General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat is this Cookie circle jerk?

What is this Cookie circle jerk? in General Discussion
ace recovery

    Seriously, it's not like this guy is Arteezy or anything, he's a 5k flexer like me and many others. Everyone acts like they want every drop of his ...

    I'm not saying he's a bad player or anything, but surely there's better players on here.

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    Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

      Cookie > RTZ


        he kind of tries to teach ppl to learn dota, noone else did that

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        ace recovery

          Idk, I saw some arrogant comments that made me feel like posting this.


            me > cookie

            grabbing popcorn


              If someone makes a stupid thread and/or a stupid question i'll either be really mean or i'll straight out troll them.

              Obviously if they ask a normal question i'll give a normal answer.

              Though i cant dissagree that there were too many threads, they couldve just posted in the existing ones

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                  Brofessional player


                    Pretty sure nobody actually sucks his cock and go "w0w amazng i liek ur gmaeplay w0w so gud amg"
                    I just respect him as a guy who helped me who guided me to become a somehow better player and I'm sure the rest of the SEA DB community will think the same

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                    Giff me Wingman

                      unlike others he tries to help sometimes. He also does have the potential for 6k+ if he would stop tilting because of 5ks.


                        if you had gotten that disruptor and luna 3 games in a row you'd be hanging from the ceeling already


                          WOAW chris a 5k that actually plays support

                          lets be friends IRL


                            He giffs us 2k meme lords words of wisdom. Which us 2k meme lords don't understand cause we don't speak 5k.
                            And he has pretty pictures of nom nom next 2 his name.
                            I got a normal question for you, how to hit 9k in a year.


                              I should stop procrastinating.


                                actually there's already a guy who went instantly to 7k and another who came from hon who got to 8.5 in a year.

                                all you gotta do is try really really hard.

                                somethin that i won't do because fuck that's way too much work.

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                                  Listening to cookie in 2017 lul


                                    I think its dedication and talent. Mainly talent.


                                      i've asked some players who gotten 6k in the first year or less

                                      none of them said talent, half of them came from league/hon and the other half are the biggest tryhards i've ever layed my eyes upon.

                                      the shit that they do makes my analysis and challenges look like something you give to a kinder gardener.

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                                        I dont know honestly. I feel like I hit a wall currently, skillwise due to limited time and probably understanding. Analysing replays helps a lot but I think talent is super important


                                          I can relate, at this point my mechanical skill has hit a brick wall and sadly I don't think anything short of radical brain surgery is going to help me in that dimension, only thing I got going for me is the ability to hit creeps which seems to be getting more and more useless every patch.

                                          ace recovery

                                            It's not much about talent in Dota tbh. It's more about dedication and how fast you learn/improve

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                                            mr. rabbit

                                              i think talent is only super important if ur aiming to go pro


                                                This potato has been mashed inside the 2k mindset and it hurts my head.
                                                Even tho I'm only 14 (ayyyyyyyyyy) I still feel like I've hit a wall and I'm not going anywhere. Been playing since fkn ages still just as 2k trash as ever.
                                                I'd be up for coaching but I got no dolla. And have shit internet.

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                                                    cookie is pro playr !! ! ilvoe him x D i want some day to be like him <333 i watch all him replay!


                                                      If you want to add me and ask questions it's fine but cbf coaching.


                                                        I might just take up that offer you know, thanks heaps dude. That's fine, just tips and whatever cause you know... 2k.
                                                        Once again, grazie grazie

                                                        1-IceTea 🌟

                                                          Cuki is good at his hardworking way of analysis and calculation of Dota formula,and he willing to share his knowledge to other,alot people can be benefits by the information given.
                                                          He deserved that.

                                                          also jdf8

                                                            idk if talent is necessary theres some real retards with 7k+

                                                            just find ur centaur or whatever and spam

                                                            1-IceTea 🌟

                                                              I believe anyone who follow his advice on LH/analysis way can be minimum 4.0K and above.

                                                              Not everyone can keep press find match button without analysis and only play jungle to reach 4K. JAJAJAJA


                                                                He gaves a coaching worth of $20-$50 for free. Who would not suck his dick for that?
                                                                I still had a grudge. He report my steam profile for harrassment because i went 4-1-1 on luna xddd


                                                                  Dude your dick will get sucked equally hard if you are blue star and offer your tit to hungry 2k babies on this forum. Many a blue have come and gone and suffered the same joy. Only cooky remains to remind everyone to destroy the enemy ancient

                                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                                    blue star who helped scrubs when the other blue stars laughed at the scrubs

                                                                    well not really but hes the only one who took an active stance in trying to help the scrubs actually apply what they claim to have learnt


                                                                      he went 411 luna in a game he can't fight, i think i should log onto my other account and report him again


                                                                        cause hes not 4k trash who want to get 7k mmr cause his team carried him in tournament vs 8k albanian shit garter


                                                                          He's a random 5k on a forum that's dead lol.
                                                                          People who think dota is everything will bend backwards for somebody who is above mmr over them.
                                                                          He's been trying to get 6k for a long time, so he still has tons to work on

                                                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                                                            I'd say the forum is far from dead. Dotabuff's glory days where actual high MMR players engaged in discussion and the trolls were much more entertaining and people actually made GUIDES (Yes, they made actual, full-length, comprehensive, GUIDES), true these days have passed.

                                                                            However there are still a handful of posters still in this forum, enough to continue circle-jerks or whatever dumb meme gets famous. A shadow of its former glory yes but alive nonethless.

                                                                            not arin

                                                                              not only we have cookie circlejerk but also that 5k dedicated jungler circlejerk

                                                                              now all we need is a blunt circlejerk (and we are getting there thanks to that new profile pic thread) to make our retard triangle completed

                                                                              doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                Why settle for a triangle? Why not a retard hexagonal bipyramid?

                                                                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                  why not two polyherda of equal volume, one of which is cut into finitely many polyhedral pieces that can be reassembled to yield the other?


                                                                                    chris ist eine degu still 6k trash <3

                                                                                    lm ao

                                                                                      This forum has devolved into a cringe shithole, akin to reddit but with more unintelligent monkeys.

                                                                                      Look at how desolate the forum is. Cookie is literally the only blue star player left here so literally everybody constructs a dumb personality cult over him. A manifestation of a severe lack of self-trust and maturity.

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                                                                                          lm ao

                                                                                            r_Dota is a terrible place because you can't know for certain if the poster behind a comment is skilled enough or that if he is just some random tryhard trying to talk above his ass. Dotabuff should have a upvote/downvote option but of course the devs won't do this to increase viewership for the ad revenue.

                                                                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                              There actually a lot of blue star players left lul. He just seems more approachable

                                                                                              lm ao

                                                                                                I think the Dota community died once it became f2p but muh sh3k3Lz.

                                                                                                The reason why Overwatch is such an infintely better game community overall is because third world kids cant afford £70 for this game.

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