General Discussion

General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion

    too ez

    nice try joe

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      Edit: find for your gif u cuck

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      doc joferlyn simp

        when i reach 3k with pa echo sabre i demand an audience with jacked, and a right to duel

        1v1 me nub come on

        doc joferlyn simp

          yeah go look for a gif renshin


            Haffy VS Jacked seemgood


              He'll never be 3k.


                Haffy i climbed from 2.8 to 3.1 in 1 month you can do it if you believe

                doc joferlyn simp

                  He'll never be 3k.

                  this page is fucking bookmarked now boys


                    Motivated af


                      He'll never be 3k.

                      doc joferlyn simp

                        bookmarked and set as desktop screen saver

                        i have the motivation as strong as the heat from a thousand suns,

                        doc joferlyn simp

                          i just realized renshin is close to being a blue star

                          cheers lmao


                            Im soo pumped to play tomorrow, just like tiplesteal- , I will climb to 5k using timbersaw
                            glhf to you too haffy, hope that you prove jacked wrong and make bryant the sea benao or alice


                              im feed on this macth , but i do my best for my carries ! i stock on ancient and buy a lot of wards ! and i got VHS! just be your self dude ! try and try !


                                I have adapted to 3k faster than Haffy could reach it

                                doc joferlyn simp

                                  lmao thanks, ill show that 1k mmr overlord

                                  i dont want any of us to stay the SEA Benao, i just dont want to be the unfortunate soul who has held the title


                                    Ecks dee more motivation for haffy

                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                      ah fuck bws dominating in 3k, fml


                                        Really though is there any1 I can race?

                                        doc joferlyn simp

                                          race jacked and daddy to 2k


                                            Its getting really repetitive now , win some lose a lot tilt and repeat


                                              ^which is why, if I win 1 game in solo, ill stop there. then play again next day.
                                              this methods is legit

                                              doc joferlyn simp

                                                Its getting really repetitive now , win some lose a lot tilt and repeat win some more until 3k


                                                  It won't last haffy
                                                  Red days will follow green days

                                                  doc joferlyn simp


                                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                                      I shall try and spam PA and pray to RNGesus before every game, things should work out.


                                                        Seems like I'm not as horrible as support as I think
                                                        Ayy been doing sick roams and rotations for awhile


                                                          If you want true RNJesus hero go pick void

                                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                                            @Renshin Sad I learned that method from Lex, in a month if you win at least 1 ranked game everyday your MMR will rise by 1350. Unfortunately I'm too behind in the race to start considering it, I will have to play 4 games a day and hope for the best.


                                                              Ayy 4 supports in MMR there is a hope carry players

                                                              doc joferlyn simp

                                                                Meanwhile, I've rediscovered my previously-thought lost offlane and roaming skills. The best part about being willing to become a pos 3/4 is that no one challenges your role. Even better that my carry teammates aren't as shit as they used to be and now at least a little bit dependable.


                                                                  Its fine as long as you don't easily tilt

                                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                                    Ogre Magi so strong in pubs right now it's disgusting.

                                                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                                                      Even in dogshit 2k MMR bracket all you have to do is point and click, everything is so straightforward it's like using those paper that have blue and red lines to help in writing.


                                                                        Idk what is going on in 3k man
                                                                        One game everyone plays like how 3k is supposed to be played then the next game some idiot last picked the worst possible hero in the scenario and in the same guy some immature dimwit picked jungle LC because he tilted because he didn't get mid, it's insane

                                                                        doc joferlyn simp

                                                                          Respect my right to write like Magnus, I feel more civilized this way and clean from the atrocities that I see in my bracket every game.


                                                                            Not only in pubs
                                                                            I improved drastically on roaming I don't even know how


                                                                              I shall try to cheat my way to 4k by playing support
                                                                              Antimeinstim eksdee


                                                                                if you spam omni to 4k, i will not respect you


                                                                                  No ofc, do you really think I'm that low?
                                                                                  Omni is bullshit against competent players who can just abuse his impactless early game by mad deathball and proceed to buy diffusals


                                                                                    Bounty hunter is the shit man


                                                                                      dis is it bois. I'm going in


                                                                                        Renshit will never be 5k


                                                                                          I'm just motivating you boys <3


                                                                                            Bws go back to your 2k acct and report your stomps. 3k shd have made you a better player. I'm interested in your experience


                                                                                              Renshit will never be 5k

                                                                                              D the Superior
                                                                                                Éste comentario fue eliminado por un moderador
                                                                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                                  What is your MMR Magnus? I've always assumed you were 5k from the sheer confidence in which you carry your person. Kappa.


                                                                                                    We're all scrubs anyway

