General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion

    tribo albaking

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      ur name cringe me

      one syllable anglo-saxon

        ur name cringe me


          yours too


            dont talk to me

            one syllable anglo-saxon

              dont talk to me
              30 minutes ago

              Este comentario fue editado

                talk to me instead


                  Wtf is that garbage music


                    7 episodes into lain and i'm still not sure what would i answer if someone asked me what do i think about it

                    Este comentario fue editado
                    Riguma Borusu

                      7 episodes into lain and i'm still not sure what would i answer if someone asked me what do i think about it

                      a pretentious attempt at being artsy but also psychological

                      the series is overhyped by people who heard from other people that this is something very deep so it is very important and needs to be respected




                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                          Завтро, тоесть 16.10.2018 во вторник

                          Не заходим в ранкед весь день.

                          Онлайн доты упадет и Габен удалит глиф, байбек и доппельгангер

                          Ведь только мы приносим ему прибыль

                          НЕ ЗДАВАЙТЕСЬ



                          Перевай своим друзьям..




                              faw 13 minutes ago




                                your name is rly "normie" now tho (thx elon musk) =)

                                very good movie 10/10 can only recommend watching



                                    elongated muskrat FeelsWeirdMan


                                      john white discord FeelsWeirdMan



                                          Eeee whats that

                                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                                            u can just leave it at that tbh


                                              amen FeelsWeirdMan


                                                btw how dansgame is doing sockets and stuff (client + server) in java? should i just do it in c instead and embed it in my java code

                                                i imagine java sockets on raspberry pi might become a little fucky



                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                      btw how dansgame is doing sockets and stuff (client + server) in java? should i just do it in c instead and embed it in my java code

                                                      i imagine java sockets on raspberry pi might become a little fucky

                                                      You can do it in Java just fine unless you need to write some extremely low level code that overrides driver behaviors.

                                                      If you have to mess with drivers' behaviors, go C, if you have to write something pretty basic and non hacky, Java will do just fine, and I'd say it also has better frameworks for this than C does.


                                                        java is a retarded language but it's easier compared to C
                                                        no kappa

                                                        Riguma Borusu

                                                          well, Java is retarded but writing C code is extremely bothersome, especially if you don't have to do it

                                                          also Java has a prodigy brother, called Kotlin


                                                            is kotlin any good? i thought its a lot of hype for nothing

                                                            i guess java would be fine, i was more curious about whether C would be more effective (i guess it is, fuck jvm) & if java might cause trouble on my small raspberry pi, but i guess it should be fine for development purposes

                                                            tyty, maybe ill just code client in java and server in c or vice versa just to see how it works

                                                            Riguma Borusu

                                                              is kotlin any good? i thought its a lot of hype for nothing

                                                              No, Koktlin is quite amazing, and a lot of prominent android devs are moving (or have already moved) to Kotlin.

                                                              i guess java would be fine, i was more curious about whether C would be more effective (i guess it is, fuck jvm) & if java might cause trouble on my small raspberry pi, but i guess it should be fine for development purposes

                                                              You need to do really cpu heavy things to cause an issue by using Java vs C in what you're trying to accomplish. Raspberry pi actually has plenty of computing power so a vm won't set you back too much and meanwhile it safeguards you from a lot of issues that writing things in C can cause.

                                                              tyty, maybe ill just code client in java and server in c or vice versa just to see how it works

                                                              Well, if you have the time, you can definitely experiment and do multiple versions of things, and see what works best for you. In general, though, I'd suggest you sketch a good interface to figure out how things coexist/interact before starting any of it, though.

                                                              Este comentario fue editado

                                                                right, tyvm

                                                                its mostly a private project im doing to keep up in programming (won't be programming much in uni / program stuff in x86 asm or c) so time wont rly be an issue, just a thing on the side

                                                                gonna check out kotlin while im at it i guess, thanks for that as well


                                                                  doign stuff on the side lo L


                                                                    What are you studying at uni


                                                                      computer science

                                                                      doign stuff on the side lo L

                                                                      i need to get a job (pretty soon), gonna put this project on my cv... if i win in greencard lottery i need 10k€ on my bank acc to show i wont be a burden on the us social system else i wont get a greencard


                                                                        Smh my cousin who's 29 won the lottery now he's in Chicago
                                                                        Yet I'm here studying pc enigneering 4What


                                                                          why would you ever go to usa


                                                                            inb4 easier to get 7k there


                                                                              Because I can easily get double the amount of money I'd get in Germany and have better retirement options (Being able to retire as early as 50), would have to pay less taxes, have better job prospects etc

                                                                              Downside is I won't have free healthcare, but I don't have any special diseases that require medication and the significantly higher salary makes up for the cost of healthcare


                                                                                implying ure gonna reach 50


                                                                                  Trying hard for the 30 at least

                                                                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                    Honestly how is germany not better than the US

                                                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                                                      ^it is but people are delusional and think that because they could get bigger salaries in the US, they could also save more money, which is simply not correct, because basically everything is 2-3 times more expensive


                                                                                        Real reason he wants to go to us is cause he likes cali girls


                                                                                          *gets shot*


                                                                                            id choose germany over united dogs any day


                                                                                              living outside scandinavia = big yikeys


                                                                                                denmark is unironically one of the few countries that i'd be willing to live in

                                                                                                Este comentario fue editado
                                                                                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                                  lives in germany

                                                                                                  tryhards to get into us

                                                                                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                                    also i assume ure aiming for california or big cities on west coast which have batshit insane cost of living which eats a huge chunk of ur "high" salary