General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat is this Cookie circle jerk?

What is this Cookie circle jerk? in General Discussion

    mmrs really not relevant to theorycrafting
    just because ur lower mmr doesnt mean everything u say is wrong and should be ignored, the fucks the point of even having this forum then if 99% of people are just gonna be ignored. debate things on their merits and if what someones saying is stupid tell them why or just ignore it

    Thank you for pointing this out

    lm ao

      But MMR is really most of the time correlative to your ability to theorycraft, what are you talking about.

      Of course this only works if the player is a ranked game spammer, but you get the point: the more MMR you have the more you understand the game, but the element of probability only just nullifies the skill difference between players different in MMR by mere small increments. Not to mention that the distribution curve plays a lot as well.


        kr must support my theorycrafts haHAA
        I'm coming up with a new centaur theorycraft.
        also i can respect cookie for helping people but i haven't gotten any personal help (which is fine) so i cant say from any of my own experience.

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            ^r u suggesting the removal of ayy lmao and the seatards thread?
            cuz u just lost half of the dedicated dotabuff following instantly

            lm ao

              You are more likely to spew incoherible and unintelligent shit as a 2k than as a 4k player. There are statistical outliers of course but do you think that will be enough to justify your point?

              doc joferlyn simp

                Then thank god that this is a forum and not a fucking fact-check board. You can't expect anyone's opinion to be perfect, so at least better informed people can share their knowledge. People actually come here to try and improve and not just cynically stand around questioning everything they fucking see.


                  that doesn't mean their argument shud be immediately invalidated purely based on mmr u m0ngoloid
                  if it is incoherible (not a word i think ur looking for incoherent, dumbass) and unintelligent (like you, he who made up the word incoherible), then they shud be told that and then be evaluated as a moron

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                  lm ao

                    Because you don't see circlejerk-themed threads in decent forums like nadota (and decent to a lesser extent, reddit)

                    I don't care what ayy lmao people post in their thread, bc its mostly complaints about ranked matchmaking (like they can't sourgrape any further in their life) and I wouldn't care less if that dumb thread got nuked off the face of the Earth. It automatically became shit once its original purpose had been lost.


                      im flattered you mention my thread

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                        doc joferlyn simp

                          This is why it's called "general discussion" and not "perfect opinions and playstyles".

                          lm ao

                            I don't care if this forum evolves into an elitist echo-chamber.

                            The fact that this forum is originally dedicated to a single specific topic is just the only reason needed for this to be an echo chamber.

                            A smart person is someone who knows where his place is and doesn't see butting in a fluid intelligent discussion with his tryhard quips as a smart thing to do.

                            Unironic retards can go be retards somewhere else.

                            lm ao

                              God pls shut it with your 'not everybody is perfect insert sad emoji' sentiments please

                              lm ao

                                @Jon stop being so relativist lmao bad players never get to 6k or 7k anyway

                                @Road to Crippling Depression is a typical moron who thinks addressing people with ad hominems in girly flair actually makes them look smart despite failing to address any point or proposing an argument

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                                doc joferlyn simp

                                  If you want people who actually can engage in "fluid intelligent discussion" this forum would be a ywn, cutnpaste, kr group chat with us standing by like voyeurs.

                                  Kind of beats the idea of having a forum, where everyone can join in discussion with whatever high or low they can contribute, right?

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                                      lm ao

                                        Jon here you go again trying to be a white knight for the 2k players in here by trying to prove that 2ks can be right with statistical outliers.

                                        You surely know that this crit riki game was won because of factors and strategies that no normal 2k player can ever comprehend, right?

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                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                            word up

                                            lm ao

                                              You're legitimately retarded lmao stop strawmanning so hard bitch.

                                              When did the issue become x 7k player is better than y 7k player because yada yada hurr durr lmfao!!! I thought our topic is about objectivity but you bring in your subjective perspectives into the table and force feed me with it.

                                              Ffs reread your shit.


                                                wtf did i say that had "girly flair"?
                                                what I'm saying is that if ur a retard, then there is no point in calling everyone with 2k mmr out as a retard and saying they don't deserve a voice, when even u r 2k. so much concentrated dunning kruger

                                                  Éste comentario fue eliminado por un moderador

                                                    What do you expect from Dota forums though? I haven't really seen much of NaDota but it seems like it's not really oriented towards any kind of strategic discussion and I don't care enough about NA scene drama to wade through posts for occasionally useful stuff to crop up. As far as Dota forums are concerned at least this one automatically links profiles so you can immediately tell if somebody's post is worthless.

                                                    I'm not a particularly good player in the grand scheme of things, the gap between even the shittest semi-pro players and me is immense but I still think I can be at least somewhat helpful to the vast majority of players below 6k. This forum is probably under moderated a bit but at the same time if you don't want it to be an echo chamber with less than 5 useful posters you are going to have to expect some mediocre shit.


                                                      idek where this is going i feel like this moronic debate is going nowhere
                                                      fuck this shit

                                                      Potato Marshal

                                                        But even now people are still essentially building Riki as a carry. 3/4 of his abilities involve his right click, the only difference is he's starting off as a roamer with a OoV as opposed to a safelane farmer like he was back when his invisibility was his ultimate.

                                                        lm ao

                                                          You are a literal spastic lmfao whose as hot and cold as a teenage girl on her red days, at first suggesting that we have some meritocracy and moderation on this forum, but then I continue on with my ideas and suddenly WOA WTF I HATE MODERATION NOW hahahahahaha


                                                            really makes you think :thinking:


                                                              ^u don't define a carry by the items he purchases, od buys forcestaff and cm can buy forcestaff, and one is a carry and the other a support.
                                                              mk buys echo and basher and he is a support, sven buys echo and ursa buys basher and they are carries.
                                                              at the end of the day riki may buy diffusal blade and shit but he plays like a support, roaming and ganking early to try to pressure other lanes.
                                                              also riki may have 3/4 skills be right clicking associated, but u pick riki almost exclusively for smoke screen. riki and puck is the most underrated yet brutal combo ever.

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                                                                  typical moron who thinks addressing people with ad hominems

                                                                  Fair enough i did call you names
                                                                  You are a literal spastic lmfao whose as hot and cold as a teenage girl on her red days

                                                                  But then don't expect people to ignore it when you do the same
                                                                  fucking hypocritical shit head

                                                                  lm ao

                                                                    >dunning kruger
                                                                    When is this about my skill? Keep up the good job putting irrelevant things in my mouth.

                                                                    I don't have to be 7k to realize how shitty a forum works.

                                                                    Do you see me post often? No, because I know where to place myself in conversations, unlike 2k pinoy players with broken english who have no idea what they are talking about and only contribute to thread filler.

                                                                    Fyi I lurk most of the time here. I was here when the forums were still good, the beta wasnt free yet and smurfing wasnt still a thing.


                                                                      the staff really doesn't care about this forum, it's been a year we've requested all of those features like other subforums, messages, notifications, mentions, more moderators etc.

                                                                      it's just not gonna happen.

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                                                                      lm ao

                                                                        @Road to Crippling Depression shut u p trying to be a hero

                                                                        You have to work harder than that to get pats from everyone


                                                                          Just cuz u apply ur own philosophy of thinking 2k's shudnt speak (idek if thats ur argument cuz its so INCOHERENT but thats what i got from it) doesnt make the idea right.

                                                                            Éste comentario fue eliminado por un moderador

                                                                              I hope everyone reads this thread and this forum will become somehow better


                                                                                Actual lmao, this fucking dumbass has no response so he says

                                                                                You have to work harder than that to get pats from everyone
                                                                                Holy shit lmao


                                                                                  u claim to know ur place in conversations, yet based on ur logic, u being 2k mmr after playing this game for years should immediately disqualify you from discussing anything relating to improving or having constructive dota-related discussions seeing as most if not all of what you say regarding this topic will be incorrect and most if not all of what i say should be taken as fact


                                                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                    Been here for years and we're at equal skill. If things are like that then the point of a forum completely eluded you, went over your head, and flew to Mars or something.

                                                                                    Potato Marshal

                                                                                      But why wouldn't Riki be a viable carry? He benefits so much from agility items. There's no reason why he can't farm safelane and carry a game if he gets items like butterfly and abyssal. OD is unique in that he's an int carry and that he already does a ton of damage already. Monkey King I feel that people are still experimenting a bit on builds, but the reason why he's at 43% winrate because they spend too much time roaming well into mid-game instead of transitioning into a semi-carry.


                                                                                        ^ur dead wrong abt mk he has a low winrate cuz he is deceptively difficult to play.
                                                                                        Riki can be played as a carry he just has to snowball. He is usually by pros tho played as a pos 4 support. He just doesnt scale as well with agi as he used to.


                                                                                          Fine even drow and sniper build force staff. Or to use another example, spectre buys urn and so do roamers like sb and pudge but spectre is a hard carry and pudge and sb r not.

                                                                                          lm ao

                                                                                            @Cookies we just might not now. After I've given this proposition maybe Lawliepop might just make a compromise (at least) for you 5k+ guys and your sentiments towards this forum's way of running

                                                                                            @Jon this is why I lurk most of the time

                                                                                            I once used to shitpost in this account around 2015. In fact this is my exclusive shitflinging account.

                                                                                            Can you stop making this discussion into something else when all I did was to propose a meritocratic solution to improve this forum's quality?

                                                                                            @all other else stop whiteknighting all of you physically disgust me

                                                                                            Potato Marshal

                                                                                              Since when were carries not allowed to build urns? An urn is cheap enough, and an early enough of an item to be viable for any roles. Drow and sniper only build force so they can finish their hurricane pike, and most of the times they'll get the dragon lance before the force.


                                                                                                Nob ur actually so brain dead its repulsive.

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                                                                                                  I know those things, the point is dont judge what position a hero is by purchasing traditionally carry items or traditionally supporty items. You can buy weird items on heroes who dont traditionally build said items and it doesnt HAVE TO change their role.

                                                                                                  lm ao

                                                                                                    Road to Crippling Depression guy you actually think you sound smart trying to be the tuff big brotha hahahaha kudos for outdoing Jon in proposing relevant arguments btw hahahaha

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                                                                                                    Potato Marshal

                                                                                                      But any hero with right click potential can be a viable carry. It may not be optimal or even good, but it's possible. It's why people sometimes go carry Venge as terrible as it is.