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Win games while building every item with a cost of over 3,000 gold
Nivel 3
40 / 40 (100%)
Complete todo lo siguiente:
Sometimes gold does make people happier
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Logros más raros
You've been playing Dota since 2012
Complete todo lo siguiente:
  • Within a single match, get 2012 or less Match Year

  • Within a single match, get 2012+ Match Year

The International 2012 took place at Benaroya Hall in Seattle. iG won, taking home $1,000,000.
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Play Dota 2 before the public release on July 9, 2013
Complete todo lo siguiente:
  • Within a single match, get a match start date before Tue 2013-07-09 05:00 UTC

  • Within a single match, get a match start date after Sat 1981-10-31 03:13 UTC

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