General Discussion

General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion

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      lmao what a lose streak


        Nice streak ahmed


          ffs ppl like this always on my team

          idiotic party


            Lul heavier teammates than me


              5 carry semms good



                Let me show you a game. This game, we were getting butt fucked on. Pudge and CM rotations were everywhere in the map. Ample Storm was raped. Peaceful LC was gangbanged. Little Jakiro was pressured into warding EVERYTHING in the map. But CM was a better warder, taking down our hard put wards like they were nothing. I myself was raped, but I had the insight to just farm the camps and detect the warded spots using my innate Shadow Dance ability.

                All of my counters rolled into one team. Pudge, CM, Tiny, can kill me even in Shadow Dance active. BS is a no brainer, AND with a 20 minute Radiance. Couldn't kill LS because he can just Infest, he can even kill me since I did no damage. What did I do?

                I farmed and farmed and farmed, killing the CM when she tried to put aggressive wards. I farmed the jungle, cut waves. I even Pounce'd from the tree line so that they won't spot me crossing to kill the wave. Enemies were just waiting at our HG, trying to get hooks in and do the entry frag that would kill the game.

                Anyways they failed because they had no creeps and the smart LC went with me to hunt. You see that Skadi? Acquired in 5 minutes. Right after I got SE. That's about 6000 gold in 5 minutes. Gold well spent, which allowed us to walk in their base with our suddenly superior farm.

                Eziest game of my whole fucking life roflmao kappapride


                  @StupidFucks hey man who are you again? I took a break from the forum for like 2-3 days, might have missed whose smurf you are.


                    thats whats happen when i reach 56% wr fck gaben


                      Im your daddy you cuck
                      @ahmed, told you low 4k is trash

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                        So renshin?


                          Oh hi Dad. You haven't come home in like 6 years, my asshole isn't accustomed to large, meaty, foreign objects entering it anymore. I miss you.


                            thats 6.88 haffy

                            i would agree with you if we're talking 688 but no i will not agree with you since we're in 7.01

                            EDIT: i guess not agreeing is not the term... comebacks are still possible but with all the resources a winning team can gets it harder. waaay harder.

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                              Ur still as bad with NP as u were in 6.88


                                my np has been bad ever since 6.81

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                                  Git gud scrub


                                    Might be from another patch but my original point still stands. Comeback mechanics favor carries who need gold to reach peak efficiency.

                                    Hand a CM 4000 gold 40 minutes into the match and you've got 40 Sentry Wards.
                                    Hand a Juggernaut 4000 gold 40 minutes into the game and you've got a hard carry with a finished Mjollnir.


                                      Still not sure who StupidFucks is, too unbelievable for him to be my dad.


                                        Plays mostly mid heroes, knows about low 4k mentions being a father
                                        Seems like renshin to me


                                          My drow has been bad since 6.0x


                                            My everything has been bad since I started playing.


                                              U don't know bad till u watch me play


                                                I don't need to watch you play. From our great distances I can feel you bad-ness at Dota 2.

                                                Also I miss Daddy, like the thirsty American boi.


                                                  nobody misses me feelsgoodman *kms


                                                    That's because you haven't been here long enough
                                                    Also you haven't seen my alche


                                                      Wait aren't you Chladnyatcha guy or some other weird shit?


                                                        Anyways how's the PC? Still can't play?

                                                        a month ago
                                                        LAST MATCH

                                                        HAHA GET CUCKED


                                                          Me and other seatards are quitting the game, Johann
                                                          Go enjoy grinding yourself up to 4k only to see yourself having nobody to congratulate you or even care about it, and become a huge disgrace to your parents because you don't have anything other than your epenis to be proud of


                                                            We need more seatards so that I can race some when I come back in may


                                                              i quit btw i have made a huge mistake and has to take responsblility haHAA


                                                                I got my irl friends oohh-ing and aahh-ing because I can win in 3.8k.

                                                                I also stroke my epeen alone, and my epeens gets hard on its own.

                                                                Wow it rhymes I'm a fucking legend.


                                                                  That's not funny Bryant.

                                                                  Okay maybe a little. huehue


                                                                    My IRL fends are dogshit like me(sub1k) so I don't give a shit axaxxaxaxaxax


                                                                      For sure I'm trying hard to hold my gaming thirst


                                                                        I have no irl friend to race to 4k


                                                                          I'm going to change my name to CARL and spam invoker(unsuccessfully) from now on


                                                                            AHAHA INDIAN SUB 1KS SEEMSFUCKINGGOODMAN HUEHUE


                                                                              Highest MMR in India is 6k so sub1k to 2k is pretty common and they are way more autistic while thinking that hey are good


                                                                                i might actually go back to playing other games and full-time weebing


                                                                                  omg Alice quitting FeelsBadMan reach 4k first


                                                                                    I'm going to spam le blue towerdiving champion cockroach
                                                                                    I feel I'm naturally good at him
                                                                                    Thx Hao


                                                                                      So scared of me Alice? Huehuehuevuehue


                                                                                        Cheeky Adarsh is cheeky.


                                                                                          After 9th of January I'll get back to my usual one gaming session every 1 or 2 week routine


                                                                                            Apoo what do you think of my weaver
                                                                                            I expect 0/10 from you


                                                                                              i was here from when ayy lmao was @ page ~250 lul
                                                                                              also i still dunno if i can play the problem started yesterday not a month ago


                                                                                                HAPPY NEW YEAR CUCKS

                                                                                                from the Philippines.


                                                                                                  isnt new year over yet (muslim country ecks dee)


                                                                                                    Not from Ayy Lmao silly. From us here at SEAtards Central.

                                                                                                    I remember you posting some shit before, but you stopped and with Christmas and New Year shit happened lmao.

                                                                                                    But you're here now and got cucked by your PC, huehue