General Discussion

General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion
D the Superior
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      Wtf that is kind of cute


        I went from 1200 to 3100 kappa
        I was basically party pub memeing everytime I play, until I found DB out at about April
        I was like "wow, am I THIS bad?" because my stat was so bad, and decided to play seriously


          I am still bad lul


            At least you grinded 400 mmr in a month


              Its was 7 days but yeah I got from 0.6k to 1k lul that's not an achievemrnt


                Still a progress you low self esteem prick




                    That's why I am going to play voker maybe I can adopt some of his self esteem XD

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                      I'll grind again after may 2017

                      D the Superior
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                          Yeah I agree with Adarsh, good shit Magnus.


                            I got from 1.4k to 2.8k over the process of 5 months, now my improvement stagnated FeelsBadMan


                              meanwhile im losing my drive for dota again LUL

                              i have this feeling that i dont even wanna play tomorrow


                                Ur just afraid that I'm going to overtake you Alice


                                  if im afraid of u overtaking me ill be grinding rn no kappa


                                    You know u can't stop me that why you are losing hope kappa


                                      I stagnated at 2k u lil shit
                                      Be grateful johann


                                        But the race isn't over yet, the SEA benao is yet to be decided


                                          4k is a weird rollercoaster of ups and downs. Sometimes I carry sometimes I feed uncotrollably. Every game though, I'm triggered.


                                            "Sometimes I carry sometimes I feed uncotrollably."
                                            You mean
                                            Sometimes I get good teammates and all I have to do is not be retarded to win sometimes I don't and I'm unable to carry against 4k tryhards


                                              Exactly, that's why I said weird rollercoaster because if I had power to dictate the course of the match it won't be a rollercoaster. Everything depends on my team to carry me.


                                                Well not exactly "carry" me I can carry the game under good win conditions. Everyone can. Perhaps what I mean to say is that I need the team to "cover" for my shortcomings such as bad map awareness (goddamn people attempt to TP if I get ganked), for me to show my talents in other aspects such as late game decision making and knowing what to do with my farm.


                                                  Git gud


                                                    Well it can still be considered as "carrying" your ass
                                                    I had games where the supports did some sick babysitting, space creating, and harassing, that all I have to do is to not be retarded and the game is easily won
                                                    For sure I got carried at that kind of games, at least for me


                                                      rofl the impact of the lane stage is so big, in my 3500 game i almost lost the game due to my teammates not taking objectives properly but we still won the game because our enemy was already behind starting from min 5


                                                        He has like 40% winrate on a bracket where you would have -75% winrate

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                                                          U haven't seen me play in that bracket yet 😏


                                                            It's not that big yves
                                                            Punishing enemies' mistakes and weaknesses is the most important thing
                                                            Decision making > puny lane tricks


                                                              If those 3.5k fuckers know how to punish the enemies' lack of objective targetting they would simply turtle and win the game


                                                                if the enemy knew that they shouldve turtled then my teammates wouldve also knew that we should end at >30 mins, preferably with aegis

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                                                                  Lane stage is important yes, but mid game is where it's at where whole teams can level up twice in the space of 30 seconds just because of a lucky teamfight. Although I abuse that during my Slark games, I still think comeback mechanics are broken tbh.


                                                                    Cumback is real


                                                                      comebacks will only happen now if your enemy makes a very huge mistake unlike before where if u kill their baller = huge xp/gold swing


                                                                        Also internet here is so shit, I have at least 5 people using the WiFi simultaneously.


                                                                          Alice-grill, it's still like that lmao


                                                                            Comebacks in 1k happen so frequently that u won't k ow who is going to win till the ancient Is Destroyed


                                                                              what bws

                                                                              laning stage is where its easiest to punish enemy mistakes and decisions

                                                                              if i see you taking lv 1 boundless strike or taking pounce lv 1 when ur support is a frigging rubick/lich/etc im gonna punish you so hard im lv 3 with 2 free bounty runes and youre still lv 1/2 on half hp with no regen


                                                                                i can give another example of dumb people making game losing mistakes during laning stage

                                                                                example: im a half hp lv 4 cent and im against a lv 4 3/4 hp slark

                                                                                i trade with him to bait pact, stun after pact duration, and kill the fucker with double edge and now im lv 5 with a shrine + 2 bounties which leads to him playing scared and i end up getting a 10 min dagger

                                                                                now i can gank other lanes/enemy jungle 2 mins earlier and win earlier if i snowball with my team while theyre busy looking for farm thats bot there lol


                                                                                  Alice creating scenarios for situations aren't good ways to back up an argument because one can always twist the situation according to what fits.

                                                                                  For example I can just add that

                                                                                  Slark has PMA and safely farms his SB, which he uses to kill the supports which roam the map trying to ward the place. From the gold he gets an Echo Sabre. Now his team pushes and manages to win a teamfight, leading to a massive gold and xp swing, setting the stage for an eventual comeback.

                                                                                  Then you can say that

                                                                                  Suddenly your team brings detection items- dust on everyone's inventory or backpack. Your team 5 man and pushes, not allowing for any space to comeback.

                                                                                  Then I say that

                                                                                  The Slark changes build such that he adds Maelstrom to the mix, instead of getting that Basher. This will allow him to rat efficiently since he won't be utilizing Basher well in teamfights. This allows good trades regarding towers while his team defends highground, more gold for team = more gold to use for comeback.

                                                                                  We could both go on and on because we are smart people and it won't ever end.


                                                                                    no haffy huge swings dont happen anymore. the comeback mechanics have since been reworked multiple times ever since it was introduced during 6.83


                                                                                    as u can see there is only 1 swing that happened within 10 mins (which is a huge time frame) and even then we only got 5k lead maximum, and that was with us defending our highground successfully 5+ times with their team being wiped every single time

                                                                                    while before after 1 successful highground defense it would immediately swing completely in our favor in just a minute

                                                                                    unless u kill 1.5k 30-0 baller u wont get those same swings as before. comebacks are way harder to pull off now that swings happen slower


                                                                                      Quick question maelstrom Luna legit?


                                                                                        The first problem I can see is your draft. Comebacks typically happen when the currently losing team's carry get enough gold for his presence to be noted. 5k gold is a BKB and a buyback, and that's only for the carry what about the whole team? Completed Mek. Initiator gets that Blink.

                                                                                        Even if the enemy team gave you 20k gold no amount of it would allow you to comeback, DK is a shit carry who often needs a Daedalus and a Mjollnir in order to start carrying the game.

                                                                                        Now, if that was an Sven, who, with his rushed Daedalus and a Dagger, is being kited mercilessly. But then he gets his BKB which allows him to dole out righteous ass rape to the enemy team.

                                                                                        Comeback mechanics, therefore, are tailored towards specific heroes who have gold-reliant power spikes. Aforementioned BKB on Sven, AM's Butterfly, Storm Spirit Linken's, Slark Skadi.


                                                                                          i said that while thinking how a leading team can win games

                                                                                          look, if a slark loses his lane so hard how are you supposed to come back with just an sb when ur enemy is 5 manning your shrines and taking your jungle (not to mention they spawn every other minute) and has aegis

                                                                                          that is almost always the scenario im making in every game i play. there are only two times where it disnt happen: 1) i lose my lane and lose the game (and tbh i think my team did well in holding off) and 2) my team wouldnt listen to me, but we still won that game

                                                                                          Este comentario fue editado

                                                                                            Maelstrom Luna is shit since you already have wave clear with Glaives. Might be viable versus something like a PL but he can always diffuse your electric field. Go wild though Adarsh, I support your decision.



                                                                                                Actually Slark with just an SB is very potent because given 10 minutes of farm he can rotate to both jungles and take all bounty runes because of the move speed, and he can cut waves to stop your push.

                                                                                                All of this is under the pretense of stainless and pure theoretical gameplay, so everything you and I say can work because we aren't saying retarded shit. You haven't been against a decent Slark it seems.


                                                                                                  I didn't make the maelstrom bruh look at my invoker game, the Luna who kept calling us noob had great item decisions


                                                                                                    slark is a high skillcap hero that only few actually reach so a lot of slarks i play with make shittons of mistakes starting from the laning stage which i can easily capitalize to win the game

                                                                                                    we can even say that them picking slark is already a game losing mistake


                                                                                                      You haven't played against my slark😏