General Discussion

General DiscussionSay something insightful about the previous comment's owner's perform...

Say something insightful about the previous comment's owner's performance in the last match. in General Discussion

    ^ pretty much

    casual gamer

      everyone but venge fed, and their skill and item builds were all shit

      you almost carried with venoseeker, but it wasnt enough


        your team only have 1 support and also had a carry venge. You did good though and I liked your windranger build. (dont know why your venge played carry and not support)


          What can I say.. You completely wrecked the opposing team. Not really sure why you guys didn't end any faster than you did since you all were at least 7 levels ahead of them.


            Manta seems like a decent counter to SB and Storm but Idk if the ShadowBlade was worth it since they have a Bounty on their team, maybe you could've gone for a bkb instead

            Bad Intentions

              good pickups on doom, very expensive items i might add. not sure y u guys lost, but u did your best item wise. play again! that was 1 week ago omg :O


                Good job kill the enemy teams! But pls, the Huskar spam is off the chart :3


                  @Bad Intentions Well our Naga got Octarine Core at 40 min and then got Radiance at 60 min so yeah...
                  I'm in India right now and there's crappy internet over here so won't be playing for a couple of weeks :(


                    1h++ match, seems intense , throwed the game (seeing from the graph net)

                    Bad Intentions

                      monster qop game, you did everything and was everywhere in that game. keep it up.


                        I no get insightful post :(((


                          Well you played a custom game and the other guy quit.


                            bbbutttt But I played after he postedddd :(((

                            Óðinn H

                              Fuckin raped that 1v1 1min 420 yoloswag MLG 360 no Scope dog. That was one one sided one o o ending right there yo


                                Nice U SEE, IM SOOO GUFFDDDDD my blind no scope MLG 360 hook was socoolll
                                On topic : just what i expected of EE's brother from another mother. U RAPE them.


                                  You did good as storm spirit but it seems that your team fed and you guys lost, you should also try to not die so often on storm spirit, be more careful

                                  Dread Pirate Cat

                                    Not much to say, you abandoned -- no network issues -- on a winning team, who then went on to win without you. Avoid raging?

                                    Este comentario fue editado
                                    Hello Darkness, My Old Fr...

                                      Hmm, what to say. You rocked Lina and crushed your opponents. Also you took part in a lot of fight and created a lot space for medusa. Good Work

                                      Este comentario fue editado
                                      Bad Intentions

                                        you got that blink dagger, but it seems u lost ur lane to qop, understandable, maybe try to switch lanes next time?


                                          Nice roaming Huskar, the enemy had nearly nothing to counter it.


                                            A tyyy

                                            beigel world

                                              Carried your team to victory as a terrorblade, with a neat Heavens Halberd pickup which I guess you made after dismantling SnY.
                                              It allowed you to burst weavers linkens as well as force out BKBs in fights from their cores.
                                              Your last hits were on point, about 7 per min. Since you didn't go for a radiance build thats pretty damn good.
                                              You had around 3k more damage on towers than the next closest hero (dragon knight), although that is kinda to be expected on a TB. :P
                                              All in all a solid performance, winning your team the game.

                                              Edit: Fuck someone posted a comment after him

                                              Este comentario fue editado

                                                You got carried hard by omni and ember. 100 creeps 30 minutes? nope.jpg

                                                Not Russian

                                                  Gj carying with AM


                                                    Solid item build IMO although I'm a blink dagger fan. Stomps are always welcome


                                                      wow what a stomp ez rekt. looks like your qop and gyro carried that hard, although you had space to farm and made good use of it :) also good tower dmg as to be expected from drow rngr

                                                      Este comentario fue editado
                                                      Bad Intentions

                                                        Excellent necro game. Good items but dat octarine is a killer. Overall good job in winning that long game.


                                                          a pretty good game except you should try to farm and last hit more, and not die as much


                                                            Ember was intentionally ruining it seems.
                                                            Also the creepscores on every player are so low :O


                                                              Uhhhh you completely dumpstered them.

                                                              Bad Intentions

                                                                Timely slams, good positioning, helped that ursa really well, overall a good team contributor.


                                                                  First, how can you live with yourself spamming huskar like that. And for your last game you played almost perfectly, just looking at the scoreboard, i can tell you didnt waste time farming nd shut down the ennemy hero exactly what you need to do. Didn't waste money on bkb, went basher and prob for abyssal to lock down am if the game went on further. Good job, keep up the good work

                                                                  Lovin McHappyface

                                                                    Techies built 5 minute divine rapier and lost it to dire.


                                                                      Good hero damage. I have trouble wrapping my head around how a team with high mobility could actually let a Bristleback dish out nearly 500 hero damage/min but I guess that's High Skill for you.


                                                                        Wow looks like an insane Game with 74 deaths on the own team but still winning. Maybe because of the abandon ?
                                                                        Good hero dmg in comparison to other teammates, seems like you done a good initiation job. Skill build is somehow crazy

                                                                        Bad Intentions

                                                                          monster undying game man, even got monster items, very nice. that lotus orb is a killer, always buy that man, overall good job.


                                                                            8/15 as huskar :( i think you mainly won because of lycan

                                                                            Night 夜

                                                                              look. I'm pretty sure you guys got stomped. That XP Graph, holy shit. Didn't swing your way even once.

                                                                              Btw: "Chen commits suicide with auto attack. lost 120, gave 149, Dead for 19." what the fuck.

                                                                              casual gamer

                                                                                Long game, you ended up 6 slotted and did ridiculous damage with ur hero. I would've gone ethereal + Euls instead of sheep + heart but whatever works I guess

                                                                                Did bs build the rapier or was it from gyro?


                                                                                  Empower at lvl 8 might be better versus at lvl 4. Did well to transit to support to silencer since you can't really dish out damage with that opposing line-up.


                                                                                    nc gank everybody


                                                                                      TOP DARK SEER IN DA WORLD XD


                                                                                        my last match sir ~.~
                                                                                        build ES as nuker T_T
                                                                                        well its work
                                                                                        thought they didnt buy pipe


                                                                                          Great job being picking a support with 4 cores. We need more of you.
                                                                                          You were also present in almost half of the kills. >Nice.

                                                                                          I am ANGRY sikh

                                                                                            5 cores team vs 5 cores team holy shite
                                                                                            also coming back from -12,9k xp must've felt pretty damn good

                                                                                            Bad Intentions

                                                                                              Impressive ursa game againsts ursa counters man. Really timely slams and enrages. Secured most rosh, which is crucial btw for ursa. Overall good job of beating the odds man.

                                                                                              Mac_Lilypad [NL]

                                                                                                want to commend something but i am a 2k scrub so i dont have much helpfull tips. but you won, so good job

                                                                                                Hello Darkness, My Old Fr...

                                                                                                  Ability Draft ? No that much to say about it, but looks like your build worked

                                                                                                  Gawr Gura

                                                                                                    Ah the glass cannon clinkz. I always sacrifice a slot for a dagger. it really goes a long way in survivability with detection in the picture

                                                                                                    Bad Intentions

                                                                                                      effective qop game, good job in getting sheep, good mid, good ganks, overall good job.