General Discussion

General DiscussionSay something insightful about the previous comment's owner's perform...

Say something insightful about the previous comment's owner's performance in the last match. in General Discussion
meow maniac

    Amazing KDA and great farm overall. Not sure why no one the enemy team has a BKB or a glimmer cape.


      You must be in the zone. Absolute stomp by you. But still let me try my best to nitpick....

      1) Your GPM seems to be a bit "low" for such a stomp. Have your team helped you stack ancient for a boost in farm?
      2) Did you decided to change from a ganking mode to farming mode from level 4? I see that you learn level 2 laser instead of MOTM. If you intend to go full farm mode till you got BOT-SR-dagger-dagon, you may want to start learning MOTM sooner rather than later.


        im 95% sure that ancients dusa lost your team the game


          you roflstomped enemy team thanks to stacking in nmm


            @ delphiki9:

   team all wanted solo...I never intended to go nc and got my items for btm lane. But I was a bit tired and lazy to play so I decided to gift the lane to PL and go nc...It would have been much easier if I got the right items for ancient off the bat.

            And a skywrath that never fact no one ward the whole game and I keep dying to dagger LC.

            Riguma Borusu

              You had the worst hero damage of all, but 2nd most gold, which means you generally did not contribute that much damage in fights, but you tried to farm up to make a difference. However, you seem to be suffering from the Medusa syndrome here - their carries got online really quickly and you could not keep up, especially in a team that also sports a PL. Shame, really :x

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                Riguma Borusu

                  "ur not teh herokiller most of the times, your goal is just run around the map and moo."

                  Obviously not, you're supposed to bashlock people so your carries can finish them off, but sadly, other people's performances were kinda underwhelming and I actually had to both survive spectre and fight shitload of people most of the time, hence blademail/mom/heart/crystalis build. If there were no spectre, I'd get an AC since it's a much better item for him.

                  I also had daedalus coming to me on the courier, but we destroyed the base too soon for it to come to me. I had to force the game to end as soon as possible, because I'd lost a game against antimage/spectre combo that same day. You REALLY do not want those guys to get farmed, so I did everything I could to rush the end. 10 minutes in I had something like 8 0 6 score and they were beginning to give up, but since I did not farm up my bkb in a timely manner, I actually got killed a few times to disables, so I gave them a lot of gold, and they kinda came back, but not for long enough and not that they could do much.

                  @your abaddon game: You managed to lose a game as abaddon against omni. Well, I can't really win against omni either, at least not as abaddon, if I play support abaddon. The thing is, everything you're supposed to do omni does much better, except for carrying. The only way I see you could make a difference there is if you get ridiculously tanky, got a basher, ac and really wrecked that team's face. But seeing as carry abaddon is one of worse carries either way, and that your team needed a second support, I'd say you did well (esp with 5k hero healing) but it was simply not enough. Also, there's really nothing abaddon can do against storm (not to survive him, to kill him, obviously) unless he gets an orchid or hex, and if your 3rd position abaddon gets an orchid or hex soon enough you're probably doing pretty good either way.

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                    I hate people like you who comment on the person who analysed your game to tell them that their analysis is wrong, without even analysing their game, which is the goal of the thread.
                    No one cares that you stomped a normal skill LPQ AR game with bara, and you trying to defend, or tell people how awesome you were that game is just sad, and it means that most of the time, the person who comments next, would analyse your game again, thereby ignoring Mekarazium, and he wont get a chance to have his game analysed. (Not that he needs to, but thats the whole damn point of this thread)

                    Edit: You edited in an assessment of his abbadon game while i was typing this, so i take back what i said. Point is still valid for every other person who does this though.


                    Ill do yours,
                    Your team lacks any real lockdown for the storm, Clinkz could have maybe gotten an orchid to help deal with it.
                    Gyro got fed pretty hard, probably with a couple of pickoffs from storm, transitioning into objectives, and snowballing from there.
                    Itemwise, you guys needed a mek/greeves and pipe, both of which, your team got for you, so your own item choices are fine.
                    Possibly a diffusal pickup to purge GA might have helped a lot, but thats about it.
                    You guys didn't transition pickoffs into objectives, as they have all their t2s and even a t1 still standing at 41mins.

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                    Riguma Borusu

                      xG.XoÐ^, I was writing a reply to his game in another comment, but then I realized I should just edit my previous one to include it. Sorry for miscommunication there. Also, I did not stomp that game because I am a good player, or a good bara player, but because opponents were really bad ones. They had few wards up, they spread out so much they could not help each other, and I could charge right through the map and nobody would bat an eye. So uh, the enemies were pretty bad honestly. There's a difference there, and the corrections I've said are just due to circumstances of that match - aka - my carries not really dealing enough damage and being present enough to continue the pressure on their farming heroes and me needing to stay on the map and keep the pressure (hence the heart instead of AC). That's really all there is, that game was shit anyway, I hate lpq games. Also, people who comment without commenting on the game are assholes.

                      @Your game with Tusk:

                      Holy shit, you got two blinks. That's why you won. Joking, but did you get that blink from somebody who dropped it or you bought another one yourself for the LOL factor? But yeah, what I see there is a typical storm stomp game. He probably dominated mid really hard, and you got some space to farm up your core and then contribute yourself by ganking people or keeping storm's back. That dusa did not die even once, probably due to dazzle keeping her ass alive (I can see he died a few times) and you and storm keeping the pressure on the map. Essentially, your team had a mad amount of initiation with storm + earthshaker + tusk, and then a dusa to follow it up with, and dazzle to help a teammate if something goes wrong, so even if they somehow managed to continuously lock down and kill storm (which they obviously did not), you'd still have a pretty safe bet of a game, as your team can pretty much cc-lock their team until they die. Very one-sided match, none of the opponents did anything, it seems, or at least could not do anything once storm started rampaging. Legion was a terrible pick there.

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                        Are you playing position 4/5 SB? If not it may be wiser to max bash first. 1 level of haste is good in laning stage unless you are playing mid SB for unknown reasons....

                        MOM-->blademail-->crit is okay since they have minimum stun. It is a high risk high reward build. But it tend to fail more often than shine in my SB games. Heart is a bit underrated versus AC especially on SB.

                        If you went MOM/BM-->BM/MOM-->BKB-->Crit-->heart, you may want to consider getting armlet instead of crit. It also has amazing synergy with heart.

                        If the game drag long, you could actually sell off your PT and get a S&Y, i.e. bootless. Your ms will still be decent due to the aura. SB is 1 of the rare hero that can afford to go bootless (substitute with S&Y only. Manta does not cut it for ms).

                        Riguma Borusu

                          Good advice, Nagaodoro, this was my first game with SB so I didn't quite get some mechanics very well enough. I was in a dual offlane with lich that game. I actually got heart right after bkb, the build is basically pt>mom>blademail>bkb>heart>crystalis because people insisted I get more damage (which I did not really need at that point but ok). I am currently in the match so I will edit this post to include analysis of your last game after it's over :)

                          I see you play a lot of spirit breaker and have a good wr and kda with him at VHS, that's actually pretty impressive.

                          Now, your last game: I see it's pretty onesided for the most part (60vs38), with your team having sb, ss and windranger, all heroes who can easily gank many others 1v1 and have good presence on the map, not to mention you also had techies who can easily ward the map for your gankers to utilize and actually apply pressure both in psychological and effective sense. Your double orchid combo ensures that you and ss can single out any target easily (bar broodmother, since she had bkb), but you have a bkb piercing bash for that purpose. This was either position 2 or position 3 spirit breaker so you actually got a plenty of early exp and gold (ganking notwithstanding) so you could do good job messing poor ember spirit's game, shutting him down completely alongside other gankers on your team. Let's comment on individual players.

                          Zeus: seems to have not played a core role, evident by his GPM, and is a good pick against techies, but was not particularly effective this game, since zeus has no hard lockdown and is squishy enough to be taken down either by a few mines, or by any of your gankers (easy to kill by permabashing, during the vortex time or shackles' time) so he had a rough game. However, zeus being zeus, he still managed to pull off a pretty decent hero damage and get a lot of kills and assists, through which he could still buy some items to remain relevant.

                          Ember: god. This guy was shut down completely. He has the same problem as zeus with being squishy and you do not want that against a team that can either nuke you with mines if you're not careful or kill you during a stunlock, and also has a natural orchid builder. Ember's a very bad pick here, evidently. He did build a manta in order to purge silences, but that made sure he has no damage output whatsoever, and even his survival is dubious if he can be killed during the stunlock duration (and you had plenty of CC at your side).

                          AM: For some reason, this guy managed to farm a bunch of items, probably through getting an early battlefury, then he proceeded to farm the jungle and some creep waves, but never touching the towers, probably because he got killed repeatedly during his early attempts at pushing, as could be evident from his KDA score and miniscule HD (for an AM, at least). After all, it's hard to push against techies and he can't do it alone against a team of global gankers, though I believe that at most points even that support windranger could've solo killed him during the shackles duration. Tough game for him, even though he managed to farm up. He also maxed out mana burn first, he probably thought to use early aggression against your team.

                          Lion: Completely wrecked by CC - stuns, silences, bashes, you name it. He could literally do nothing here. He got a ghost scepter which is a good pick against most of your team, but that did not save him, as he can still be stunned during the 4 seconds of "safety".

                          Broodmother: Hard countered by spirit breaker, as you can charge her and retain visibility, and then just throw dust in case you're in the web, and proceed to bash her to death. Pretty bad game to be a broodmother, especially since you can't effectively push against techies to begin with. Sange and yasha is a pretty useless item for her this game because it won't let her survive or fight back in any scenario provided you have vision of her. Every single member of your team had some sort of an AoE that can clear her spiders, making her pretty incapable of doing anything aside from feeding your team gold.

                          Now, your team:

                          WR: BKB + Linkens might be too much most games, but if you use BoTs to go solo gank somebody, you can be surprised and overwhelmed, so it's a good choice. Mjollnir might be pushing it a bit too far, but seeing as he had everything maxed out and more money to spend, it's okay, you do not want to use your ult all the time either way, and active is juicy against broodmother's spiders.

                          Jakiro: I don't see him being too useful this game, most of your team was pretty independent. Late sheepstick is a good pick, forcestaff - glimmer combo is good for getting people out of shitty situations so I guess he's fulfilled that role at least. Also, he can add to your team's CC with good reflexes and intuition, and if there's a teamfight - contribute with damage from his spells as well.

                          Techies: Dangerous guy. With his bloodstone and octarine core he can be very very aggressive and still get something out of it, I see the other team was unable to defend the towers from him, since aside from securing his own, he seems to have also done a good job demolishing enemy's structures as well. I assume he snowballed first with a few kills, and then proceeded to arm towers and get into smaller fights, as evidenced by his hero/tower damage kda and gpm.

                          Storm: Good gank oriented build, good damage but he still died a lot making his bloodstone less effective.

                          You (SB):

                          You've adapted to what they have - orchid is a good pick against their heroes, ember can't escape, lion can't do... well, pretty much anything, really (as you should have detection when ganking somebody with a glimmer cape), antimage can't blink out, brood can't put new webs or go insatiable hunger to try to fight you, zeus will probably never leave the stunlock during his brief life, but even if he does, he won't be able to do anything. So good call building orchid, it was a good pick this game. Silver edge allowed you to slip by unnoticed and destroy people since they could not place sentries on the whole map, bonus damage is always welcome, and they also seem to have lost gems they bought very rapidly, since your team is equipped with two, and even then, only lion and ember have ways to easily stop you if they see you, but it's likely to be late at that point in most cases. You've probably picked an early basilius and then a morbid mask for some sustain, and then got vlads to help your team's pushes since nobody else built any kind of physical lifesteal. This also meant that if windranger focuses somebody, she'll be able to heal up before being completely bursted down unless she's stunned, but she had linkens and bkb for that. Also, your team is decently mana hungry so the basilius aura included in vlads is good, as well as a flat 15% base damage increase and armor. You've probably started building heart, but finished before it arrived/you completed it since you entered their base. Your skill build obviously focuses on early aggression and stunlocking since you're up against a few escape heroes, so you've maxed your bash out first.

                          All in all, a good game for you. The funny thing is that I wrote all this, and I am actually a worse player than 90% people here :x So I don't really think my analysis is all that in-depth as it should be.

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                            holy shit

                            Forgos ☭

                              Road to 1k.

                              I think your team's draft was better than radiant's.I'D change lion or distruptor tho.I'd have drafted bara semi supp if you really want to play bara.I don't understand how you lost this game.Spectre was not farming well I guess.I think you guys forgot to push as I can see that you only got 2 t1s.I don't know if they were your friends but if not they should really work on their last hits.without watching the game I don'T know how much I can add but I think this is the best I can do for my first time :D

                              can you comment on this match:
                              I will play one now but I'm not sure how serious I will be

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                                @ Road to 0k:

                                Its funny to read your analysis because they feel so wrong to what I feel in game. That lion and zeus are super tryhard, i.e. good players. BM is good as well. In fact BM counter techie more than techie counter BM....And Zeus bolt help to clear a lot of mines too.

                                THD is a very decent support and is under-rated in all team clashes. I could not ask more from a support.

                                ES, AM and Storm are underwhelming. WR did her job (though it might be better if she rushed agha first rather than maelstorm). WR absolutely need that linken and BKB versus that try-hard line-up. Tech did his job (dagger suicide plays), but I could not help but wonder whether we are able to end the game faster if we have a silencer instead.



                                  Didn't watch the replay so could not comment much. But your game practically scream for counter-initiation by Rubick.

                                  The rubick in this game was good based on my experience versus him. I am sure he would love to play in that line-up due to all the spells that he can steal.

                                  Riguma Borusu

                                    That's interesting, Nagaodoro, because from looking at the stats you can get a completely different impression. A lot of it is obviously me not being a very experienced player as well. But there are so many random things in DotA 2 matchups that just looking at stats and builds past the game is obviously not the whole story, and stats do not show when the kills occur (not really, exp swings happen due to many things, after all, and you do not know who dies when), all you see is the endgame stats and that makes the situation funny. But you're right about the BS vs Techies thing, she may find it hard to push against armed towers, but she has a cheap way to blow up land mines. NP vs techies would have a different thing going on, as he can clear mines since he is ranged, but at the same time, he has fewer and more expensive units he can use to blow up land mines. Also, I suspected techies was doing allahu akbar with the blink dagger, but at the same time I thought it was crazy. Nice one :D Also, yeah, Silencer would wreck that team really hard. Also, the exp swings (well, the lack of them more so) makes it seem like a generally easy game.

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                                    KGBlue Lives Matter

                                      Looks like you and SF rolled their team over based on HD and Kills and if that wasn't enough it looked like your void would have been farmed enough to trash them. WP

                                      Riguma Borusu

                                        Well, yeah, pretty much. Void farmed for the lategame in case we needed him, in reality, I got heart early, jumped into every fight, got tons of damage on me, and suddenly everything around me died. Good times. I was about to get octarine core 2nd item, and had money for it, but we just destroyed the ancient.

                                        Your game, what the hell dude. You had an actual carry (unlike their team) and did very well, according to kills and hero damage, you were 6 slotted, and you lost. I assume it was just Windranger backdooring shit if I take a look at her damage, so I am very sorry about that game. Legion seems pretty underwhelming, she should have gone heart, in order to get windranger to kill herself while tanking it all out, radience seems like a huge fucking waste on a hero that farms damage and needs to SURVIVE. That void died way too much, probably raped by WR. Your teammates don't seem to have hit much of anything, but since WR had no BKB, you should have exploited that fact, you had a plethora of ways to fuck her over, wd had a chainstun for her, and should have built orchid so she can't do crap, or void could've actually killed her in the chrono...

                                        God I feel pissed about you losing that game. Fml.


                                          [Naga game]
                                          Looks like you had a grand old time, nice xpm, nice gpm, best pusher of the whole team, overall great preformance.
                                          too bad everyone abandoned

                                          (go easy on me u.u)

                                          OpenAI (Human)

                                            As a brood player myself I'll say that rushing butterfly was a pretty bad idea in this game, I see you were going manta later but it was too late because slardar did a good job stopping you. What you should have done is skip vladimirs offering, get orchid instead of butterfly, get manta and then consider some items like combination deso and bkb or skadi and bkb. Power threads and soul ring was a decent idea though I personally prefer skipping threads but that's because I've been a bit skillful and have like 600 games with broodmother.
                                            I can see how your push was stopped but all you had to do is transition from a pusher to semi carry- carry basically by getting those items.

                                            Bad Intentions

                                              Monster OD game, career high in kills i believe? but ur team knows better to counter techu need necro! overall good job man but tough loss.


                                                (Roaming I think?) Bounty game-from the xp graph it looks like storm and possibly gyro/pudge were a force to be reckoned with while your team were making space for spectre. If the gpm is a decent indicator it looks like you got a lot of tracks kills, good job. Traditionally I thought that bounty goes down either some heavy right click with deso and more +dmg or with magical burst (Dagon ethereal), but obviously it turns out this item progression worked for you.

                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                  You probably dominated the midgame, but by the time PA was going to come online and rape people, that guy was underfarmed as fuck (well, compared to Luna, at least, look at that GPM gap) and you got overwhelmed by their carries.

                                                  Este comentario fue editado

                                                    You picked spirit breaker and gained mmr points.
                                                    Edit: I should've been able to carry the game but i got tilted trying to stop our ss from int feeding

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                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                      It was unranked, I just wanted an easy game :x And I got it.

                                                      You got decent farm on that antimage, but still got rekt, presumably by that tiny who had way better farm than you did, since he seems to have farmed heroes instead of creeps. Tough shit.

                                                      Edit: Well, that shit sucks, "there's one in every game".

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                                                      KGBlue Lives Matter

                                                        @Road to 0k: What happened was our team couldn't really coordinate and it felt like we eitehr had to focus wind which meant their triple rape Epi Echo and Freezing Field destroyed us once my bkb got 5 secs or we got one or two of their teamfighters but in that case wind just killed me making it into a bad trade. Also void didn't buy BKB until past 50 mins and legions radiance was to disable their 3-4 blinks (her idea).

                                                        Anyways onto your game. Looks like that blood and Silencer pretty much roflstomped and carried that PL. Nice job on from the looks of assists and amount of Hero healing. Also why did silencer get a Radiance??

                                                        Riguma Borusu

                                                          Well, to explain it - Silencer was our offlane support for Void, who pretty much got rekt in that lane, he did not seem to realize you're supposed to back off sometimes, he overextended too many times, while Silencer played much wiser and actually got some kills on axe and lich. I supported PL but he's a terrible player, after the match was over I realized he's 700mmr. He was also pushing from minute 1. You can't really teach a guy like that anything at that point, so instead of supporting him, I abandoned that lane pretty much, and gave BS an early BKB with repel, and we got many kills while roaming and warding their jungle for targets (poor gyro), so he'd just run into people and eat them alive, and they could do nothing against him as they had no magic immunity piercing disables. Kinda gay combo honestly. Later BS got bkb as well so that I can prioritize repelling silencer since he actually does hefty damage, and repel has a hefty cooldown in relation to how short but unpredictable our fights tend to be (timing with guardian angel was also important, so I had to repel myself in order to pull it off at the good time, and blood having BKB meant there was one less hero to repel). No idea why silencer went for radiance, but it did help with pushing. I think he wanted to make octarine to troll people, but the game ended too fast. PL should've been a much higher level early since I left him solo in the lane, but he did not seem to understand exp range. Also he built some questionable items, I have already had vlads (mostly for some mana, damage amp and silencer's sustain in fights) 15 minutes before he bought basilius for it. Weird guy.

                                                          Now onto your game:

                                                          Oh, you haven't played since then :x Anyway, now I see radiance is a good idea there, but their team combo just looks like AoE death. Nasty, without a single "proper" carry (okay, WR tends to wreck people, but so do CM and SK). Should've gone 5 blademails or something equally retarded, though cm had bkb. Well, seems it was hard to say the least.

                                                          Este comentario fue editado

                                                            Wow, that's a really close game. Your enemy have so much advantage mid game. Good job at defending the rax.
                                                            However, i think you should say thanks to the enemy Shadow Shaman .... because he's really bad ....

                                                            Riguma Borusu

                                                              @Minerva, well, they stomped us most of the game, but you can see antimage peaking somewhere in the midgame, and later slardar and jugg got some items going (bounty on AM was 1600, really crazy) also we secured roshan 3 times, so that played a part too. I was almost completely useless majority of the match because every single player on their team had a way to stop my ult, and in case I was stunned it almost certainly meant I'm dead. But look at that CC. Stuns,m silences, bashes, god... Look at my item build. In the end I had to use ult with glimmer cape + etheral blade + bkb since antimage had fucking abyssal blade, so with all the protection he'd still be able to cancel it.

                                                              Scary game. We ended up winning once antimage started underestimating jugg and slardar, so they bashlocked him and killed him a few times during the bkb duration.

                                                              Now, your game. Except for that little bump in the radiant winrate advantage, you do not seem to have had much problems. It might be due to your team losing a number of core heroes in a fight, who didn't die for a while, it seems sniper and ta died in that fight. You seem to have done your job mostly, healing people and ccing them to death if needed, as well as giving a good laning phase to sniper so he farmed up nicely. Generally one-sided, effectively won.

                                                                Este comentario ha sido borrado

                                                                  @Road to 0k Bad item choice on bristle, you can try SnY build on bristle
                                                                  You not tanky enough even if you have high armor, try farm HoT or skadi.

                                                                  Well skadi better since it give move speed, armor and int


                                                                    @Rimuru a bit low assists, dont know much you was useful as a support in the game. but hey,you guys won and thats what matters. pipe good for the magic shit, and ghost probably for the alchi


                                                                      i dont know when you pick but if i pick meepo then enemy pick es and ember, usually i fucked up
                                                                      Somehow you win anyway

                                                                      and the game literally already ended around 28, we just prelong the game, since i just farming let my team win, somehow my assist is low i think ?



                                                                        Really good farmed support and great item choices

                                                                        Their draft is pretty bad though.

                                                                        Riguma Borusu


                                                                          PA stomp, with huge GPM and XPM, great job. But who bought that rapier?!


                                                                            For someone who died only 6 times and was playing Bristleback, and his team was stomping, you had bad farm and level progression.


                                                                              Good farm, good kda, you have some nice team too and i bet they couldn't push at all with all the naga's ill. Sf needed a bkb not a linken's.
                                                                              If u can, review my last 2 games :D. Ty!

                                                                              Este comentario fue editado
                                                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                                                Well, I was zoned out completely in my offlane (wr jugg), and by the time I'd left it we were just walking around the map and fighting. If I'd go to jungle to farm, the retards would ping me til my ears bleed. I wanted to farm up a heart, but since we were pushing high ground I just went with them. Very little solo exp, very little farm, and that vanguard was waaaay too late. If I get a good start I'll stomp the game. That was a horrible bristleback game for me.

                                                                                Your game - manly armlet sven. Did I say manly? Also, they had much better early game than your team and it shows, but naga got fat, split pushed and ended up doing tons of damage. Their SF lost to the power of naga since he can't outpush/outcarry her. Your build was fitting for that match, and good call going stats - their damage was mostly magical early on, and you needed to tank up instead of boosting armor buff more.

                                                                                You probably won a fight at your mid rax when they tried to go for megas, so you went for throne, winning after a 30k advantage for radiant. I find it weird that naga did not destroy their tier 3s on bot and top, but I guess that's because she went more for a manfight potential. Lategame, you could kill their whole team if enigma got a good black hole, and he had a refresher. So it seems that a great chunk of lategame damage came from you cleaving their team as well.

                                                                                EDIT: Shit, I did not see that comment.

                                                                                If you comment after me, comment on MadMax's game, and not mine.

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                                                                                meow maniac

                                                                                  Spent the majority of the game farming & taking towers while everyone else distracted the enemies. Good shit.

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                                                                                    Lol @ your draft, what mmr is that?

                                                                                    GG, won with no real support, a Slardar, Zeus or BH pick from the other team would have rekt you, surprised at Axes items considering how much he fed, looks like lower bracket game with some of the item choices - Tusk for example, wtf.

                                                                                    Este comentario fue editado
                                                                                    meow maniac
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                                                                                      casual gamer

                                                                                        Complete stomp as PA, absolutely dismayed u went mkb instead of daedalus when they have no evasion though


                                                                                          GJ ending the game early. It's quite even at the early stage. However, because lack of stun your SS begin out of control, distracting the enemy from you and your bear

                                                                                          Este comentario fue editado

                                                                                            Would like to see some tryharder support players like you. But you fucked your last matches like me :D

                                                                                            Riguma Borusu

                                                                                              Holy crap you're on a lose streak. You got pretty farmed, but they had a myriad of ways to deal with you, since they had very nice AoE.

                                                                                              Always pick PL last, I guess.


                                                                                                @тхоу арт заебатед
                                                                                                Your play style is good, actually you can go to high skill cap , you just need to learn to deny , creep aggro better

                                                                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                                                                  Rimuru, can you elaborate on that more? I mean I understand what you're saying, I just don't understand exactly where you get that (obviously my deny score is really terrible, so I do understand that), it's just that I don't see myself being a well rounded player other than that.

                                                                                                  Your game - you have initiated some ganks and got assists for them, but you mostly died since you've had a tough laning stage as evident from your creep and exp score, you never recovered from being underleveled, and did not get kill xp since you'd mostly die before the gank target. Otherwise AM got farmed and storm stomped, so you were still well off. You were a solo offlaner here?

                                                                                                  Este comentario fue editado

                                                                                                    You picked spirit breaker and proceeded to get mmr.... again.