this way, very important early in the game.

                                                                Spell/target priority -- Not sure how familiar you are w/leshrac, but choosing to use stun or lightning first is very important, and there were a few spots where you could have secured kills and/or saved teammates but chose the wrong order to use them in. Also, try to choose your targets based on who's the most dangerous to your team at that specific time.

                                                                Minimap Usage -- If you take anything from me... USE YOUR MINIMAP. there is so much information to be gleaned from it. Also you can use it to click in an area where you see enemy heroes, then click on the heroes. It allows reconnasaince to know their items and if it's worth you going. You seemed to barely use your minimap, and i barely saw you click on enemies to see their item builds.

                                                                Lost Damage that may have turned the battles -- This is where you could have EASILY secured the win better. I counted a minimum of 3 situations where you didn't cast your ultimate or edict when near multiple enemy heroes for at least 6 seconds. To put that into perspective on Lesh, that's 960 magic damage. One time i counted 9 seconds. that's 1450 damage. Probably would have gotten at least two or three kills in those instances. Remember that Leshrac is built to walk into a room full of baddies and wipe them out, especially with a good start.

                                                                What to do once you know they have bkbs -- You seemed really lost after they got BKBs. To be fair, it's hard to be Leshrac against BKB's. But you didn't use edict after they popped bkbs. Granted it's a small amount of damage (36/sec for 10 secs), it's still damage that may have turned the fight. Also don't forget to just simply auto attack. and you cast split earth on heroes that had already popped bkb about 5 times.

                                                                Items -- Glimmer Cape? I don't think it did much for you other some base magic resistance, cause you rarely used it, and only once that i saw that actually mattered. I feel it would have been better to go straight into octarine or shivas at that point.


                                                                  Sorry that was a lot... haha



                                                                    Not much to say here, apparently a safelane SF into complete ownage. You had more kill attandance than even the Storm even though you didn't go blink. Still out CS'ing everybody on top of that, impressive play.

                                                                    Looks like you had a really nice easy game as PA, Undying the real mvp though Kreygasm.

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                                                                      ^Mipsu Lii
                                                                      it was a mid lane SF :)

                                                                      Illidan killing diediedie :D I miss matching with/against pros ever since Australian servers came out.. however 5ms vs 200+ ping is too good to give up

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                                                                          ^ u should have gone aggressive . none of your core carry had kills

                                                                          Riguma Borusu

                                                                            Terrible gpm, cs and hero damage for a game that long, despite being #2 in your team in terms of hero damage. Guess you just had a terrible game with pudge and could not find the kills you were looking for, or you did not get a solo lane so you got levels late, and could not really use them by that time.

                                                                            Then again, we all get games like these, sometimes you give up 3 minutes in and don't even care to farm so eh...

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                                                                              Pretty good legion, has good farm, nice xpm and gpm, but some questionable item choices.
                                                                              I do understand more hp against a ta, but you really should build damage items, don't understand why you even got MoM on Legion and not Armlet. Pretty good skill build, i don't know what lane you went, but i assume you went offlane.


                                                                                Would love to see the replay. Looks like you should be in a higher skill bracket than normal if you can use Meepo that effectively.


                                                                                  Good: approaching high skill bracket
                                                                                  Bad: low winrate with meta heroes ;/

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                                                                                      Had bloodseeker bought an orchid instead of a euls, you would have lost.

                                                                                      Forgos ☭

                                                                                        I'd go for travel instead of a simple pt.It was a stomp nothing to say


                                                                                          @Forgos The other dudes were bots right?

                                                                                          S  T  E  E  D

                                                                                            @Mad Wizard
                                                                                            solid Rubick game, try and let dazzle be the role 5 and get some items yourself. But good performance overall


                                                                                              **To ZeroRemorse, Match 1777027600, go to dota > watch > recent games > filter > Match ID [1777027600]

                                                                                              **to GayPirate
                                                                                              very solid jariko gameplay, looks like you were almost in every team fight assisting your team, nice farm too.

                                                                                              黑鬼 [我不好]

                                                                                                Looks like Alchemist wasn't the best pick you could've made there. You had a level advantage, but low GPM on a hero who's entire thing is flash farming.

                                                                                                Forgos ☭

                                                                                                  @Mad Wizard I think I can do better with bots...

                                                                                                  PS:pass me and make a comment about time to lose please :)

                                                                                                  Bad Intentions

                                                                                                    Very nice es game. Seems ur a good es player at this point of your bracket. Good item pick ups, especially necro books. At this rate, youll eventually move up to high skill. Good job overall.