General Discussion

General DiscussionLane equilibrium

Lane equilibrium in General Discussion

    How do you become aware if the lane equilibrium are about to go wrong soon? I mean something like knowing if your creep are about to go to enemy tower soon or know it in forward if you are trying too hard to maintain lane equilibrium that you end up unconsciously pulled it towards your tower?


      Common sense?...i guess


        Experience and hit calculation?

        死の恐怖 Haseo

          range creep


            your lane pushes

            you have 2 ranged creeps
            you have 1 ranged creep and enemy ranged creep dead
            you have more creeps
            you autoattack creeps
            you dont deny/attack your own creeps
            your support nukes waves
            you never pull
            you have an aquila active
            you are wk and your auta is active
            venge passive and lina passive and so on

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              if u have 2 ranged creeps its gg. just fucking end.


                any other scenario can be saved relatively easily. but god forbid 2 ranged creeps/


                  when the enemy pulls 3 of your melee creeps to his ranged creep.
                  and u dont do anything about that, its gg too. call afk and end

                  Dire Wolf

                    you're lane shouldn't push if you actively deny your creeps at 50%. It gets fucked up cus supports don't know what they are doing.


                      Ranged creeps are the easiest way to tell

                      If you have more ranged creeps then they do the lane will push to their tower 99% of the time

                      And so on and so forth


                        you keep doing my 80/40 challenge till you can do it without thinking.


                          sometimes my supp gets tired of pulling and comes to the lane around 5 mins and goes "let's push towers" and starts autoing the ranged creep.

                          That's another instance where the equilibrium is gone, so's your farm potential. These are good games to try dagon 5.


                            I hate to say this but just do the 80/40 cuki challenge and figure it out your own.


                              Seriously tho, calculations and instinct.

                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                To deal with 2 ranged creeps, aggro the enemy creeps by right-clicking ANY enemy hero across the map. Then pull the enemy melee creeps near your ranged creeps and start hitting your ranged creeps as soon as their HP drops below 50%.

                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                  enemy offlaner can just do the same though



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                                    Dire Wolf

                                      That's why supports job is to zone out enemy offlaner with carry help. That should be the focus to winning lane more than pulling. Pulling is to pull it back when it goes out of whack, not so selfish supports can get some extra xp gold, make me cs under tower and then push the lane way out.