General Discussion

General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion

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    doc joferlyn simp

      Good now go look for a GIF you dog.


        Will do a game or two tomorrow on my actual account
        If it's still stuck at the same MMR that means 2k and 3k is the same shit lul

        doc joferlyn simp

          Typing like Magnus make my words sound cold and unforgiving. Just how I wanted to sound. lmao

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            You should try copying that spoderman guy


              Yo apoo you wanna use my 2k account?


                Quick question does guardian angel block cleave?


                  Nah I'll just feed

                  D the Superior
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                      It shouldnt since its pure damage


                        But what damage will you cleave if you deal 0 damage
                        Unless your main target isnt GAed


                          Diffusaling 1 person is all right but multiple target will just waste charges that's why I am asking

                          doc joferlyn simp

                            Anything you attack once GA pops is highly unlikely do not have GA themselves. Unless of course some idiot summoned a unit such as Forged Spirit/Beastmaster animals/Necronomicon warriors after GA was popped. There is also the slight chance of you playing in sub1k MMR in which people allied with Omniknight stay back, wait for GA to get casted with them not being given a buff, and then just walk in so that the Sven can hit something.

                            Outside of that though your chances are pretty slim.

                            doc joferlyn simp

                              Diffusal on Sven is sub optimal. Why not take advantage of that fact that Omniknight needs to be relatively close in order to contribute (low range spells, small radius of slow) and just jump on him before anyone else.


                                I think I screwed up my conceptions


                                  I and jacked have positive winrates with apoo


                                    I m not really asking for Sven, jugg with a bf or Pa with a bf is also a viable cleaving hero


                                      Heck even riki and void are viable BF carriers if you ask Alice Lmao

                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                        PA Battlefury in 2016 LUL. Even PA with Diffusal is suboptimal, get that Abyssal Blade instead. Riki is kinda meh, but you should look to stack Agility on him rather than gimmicky cleave which is supposed to be used to farm. FV Battlefury best shit 5/7. Jugg is great with Battlefury and Diffusal, gonna give you that.


                                          Well I don't make PA bf but I have seen it made,as for the diffusal blade i would make it if some1 makes an ethetal blade or ghost scepter or even against pugna.
                                          The void and riki bf is a joke about Alice losing hard to both of them today lul.

                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                            LOL WAT HUEHUEHUEHUE


                                              I really respect that 5k leaf guys, at least he's trying to do some good, but he really doesn't know what hes gotten himself into


                                                ^I almost tried to analyze games for other people, till i realized how much of a pain in the ass that would be
                                                but kudos to that leaf guy

                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                  Why don't you talk to him too. I've chatted with him and he seems like a cool guy. You might learn, I don't know, a bajillion things from him. lmao


                                                    It just proves how fucked up the forum. Someone comes in trying to help and gets immediately cucked


                                                      Ye I would ask for his help but I'm pretty sure I suck at basics and I may give him brain damage cause of the autism of the abyss


                                                        forum is infested with vhs bullshit and predik mmr threads

                                                        doc joferlyn simp

                                                          Something I don't understand. I don't get why high MMR players are trolling him. Shouldn't they be happy some is willing to take the shit out park?


                                                            the bluestar effect


                                                              Yep the bluestar effect, I hope you don't become like that kelly

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                                                              doc joferlyn simp

                                                                Fuck the blue star effect.


                                                                  Another quick question, how bad is it to 1st pick instalock mid?


                                                                    Cookie got the same response when he first started posting here if anyone remembers.


                                                                      I wasn't there when cookie started posting I only joined Db when the lvl 20 acc thread was made

                                                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                                                        Adarash why don't you display your MMR. See Jacked. He is 1.3k, but he doesn't care, he's (too) loud and proud and wears his MMR on his profile as if it wear a badge of honor.

                                                                        Why don't you do the same? Just for lulz


                                                                          in your bracket apoo, its not bad tbh. I have constantly picked sf mid or storm yet nobody tried to counter it
                                                                          teammates did not argue over mid too, which is surprising


                                                                            you got that right.i fucking wear it like a badge of honour. lmao


                                                                              I actually forgot to do that, I only display my matches and commends to mindfuck with ppl


                                                                                Well we all know your mmr so there's no point in hiding it. Do it for the memes


                                                                                  Lmao jacked just called cookie out kek

                                                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                    I think Jacked has 5k MMR when it comes to verbal expression and logic process. This is gonna be good.


                                                                                      lost 100 mmr this day someone save me


                                                                                        Alice the asian benao confirmed


                                                                                          Ah haffy. It's called being an adult. Lmao. You don't have to be 5k at dota to call someone out. Well I have mad respect for cookie. In case anyone is wondering. But Some stuff just has to be said.

                                                                                          Call me the defender of the common folk. I've just always felt that sometimes blue stars tend to assert their "status" a little too much. Thank god for ppl like jd and some other blue stars (can't remember name) who write good shit and are respectful. Just waiting for renshin to get his then we can start rebuilding this great forum


                                                                                            @alice, should have stop playing when you lose 2 games in a row

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                                                                                            The Medic Guy

                                                                                              anyone up for a game?


                                                                                                Noob shitfuck never play AM again and uninstall dota


                                                                                                  Sorry that was my brother


                                                                                                    Wasn't it your sister

                                                                                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                                      Can't have been, I'm with his sister atm.

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