General Discussion

General DiscussionSay something insightful about the previous comment's owner's perform...

Say something insightful about the previous comment's owner's performance in the last match. in General Discussion

    30 denies? Holy crap on a crutch, very well done!

    Bad Intentions

      Good game impact as bane, good item choices, overall really helped the team to secure the win.

      黑鬼 [我不好]

        You utterly smashed the opposition with Ursa and finally ended the game with a score that makes VHS look like normal skill. Good job.

        Bluey's Hot Mum

          Did well considering your team has absolutely no right click damage at all.

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              easy game , you all were kindof supporting TA

              ED WUNCLER

                ^ dont listen 3500 game played normal skill. enough said.

                黑鬼 [我不好]

                  You had a hard time with techies and ended up dying way more than you should've.

                  ED WUNCLER

                    Must..MUST.. NOT .. TYPE...ARGGG

                    ED WUNCLER

                      next person to judge is ZHANG WEI ^


                        zhang... Looks like you stomped\early abaondon on the enemy team..

                        About wisp, consider over charge at 3 to control the tether unit life\mana more easily then just their mana

                          Éste comentario fue eliminado por un moderador
                          [F]unky Panda

                            Awesome techies. Pity didn't win though

                              Éste comentario fue eliminado por un moderador
                              [F]unky Panda

                                Speed of light. :)


                                  but i had octarine as well ;-;


                                    0-3, but good performance? I love you though, keep up the supporting.

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                                        im fuckin smart uve got nothing on me


                                          SPHERE AND BOX


                                            You obviously got no help from your team. Wash match. Don't let matches like this make you quit, keep playing.

                                            I do question your Dagon pick with Riki. Should be Diffusion Blade.


                                              Well that was a feedfest. Not too surprising, considering you and your teammates wanted to make themselves squishier.

                                              casual gamer

                                                looks like you had a crushing lead for almost all of the game and just couldnt seal the deal

                                                if only you had those squishy rax down instead of the t4s!

                                                黑鬼 [我不好]

                                                  You attempted to carry, but everyone else on your team decided to fuck off. Oh well, at least you tried.


                                                    I HOPE YOU LIKE NOT HAVING TOWERS
                                                    you kept your idiots alive and pushed like a madman


                                                      I'm not that insightful about the dotes but your last game seems like evidence that new PL is still one of the hardest carrys (at least against some lineups)

                                                      Bad Intentions

                                                        yo pap, damn man youre currently tilting, whats going on? so far youre doing your best but it seems its not that good enuf man, break the tilt man!

                                                        casual gamer

                                                          looks like a pretty easy win with abandons, you didnt have the greatest time with techies but ur team made them ragequit somehow :D


                                                            Nice stomp, but consider a bfly or AC instead of a second daed

                                                            黑鬼 [我不好]

                                                              Seems like you all had a close match. Not exactly sure what went wrong. Me thinks Lion may have done poorly.


                                                                Did great considering those heroes can render you perma stunned ( or atleast until you die ) even with the help of your first skill.

                                                                Este comentario fue editado

                                                                  ^ Fucking stomp magnus farmed well octarine refresher hex? ggwp


                                                                    67% winstreak with shaker! record 16! winstreak in a row.
                                                                    RLY NICE. you play too much cores which is not bad but I dont like that kind of ppl. abusing the patch :)


                                                                      ^ Nice shaker match . I am sure u must have abused CK . Good no of assists too ,
                                                                      Must have played like nuker supp... Oh and the graph of Xp says that match must have been interesting


                                                                        Bloodstone is objectively speaking bad item on Techies.

                                                                        Looks like they underestimated your mines and got decimated as a result.


                                                                          GET GUD GET SPHEREBOX


                                                                            NEEDS MORE, GET GUD GET SPHEREBOX

                                                                            L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                                                                              WP, team dominated them


                                                                                too little farm, too little hero damage looking at the enemy heroes, but decent tower damage that won the game i guess

                                                                                L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                                                                                  (skip me)4 at bot, and techies refused to detonate mines, unless there were 3 people or more (he missed 3 double kills) so I was like fuck this game ill just push or afk xD



                                                                                    Good positioning, able to damage / kill multiple heroes with Sonic Wave. Look's like Rubick doing poorly in that last game which in turn stalling the game.

                                                                                    Bad Intentions

                                                                                      yo girl minerva, mann tough loss, u got ur sup items tho and good game impact, i think if dk did not left u guys might have won it.


                                                                                        their entire team consists of game ruiners
                                                                                        so free win for u and your team
                                                                                        so good job
                                                                                        u can build any item and win vs them
                                                                                        zues did so much work tho

                                                                                        Mac_Lilypad [NL]

                                                                                          Really interesseting item build i should say


                                                                                            Oh my gush, practically 4 vs 5 gaming with useless Mirana. Next time try to do something more then spaming arrows. Sry. I just love Mirana and don't like when someone plays like wtf with her.


                                                                                              Hard game , every teamfight is a lost during mid game and owned hard and what the fuck dagon sf


                                                                                                Very close game. The last teamfight is really important for both team.
                                                                                                I hope next time you have a better initiator

                                                                                                Este comentario fue editado

                                                                                                  well that game was pretty much meeponage, not much to be said about that. your guys' picks were just way better.
                                                                                                  seems like you were very involved and managed not to die, good job.


                                                                                                    ^ well you raped them all. i guess none of them bothered to counter you. Their techies sucked and u got better of them in all phases